Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims

Obama did not lie 115,000 times. And black unemployment:

Donald Trump Can’t Take Credit for Eight Years of Declining Black Unemployment



Thanks for fetching graphs showing the Trump economy is much better for blacks than the half-black Obama economy was.


The charts show that trump inherited declining black unemployment. And what they don't compare are the economies both men inherited.

I accept your concession.

I accept that you admit your ignorance.

Yet another mistake by you.

Nah. You're ignorant.
When Obama was President, times were tough and he didn't lift a finger to help us.

After Trump got elected, things got much better and they've stayed good.

The vast majority of Americans know this, so Trump will be easily re-elected in 2020.

The rantings of the Democrats and the media are having zero effect.
We have a pathological liar as a president.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office after lying more than ever in 2019

President Trump is trying to “undermine” facts “in order to try to gaslight the country," CNN's Jake Tapper says

President Donald Trump has lied more than ever this year as he faces impeachment, bringing the total number of false and misleading claims he has made in office to more than 15,000, according to The Washington Post’s fact-checkers.

Trump developed a penchant for making blatantly false statements as a candidate and quickly piled up nearly 2,000 false or misleading claims in his first year in office, according to The Post. He annihilated that mark in 2018 with 5,689 false or misleading statements in 2018. Facing an impeachment in the House of Representatives and derision and mockery abroad, Trump has already made 7,725 false or misleading statements so far in 2019, bringing his grand total to 15,413 during 1,055 days in office.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office: report

And he's going to be your prez till 2024!

If trump is re elected, I am going to laugh at you because of what will happen.

Yeah, the country will continue to prosper and you will continue to whine like the bitch you are.

OK, if that's what you want to believe.

It's what will happen. You know it, and I know it.

OK, if that's what you want to believe.
We have a pathological liar as a president.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office after lying more than ever in 2019

President Trump is trying to “undermine” facts “in order to try to gaslight the country," CNN's Jake Tapper says

President Donald Trump has lied more than ever this year as he faces impeachment, bringing the total number of false and misleading claims he has made in office to more than 15,000, according to The Washington Post’s fact-checkers.

Trump developed a penchant for making blatantly false statements as a candidate and quickly piled up nearly 2,000 false or misleading claims in his first year in office, according to The Post. He annihilated that mark in 2018 with 5,689 false or misleading statements in 2018. Facing an impeachment in the House of Representatives and derision and mockery abroad, Trump has already made 7,725 false or misleading statements so far in 2019, bringing his grand total to 15,413 during 1,055 days in office.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office: report

Don't care. He can whisper sweet nothings in my ear and tell me he loves me dearly, for all I care.

My 10,000-point market gain since election day 2016 means more to me than anything you have to say, Cletus. So go butt a rubber stump.

10-4 that!
While Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the rest of the Dimms are circle-jerking each other trying to oust Trump; Voila!, Trump gets Phase I of the China deal done!

DemocRats are such losers who want our whole Country to lose in their revenge coups grab to re-take power!
When Obama was President, times were tough and he didn't lift a finger to help us.

After Trump got elected, things got much better and they've stayed good.

The vast majority of Americans know this, so Trump will be easily re-elected in 2020.

The rantings of the Democrats and the media are having zero effect.

You have lied.

My, my, my, the cult members are triggered tonight.
That’s nothing. Ears lied 115,000 times.

...and black unemployment rate lowest EVER!
Obama did not lie 115,000 times. And black unemployment:

Donald Trump Can’t Take Credit for Eight Years of Declining Black Unemployment



Yep. Obama created so many entry level minimum wage jobs just to get those numbers up. The difference is Trumps jobs pay real money. He designed it that way. Obama didn't think ahead as well. Somehow, though, Obama entered the WH broke. When he left he had $10 million. He didn't take his own jobs he gave to everybody else like he was passing out. Oh, my goodness, it's getting dark, and I have one more quilt to finish tonight. Y'all get hummin' and work on those carols and think positive.
We have a pathological liar as a president.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office after lying more than ever in 2019

President Trump is trying to “undermine” facts “in order to try to gaslight the country," CNN's Jake Tapper says

President Donald Trump has lied more than ever this year as he faces impeachment, bringing the total number of false and misleading claims he has made in office to more than 15,000, according to The Washington Post’s fact-checkers.

Trump developed a penchant for making blatantly false statements as a candidate and quickly piled up nearly 2,000 false or misleading claims in his first year in office, according to The Post. He annihilated that mark in 2018 with 5,689 false or misleading statements in 2018. Facing an impeachment in the House of Representatives and derision and mockery abroad, Trump has already made 7,725 false or misleading statements so far in 2019, bringing his grand total to 15,413 during 1,055 days in office.

Trump surpasses 15,000 false and misleading claims in office: report

He'd still have to go into overtime to catch your record.
Thanks for fetching graphs showing the Trump economy is much better for blacks than the half-black Obama economy was.

The charts show that trump inherited declining black unemployment. And what they don't compare are the economies both men inherited.
I accept your concession.

I accept that you admit your ignorance.
Yet another mistake by you.
Nah. You're ignorant.

Now that is ironic.
My, my, my, the cult members are triggered tonight.

You be the onliest one who be triggered, Rufus. Ebbybody else done be laughin' at ya.

Well, what can expect from someone who's screen name is IM2 as in "I am 2", which really is probably an insult to most 2-year-olds.

Now if we change the 2 to stupid....well that works.
We know Trump exaggerates the truth. We also know he lies sometimes. As if any democrat doesn't, especially their "leaders". We like Trump because of his blunt honesty and upside, he has the brains and balls to get things done.

We know the left exaggerates a lie. Comes with the territory, they're snowflakes. We also know democrats lie, and lie about lies too. That comes with the territory too, shared left narratives are all bullshit.

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