Trump tells 7 year old Marginal to believe in Santa

You mean Santa is not real?

All those movies!

Santa on the side of Coke Products!!

Why do we celebrate his birthday on December 25th if Santa is not real!?!

I believe John Trump is just being naughty just because someone is more Popular than him...

( I am Jewish, so ya know Santa is just one of our many ways to get you to spend during this time of year, well I have been told that... )
Well I'm sure that was just great for them.
Why lie to kids when the truth is the light and the way?

Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

If your grandkids believe in Santa, believe me, your kids really don't like it that you kept belief from them. And they want different for their own kids.
Well I'm sure that was just great for them.
Why lie to kids when the truth is the light and the way?

Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

Look Krampus just because Santa is more popular than you and Trump does not mean you and Trump have to tell kiddies he ( Santa ) is not real!!!
Why lie to kids when the truth is the light and the way?

Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

If your grandkids believe in Santa, believe me, your kids really don't like it that you kept belief from them. And they want different for their own kids.
Does that improve the quality of life?
You mean Santa is not real?

All those movies!

Santa on the side of Coke Products!!

Why do we celebrate his birthday on December 25th if Santa is not real!?!

I believe John Trump is just being naughty just because someone is more Popular than him...

( I am Jewish, so ya know Santa is just one of our many ways to get you to spend during this time of year, well I have been told that... )
Then where in the hell did black Santa come from?
Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

If your grandkids believe in Santa, believe me, your kids really don't like it that you kept belief from them. And they want different for their own kids.
Does that improve the quality of life?

You might not have thought it did. Your kids disagree--those who are having their kids believe in Santa. No doubt you did it from good intentions. You probably thought it was bad to lie to your kids or something. But really, kids don't universally hate their parents for "lying" to them about Santa. They figure it out and take a lot of good memories with them, almost universally. If it weren't so, the Santa thing would never be perpetuated.
You mean Santa is not real?

All those movies!

Santa on the side of Coke Products!!

Why do we celebrate his birthday on December 25th if Santa is not real!?!

I believe John Trump is just being naughty just because someone is more Popular than him...

( I am Jewish, so ya know Santa is just one of our many ways to get you to spend during this time of year, well I have been told that... )
Then where in the hell did black Santa come from?

Ummm, you ever check the wood pile to see if that one got out and made their own Santa?
. . .
Well I'm sure that was just great for them.
Why lie to kids when the truth is the light and the way?

Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

You are a scrooge.

I believe in the spirit of Christmas and the spirit of Claus.

"How many kids and families has this program helped?

USPS Holiday News

They can believe what they want but if they ask me I told them no way..

If you grandkids believe in Santa, there is your answer.
My answer for what, brainwashing for commercialization from the industrial age?

If your grandkids believe in Santa, believe me, your kids really don't like it that you kept belief from them. And they want different for their own kids.
Does that improve the quality of life?

You might not have thought it did. Your kids disagree--those who are having their kids believe in Santa. No doubt you did it from good intentions. You probably thought it was bad to lie to your kids or something. But really, kids don't universally hate their parents for "lying" to them about Santa. They figure it out and take a lot of good memories with them, almost universally. If it weren't so, the Santa thing would never be perpetuated.
I remember never really believing in Santa. I remember just "going along" with the idea. Just to humor my parents. It made THEM happy. I always knew where my presents came from.
Merry Christmas you little brat

President Trump tells 7-year-old child it's 'marginal' to still believe in Santa Claus

President Donald Trump questioned a 7-year-old’s belief in Santa Claus, telling the child it was “marginal” at that age to still think Father Christmas is real.

"Are you still a believer in Santa?" Trump said to a child calling in to the federal government's official "Santa Tracker," run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command. "Because at 7, it's marginal, right?" Trump said.

He didn't tell him it WAS marginal to still believe in Santa, he asked if he did, because that's the age a lot of kids don't believe anymore. Look he shouldn't have said it, but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. I still laughed though.

To be honest with you, we have too many kids whose parents assert--and who say themselves--that they still believe in Santa at way, way, way too old an age. I'm talking 12 years old here. It's part of the ongoing Snowflake thing we have going on--the Age of Perpetual Childhood. When I was growing up, we would have been roundly mocked at school for believing at 12 years old, and this would have been okay.

Now everyone would be crying about "BULLYING" a 12 year old for believing in Santa, when in reality, it is appropriate peer pressure. Because there IS no more appropriate peer pressure, you have 20 year olds in college who don't know how to sew buttons or boil water.
A lot of 12 year olds in my neck of the woods "believe" in Santa because it means an extra Christmas gift. If you believe, you will not receive.
Well RW good on ya for changing the title to something closer. I think Trump was ridiculous in what he said, but it wasn't as bad as him actually telling a 7 year old there is no Santa.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Be nice if we heard the kid’s response to the question in order to know the context of the president’s response.

Kid didn't know what "marginal" meant. So he probably answered "yes" or "no". Trump still shouldn't have asked it; he was not thinking clearly. But it's not as catastrophic as the press is making it out to seem.

It once again showed a clueless Trump

A 12 year old you assume knows about Santa. But at 7 you don’t want to go there. You talk as though there is a Santa and if the kid gives you a goofy look know
But in a liberal world you would tell him if he thinks he is a girl. He is a girl. You loons have lost what little brain you have.
Yes one 34, one 32, one 25 and one 16...And no I didn't lie to my kids about Santa, Jesus or Bigfoot.

Well I'm sure that was just great for them.
Why lie to kids when the truth is the light and the way?

Misquote. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Light.

I'm not going to get between you and your kids. You ask them what they thought you not letting them believe in Santa. Oh, and watch them with their own kids. Are they letting their own kids believe? BTW, I don't trust you to necessarily tell me the truth about that.
Santa is the way , the Truth and a great way to get presents.

Jesus never got me a Red Ryder BB gun
Well RW good on ya for changing the title to something closer. I think Trump was ridiculous in what he said, but it wasn't as bad as him actually telling a 7 year old there is no Santa.

Merry Christmas everyone!
The change came from above.....maybe Santa
Merry Christmas you little brat

President Trump tells 7-year-old child it's 'marginal' to still believe in Santa Claus

President Donald Trump questioned a 7-year-old’s belief in Santa Claus, telling the child it was “marginal” at that age to still think Father Christmas is real.

"Are you still a believer in Santa?" Trump said to a child calling in to the federal government's official "Santa Tracker," run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command. "Because at 7, it's marginal, right?" Trump said.
:huh1:So you're bitching now because the president was being honest to the kid??


OP is lying in the title. Trump did not actually tell a 7 year old there is no Santa. Kid said he was 7, Trump asked "Do you still believe in Santa? Because at that age, isn't that kindof marginal?" So it was inappropriate and he was thinking aloud (but I laughed, like a 7 yr old will understand "marginal" hahahaha) but Trump DID NOT tell a little kid there is no Santa.

RW is full of crap.
Most of Trump's "lies" are, like in this case, a dishonest journalist intentionally taking what Trump says out of proper context.

First they made people hate him.
Then they started telling lies about him.
The people that hate him will believe any lie they tell about Trump simply because they want to believe it, no matter how untrue it may be.

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