Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
What's funny about your screed is you believe everything the MSM tells you and give it absolutely no critical thought. Bannon is a nationalist. Of that there is no doubt. He is however not racist or white supremacist in the slightest. Once you lose a simple point like that due to wanton disrespect for the truth, you have lost whatever credibility you thought you had.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions


On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions

Sorry, I tried, but couldn't get thru all that blather. I like most of his choices, especially those for the EPA. Just a friendly heads up- the orange clown is coming after you, and all the conservatives will help him hunt your sissy ass down.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
You have correctly identified this as the systematic destruction of the government from within. That's what Trump was elected to do. You misunderstood this entire election. It was a revolution, American style. Democrats were scrubbed out except for the heavily populated coasts.

Trump has chosen the very best and most knowledgeable in their field to be in his administration. They have no need of paying back political favors. They owe no one. Their job is to smash everything and put it back together the way it should have been.

The administration brings recognition of facts. Climate chsnge is a hoax. obama intended to give billions of your money to fight climate change in the third world. It's a hoax! Common core is useless. The current energy policy is the one that obama promised would make you change the way you live. Remember when obama said "you can't keep your thermostat at 72 degrees and the rest of the world will be okay with that " The election of Donald Trump tells the world we don't owe you squat. Affordable care was never affordable nor did anyone get care.

But you recognized it. Trump was supposed to bring a wrecking ball and he did.
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions
You have correctly identified this as the systematic destruction of the government from within. That's what Trump was elected to do. You misunderstood this entire election. It was a revolution, American style. Democrats were scrubbed out except for the heavily populated coasts.

Trump has chosen the very best and most knowledgeable in their field to be in his administration. They have no need of paying back political favors. They owe no one. Their job is to smash everything and put it back together the way it should have been.

The administration brings recognition of facts. Climate chsnge is a hoax. obama intended to give billions of your money to fight climate change in the third world. It's a hoax! Common core is useless. The current energy policy is the one that obama promised would make you change the way you live. Remember when obama said "you can't keep your thermostat at 72 degrees and the rest of the world will be okay with that " The election of Donald Trump tells the world we don't owe you squat. Affordable care was never affordable nor did anyone get care.

But you recognized it. Trump was supposed to bring a wrecking ball and he did.

It's Hard To Overstate How Anti-Environment Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks Are | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― Rex Tillerson at the State Department. Scott Pruitt at the Environmental Protection Agency. Rick Perry at the Department of Energy. Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice.

If environmentalists found themselves in some kind of paralyzing hypnagogia on Nov. 9, the day they realized that there was no waking up from this*was Dec. 13.

Tillerson is the CEO of Exxon Mobil, a company that spent decades and millions of dollars supporting climate change denial and is currently under investigation*for doing so.*Tillerson has personally argued that climate change is no biggie*because “we will adapt to this.” If he’s confirmed as secretary of state, he will be in the position of deciding whether the U.S. stays involved in the Paris climate agreement and whether to approve massive international oil pipelines like Keystone XL.

In addition:

Ryan Zinke, 55, described by The Washington Post as “a lifelong hunter and fisherman,” has consistently voted against environmentalists, is Trumps choice for the Interior Department

He has a paltry 3 percent on the League of Conservation Voters’ scorecard. The Center for American Progress listed Zinke on its “anti-parks caucus,” a collection of lawmakers the group says jeopardize the future of nature preserves.
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Andrew Puzder, Now Labor Secretary Pick, Helped Anti-Choice Activists Block The Doors Of Abortion Clinics
By Miranda Blue | December 13, 2016 2:01 pm

Andrew Puzder, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Department of Labor, has been coming under fire for his opposition to workers’ rights policies like raising the minimum wage. But Puzder, who is now the CEO of the fast food company that runs Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., also has a history in the fringes of abortion politics.

Working as an attorney in St. Louis, Puzder drafted the bill that led to the 1989 case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, one of the strongest challenges to Roe v. Wade to reach the Supreme Court. But before that, he attempted to stop legal abortion another way—by representing the anti-choice protesters who were pioneering a strategy of blocking access to abortion by literally blockading the entrances to clinics.
It's Hard To Overstate How Anti-Environment Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks Are | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― Rex Tillerson at the State Department. Scott Pruitt at the Environmental Protection Agency. Rick Perry at the Department of Energy. Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice.

If environmentalists found themselves in some kind of paralyzing hypnagogia on Nov. 9, the day they realized that there was no waking up from this*was Dec. 13.

Tillerson is the CEO of Exxon Mobil, a company that spent decades and millions of dollars supporting climate change denial and is currently under investigation*for doing so.*Tillerson has personally argued that climate change is no biggie*because “we will adapt to this.” If he’s confirmed as secretary of state, he will be in the position of deciding whether the U.S. stays involved in the Paris climate agreement and whether to approve massive international oil pipelines like Keystone XL.

In addition:

Ryan Zinke, 55, described by The Washington Post as “a lifelong hunter and fisherman,” has consistently voted against environmentalists, is Trumps choice for the Interior Department

He has a paltry 3 percent on the League of Conservation Voters’ scorecard. The Center for American Progress listed Zinke on its “anti-parks caucus,” a collection of lawmakers the group says jeopardize the future of nature preserves.

Yea, those guys are going to be bad for the environment. Tillerson is going to encourage oil companies to dump oil into the oceans, Pruitt has already said he wants 50% less trees in the US by 2020, and Rick Perry intends to bring back backyard trash burning across America. You are such a pussy!
On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following:

He has Appointed a climate change denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team
Subsequently, he nominated another climate change denier Scot Pruitt to head the EPA hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Now, the transition team has launched a Witch hunt within the EPA to ferret out those who have been working for Obama on climate change.

He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :

Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

He has Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political advisor to the administration: Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon, executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an “alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.”
As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will they get along? Very strange indeed.

Little wonder then that he has selected Jeff Sessons -an avowed racist to head the justice department- the same Justice Department that is charged with civil rights laws

Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General | The Huffington Post

Now, he is proposing the Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, who has no government or diplomatic experience save for the fact that he is a buddy of Putin. Tillerson has criticized US sanctions against Russia for human rights violations and their aggressiveness, in the region. How will that play out? Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose extensive deal-making for the energy giant has plunged him into global politics from Yemen to Russia,

And who would he like to be second in command at State? The hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

Then we have Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Education Pick, Has Steered Money From Public Schools

Yes, an enemy of public education, leading the department of education!

Moving right along, it appears that Trump will tap none other than the man who wanted to eliminate the Department of Energy, Rick Perry, to lead……the Department of Energy. ... 96552.html

Are we beginning to see a pattern here? I would call it the systematic destruction of government from within.

In keeping with that theme, he has named Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Donald Trump Taps Tea Party Rep. Mike Pompeo To Run The CIA | The Huffington Post

While Pompeo-in contrast to many other appointees, - is well credentialed with a background in intelligence and a graduate of West Point, as a congressman is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.
Then there are the generals.: How unusual is Trump's Cabinet of generals? - CBS News

Remember when Trump said that he would fire all of the generals because they were doing a terrible job?
Well now we will have James Mattis as Defense Secretary, Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary.

I wonder if he’ll listen to them now- or continue to believe that he knows more than them.

That brings us to Goldman Sacks. Yes the Goldman Sacks that he railed against during the campaign and then suggested that Clinton was unqualified to be President because she gave a speech to them. Now, he has selected not one but two from their ranks to fill key posts: Trump to pick Goldman's Gary Cohn for National Economic Council director - Business Insider

Gary Cohn, the President and COO of the firm is slated to head the National Economic Council. And for Treasury Secretary, he has picked Steven Mnuchin- a former banker with the company who ran their foreclosure juggernaut .

So much for draining the swamp of special interests!!

Other notable selections include:

Ben Carson who has been opposed to ”legislating racial equality” and has no government experience for Housing and Urban Development Donald Trump Taps Ben Carson To Lead Housing & Urban Development | The Huffington Post

Scott Pruitt- who is in bed with the fossil fuel industry and a climate change denier as head of the Environmental Protection Agency

Cathy Mc Morris Rodgers-who, as a Washington State representative voted to repeal key provisions of Obama’s climate and environmental policy, is a proponent of off shore drilling, as well as fracking on federal lands that are now protected- for the Interior Department McMorris Rodgers expected to land interior secretary post - POLITICO

The patterns continue- special interest industry cronies and people who would work against the very purpose of the departments that they head.

Andrew Puzder a major player in the fast food industry who is opposed to raising the minimum wage, opposes reform of overtime rules, and critic of government regulations in general will head the Labor Department. This is considered a blow to working people and unions

Trump Labor secretary pick is fast food exec Andrew Puzder - Dec. 8, 2016

Linda McMahon- a billionaire and former CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment Organization – an actual business success- and whose husband donated $6 Million to a pro Trump super PAC has been chosen to head the Small Business Administration

Oooops…conflicting information: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the job of interior secretary to first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, Politico reported on Tuesday, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

Zinke, a former Navy Seal commander, has yet to accept and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico said.

Earlier on Tuesday, Politico reported that Trump was considering Zinke along with fellow U.S. Representatives Raul Labrador of Idaho and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington to lead the Interior Department.

Trump offers interior secretary job to Congressman Ryan Zinke: Politico

Tom Price – a Republican Congressman and avowed enemy of Obamacare has been selected to head the Health department

In debate on the Affordable Care Act in 2009, Mr. Price railed against “a stifling and oppressive federal government,” a theme that pervades his politics. His most frequent objection to the law is that it interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions

Your name, just like your post, is a walking contradiction.

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