Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.

Donald Trump says he is still interested in repealing the Affordable Care Act, which means health care for tens of millions of people would be in jeopardy if he becomes president again next year.

Trump said Saturday on his website Truth Social that he was “looking at alternatives” to the 2010 health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” which has reduced the number of Americans without health insurance to historic lows and established basic guarantees of coverage for all Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The vow echoes promises that Trump made as a first-time candidate and as president, when he and Republican leaders in Congress made repeal a top legislative priority.

That effort failed. It also proved spectacularly unpopular, fueling a backlash that eventually helped Democrats win back the House, the Senate and the White House. President Joe Biden, long a vocal supporter of the ACA, has since worked with Democrats to bolster the law.

Much more that the link below...

Trump Still Seems Set On Repealing A Law That Most Americans Like

Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has helped many Americans. In other words, the ACA hasn’t fixed American health care, but it’s helped a lot of people. What do you think?
BO care needs to be off the books. Here is one alternative.
And Jbrownson0831 thinks he doesn't get any hand outs from the Feds? How stupid can one be?
We all get benefit of some things, but you wackos want ALL things handed to you.
Right jimboliar?
Healthcare is not a right, you have to work to afford it and take care of your family. I am certainly not responsible for your ilk.
And you Dimtards should take responsibility for yourselves and work like the rest of us, and support your own families with food and shelter and healthcare.....instead of eexpecting us to do it for you.
What a bunch of crap. If you don't like your job, get another one. If you have no skills, get some training.
Take care of yourselves.

Thank you for putting your complete economic ignorance on display for the rest of us to see how gullible and stupid you truly are.

Wages for the wealthy and top management are now more than 200 times that of their lowest paid workers. In contrast, in Germany, the largest wage gap is 70 times more than their lowest paid workers. The USA has the largest wage gap in the first world - and also the HIGHEST LEVELS OF WORKER POVERTY.

Low wage workers have only seen 9 increases in the federal minimum wage since Reagan was elected. Instead of raising wages, Republicans raise "earned income credits", which is essentially a wage subsidy to some of the most profitable companies in America. Not only does this shift the burden of income support from employers to the working and middle class taxpayers, it increases the size and reach of the federal government for no good reason, and administration of the EIC program, means that every dollar workers receive costs taxpayers $1.50 by the time you add in the costs of reviewing and approving application, and collecting and issuing the payment monies.

Instead of providing retraining to displaced workerx, the federal government just encouraged their bosses to offshore their jobs, and left the workers hanging. They turned to alcohol, drugs and crime, just like the poor people in the "shithole cities" do when they have no jobs or prospects. But you blame the workers.

Tuition has gone up to 10 times what it was when I went to school. So has housing. The total purchase price on our first house was less than the amount you'd need for a downpayment to buy it today. What didn't increase by 10 times during that same time frame, was my wages. My salary when I retired was 4 times what I was making in the 70's, but I know a lot of people who were making the same money in 2010, that they were making in 1990.

But like all right wingers, instead of blaming the Reagan government for a system which rewards wealth and improvishes workers, you blame the workers for this situation, thus proving how gullible and stupid you really are.

Your current economic model which sees 80% of all wealth flow to the top 10% of Americans, is unsustainable. Biden's tax cuts to working Americans have demonstrated in spades just how much pent up demand working American have, but most can't afford to feed or house their families without government assistance.

When 60% of your population cannot pay for a $500 emergency, that's not laziness or sloth, that's an economic system which is destroying the working and middle class, and that's being done on purpose.

And fools like you cheer the destruction of the American people to further enrich Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.
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Thank you for putting your complete economic ignorance on display for the rest of us to see how gullible and stupid you truly are.

Wages for the wealthy and top management are now more than 200 timess that of their lowest paid workers. In contrast, in Germany, the largest wage gap is 70 timed more than their lowest paid workers. The USA has the largest wage gap in the first world - and also the HIGHEST LEVELS OF WORKER POVERTY.

Low wage workers have only seen 9 increases in the federal minimum wage since Reagan was elected. Instead of raising wages, Republicans raise "earned income credits", which is essentially a wage subsidy to some of the most profitable companies in America. Not only does this shift the burden of income to support to the working and middle class taxpayers, it increases the size and reach of the federal government for no good reason, and administration of the EIC program, means that every dollar workers receive costs taxpayers $1.50 by the time you add in the costs of reviewing and approving application, and collecting and issuing the payment monies.

Instead of providing retraining to displaced workerx, the federal government just encouraged their bosses to offshore their jobs, and left the workers hanging. They turned to alcohol, drugs and crime, just like the poor people in the "shithole cities" do when they have no jobs or prospects. But you blame the workers.

Tuition has gone up to 10 times what it was when I went to school. So has housing. The total purchase price on our first house was less than the amount you'd need for a downpayment to buy it today. What didn't increase by 10 times during that same time frame, was my wages. My salary when I retired was 4 times what I was making in the 70's, but I know a lot of people who were making the same money in 2010, that they were making in 1990.

But like all right wingers, instead of blaming the Reagan government for a system which rewards wealth and improvishes workers, you blame the workers for this situation, thus proving how gullible and stupid you really are.

Your current economic model which sees 80% of all wealth flow to the top 10% of Americans, is unsustainable. Biden's tax cuts to working Americans have demonstrated in spades just how much pent up demand working American have, but most can't afford to feed or house their families without government assistance.

When 60% of your population cannot pay for a $500 emergency, that's not laziness or sloth, that's an economic system which is destroying the working and middle class, and that's being done on purpose.

And fools like you cheer the destruction of the American people to further enrich Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

Biden promised over and over to make the rich pay their fair share. So far, nothing.
Obummer care is a disaster

Hard working people paying for deadbeats
We all get benefit of some things, but you wackos want ALL things handed to you.
Right jimboliar?
Healthcare is not a right, you have to work to afford it and take care of your family. I am certainly not responsible for your ilk.

No they don't. They's just like the same things that the wealthy accord for themselves - health care, vacations, family leave, and a fair share of the wealth THEY create.

Heath care IS a right. Your health care system is unaffordable. If you get cancer, your insurance has caps, and copays, and you'll be bankrupted by it. 1/3 of all US bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

I spent $90 on copays for my prescription drugs after my knee replacement last year. I was in hospital for two week for recovery and rehab, and I had physio for 2 months after surgery, and I paid $90 out of pocket.

Now I'm back to my old self, working at my business, volunteering in the community, and enjoying life. Without my knee, I'd be sitting in a chair, knitting all day.

So you want all of the benefits of living in a first world country, without any of the responsibilities of being part of a community. You got yours and fuck the rest of us. It doesn't work that way.

If you want to be responsible for no one but YOU, I suggest your go live on an island, because you're usual all kinds of government services YOU didn't pay for, starting with your public school education, the public roads you drive on, the police who protect your private property
Biden promised over and over to make the rich pay their fair share. So far, nothing.

Not true. He has levied taxes to pay for his infrastructure programs and other programs, but the first step in economic recovery had to get PEOPLE good paying jobs, and the nation working on rebuilding infrastructure - which was the first casualty Republican economic policy.

Republican reliance on the private sector has utterly failure your nation, because corporations are now more concerned about paying dividends to investors, than in providing upgrades services to captive customers. You can't change electrical companies like you can phone companies, but investors can sell their stock if returns are too low.

Your electrical grid is old, inefficient, and failing. Companies are more concerned with paying dividends than in maintaining capital equipment, so there's been no growth or upgrades in generations. See causes of California wild fires. Texas power grid failures.

Wash rinse and repeat for water treatment plants. WIFI, and other essential services. The USA is losing foreign investment, especially in the midWest, because of lack of WIFI nationwide.

The rest of the first world is pulling ahead of the USA because you're literally going backs and becoming unstable because of 40 years of Republican tax and labour laws have destroyed your infrastructure, and impoverished everyone except the top 10% of wealthy Americans.
Medicare is not free...and it can incur some pretty steep costs despite the coverage so I'm not sure what you mean. Unless your on by one of those ultra expensive, high deductible O-care orchestrated plans.
I have both Medicare and Idaho state care. Still I pay $30 per visit. I am not upset over this.
No he hasn't.

Please note the quoted bit below: "is funded by $132 billion in new tax provisions". Sadly the notions that the bill is "fully paid for" has been debunked.

PWBM also released its updated analysis of the bill. It found that the $548 billion in new spending “is funded by $132 billion in new tax provisions and $351 billion in new deficits.” Unlike the analysis of the June bill, this PWBM analysis says government debt would increase both in the first decade (by 1.3%) and by 2050 (by 0.6%). Workers’ wages and gross domestic product wouldn’t change.
No they don't. They's just like the same things that the wealthy accord for themselves - health care, vacations, family leave, and a fair share of the wealth THEY create.

Heath care IS a right. Your health care system is unaffordable. If you get cancer, your insurance has caps, and copays, and you'll be bankrupted by it. 1/3 of all US bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

I spent $90 on copays for my prescription drugs after my knee replacement last year. I was in hospital for two week for recovery and rehab, and I had physio for 2 months after surgery, and I paid $90 out of pocket.

Now I'm back to my old self, working at my business, volunteering in the community, and enjoying life. Without my knee, I'd be sitting in a chair, knitting all day.

So you want all of the benefits of living in a first world country, without any of the responsibilities of being part of a community. You got yours and fuck the rest of us. It doesn't work that way.

If you want to be responsible for no one but YOU, I suggest your go live on an island, because you're usual all kinds of government services YOU didn't pay for, starting with your public school education, the public roads you drive on, the police who protect your private property

Not true. He has levied taxes to pay for his infrastructure programs and other programs, but the first step in economic recovery had to get PEOPLE good paying jobs, and the nation working on rebuilding infrastructure - which was the first casualty Republican economic policy.

Republican reliance on the private sector has utterly failure your nation, because corporations are now more concerned about paying dividends to investors, than in providing upgrades services to captive customers. You can't change electrical companies like you can phone companies, but investors can sell their stock if returns are too low.

Your electrical grid is old, inefficient, and failing. Companies are more concerned with paying dividends than in maintaining capital equipment, so there's been no growth or upgrades in generations. See causes of California wild fires. Texas power grid failures.

Wash rinse and repeat for water treatment plants. WIFI, and other essential services. The USA is losing foreign investment, especially in the midWest, because of lack of WIFI nationwide.

The rest of the first world is pulling ahead of the USA because you're literally going backs and becoming unstable because of 40 years of Republican tax and labour laws have destroyed your infrastructure, and impoverished everyone except the top 10% of wealthy Americans.
So why are you happy with Biden? What republican tax and labor laws can you mean?
You pointed out so many failures and Biden is president. Why don't you mention what Congress does?
I dunno.... I had blue cross blue shield Gold at that time. No deductible. Everything was five bucks. GP visits, scrips, even specialists.

As I recall the employer paid about 22k/year for the policy.
No a available anymore.

If it cost your employer that much then it
Most definitely met the ACA requirements.

Plans come and go based on the Insurers.

Always been that way
So why are you happy with Biden? What republican tax and labor laws can you mean?
You pointed out so many failures and Biden is president. Why don't you mention what Congress does?
This (Republican)Congress does nothing
Please note the quoted bit below: "is funded by $132 billion in new tax provisions". Sadly the notions that the bill is "fully paid for" has been debunked.

PWBM also released its updated analysis of the bill. It found that the $548 billion in new spending “is funded by $132 billion in new tax provisions and $351 billion in new deficits.” Unlike the analysis of the June bill, this PWBM analysis says government debt would increase both in the first decade (by 1.3%) and by 2050 (by 0.6%). Workers’ wages and gross domestic product wouldn’t change.

Vast generalizations with no specifics as it's all smoke and mirrors.
MAGA is pretty stupid.
But like all right wingers, instead of blaming the Reagan government for a system which rewards wealth and improvishes workers, you blame the workers for this situation, thus proving how gullible and stupid you really are.

Your current economic model which sees 80% of all wealth flow to the top 10% of Americans, is unsustainable. Biden's tax cuts to working Americans have demonstrated in spades just how much pent up demand working American have, but most can't afford to feed or house their families without government assistance.

When 60% of your population cannot pay for a $500 emergency, that's not laziness or sloth, that's an economic system which is destroying the working and middle class, and that's being done on purpose.
Reagan did not create the system you speak about.

Why don't you credit Biden for shit he did as you do for others. But he did not create a way to get out of debt as even you proved.

I went to the hospital yesterday after falling unconscious on the driveway. My head still hurts at the spot it hit the driveway. Want me to thank Biden for this?
A neighbor spotted me flat out cold on the driveway and she came to the door to tell my son. I still do not recall being out nor being on the driveway nor what happened to me once help arrived. My cost for this will be $30.00 which is no problem at all. Biden did not do this for me. I am positive he played no role.

Not true. He has levied taxes to pay for his infrastructure programs and other programs, but the first step in economic recovery had to get PEOPLE good paying jobs, and the nation working on rebuilding infrastructure - which was the first casualty Republican economic policy.
Was Congress absent all this time you credit Biden? Biden has not hired any American other than the staff around him that cares for him.

Republicans get hate from Democrats the moment they care about the Public at large.
If it cost your employer that much then it
Most definitely met the ACA requirements.

Plans come and go based on the Insurers.

Always been that way
Very few Americans qualified for the ACA.

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