Trump starts his rally with Melania reciting the Lords comes the alt-left meltdown!

so what? Obama cant even speak without a cue card!
so what? Obama cant even speak without a cue card!

Yeah, him and Bush relied heavily on scripted Bullshite. I love it that Trump's so unscripted. His recent press conference was the best Presidential Press Conference i've ever seen. It was wonderfully raw and organic. Of course the pompous corrupt MSM didn't like it, but the People loved it. I know i can't wait for his next one.
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.

What is Michelle's crime? I like both the current and former First Lady. I don't understand all the hatred that is thrown at this two people.
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.

What is Michelle's crime? I like both the current and former First Lady. I don't understand all the hatred that is thrown at this two people.
They are not hated. They used as political jokes and satire.
A "man" can't repent of being a man.

A "whore" can turn to God.

Those who don't accept a person God has forgiven, will not be forgiven

But that's OK. These assholes dont believe in the Christian God anyway. They just throw out scriptures to justify their hatred of this woman whose only "crime" was to read a few lines of scripture.

What is Michelle's crime? I like both the current and former First Lady. I don't understand all the hatred that is thrown at this two people.
They are not hated. They used as political jokes and satire.

Jokes and satire. I guess how you justify it is your gig.
My God
What is wrong if a straight President has a beautiful church going Bible reading wife?
No, it is a huge catastrophe for leftists!
A good President shall have at least a trannie partner like Obama, he shall be neither Christian nor mentally sound, but either a Freemason ( Satanist ) or a Muslim.
Leftist cursing Melanie non stop, but for what?
For her believe, for her prettiness and womanhood.
A mentally ill black atheist lesbian would be an ideal FLOTUS for leftist.

Don't you know the Constitution FORBIDS those in public office from reading, or believing, the Christian Bible?

That's BS
It was nice. Trump's speech was great. He's taking the message to the People. He's bypassing the hateful Fake Newsters. A very wise strategy.
Trump will need to show he's governing for-to ALL of day soon. He's just not the President for Red State Amerika. Perhaps on day 101 Trump will start governing for all of America.

He already has. You just don't agree so you dismiss it, and make up shit in your head.

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