Trump second in New Hampshire poll only to Bush

Just an example of how ignorant and knee jerk the left and left leaning media is, where as they listened to Trump with bated breathe hoping that he would mess up in his speak all due to their fears of him. Then when they thought he messed up, they got fooled or fooled their own selves big time in trying to grab on to something they had no leg to stand on with. LOL

They tried to take his words out of context when he was speaking about illegal immigration, and when he said in concerns of the illegals that "HE ASSUMED THAT THEIR WERE OF COURSE SOME GOOD THAT WERE AMONGST THEM (THE ILLEGALS) ALSO", they then construed that as him saying to Mexico as a whole that he assumes that there are SOME that are good there or coming legally from there to here, when in fact he wasn't saying that at all.... You can't make this stuff up people, but it just shows how desperate the left and the democrat voter / media is when confronted with a successful candidate like Donald Trump is in life.
Just an example of how ignorant and knee jerk the left and left leaning media is, where as they listened to Trump with bated breathe hoping that he would mess up in his speak all due to their fears of him. Then when they thought he messed up, they got fooled or fooled their own selves big time in trying to grab on to something they had no leg to stand on with. LOL

They tried to take his words out of context when he was speaking about illegal immigration, and when he said in concerns of the illegals that "HE ASSUMED THAT THEIR WERE OF COURSE SOME GOOD THAT WERE AMONGST THEM (THE ILLEGALS) ALSO", they then construed that as him saying to Mexico as a whole that he assumes that there are SOME that are good there or coming legally from there to here, when in fact he wasn't saying that at all.... You can't make this stuff up people, but it just shows how desperate the left and the democrat voter / media is when confronted with a successful candidate like Donald Trump is in life.

How likely do you think he is to win the nomination?
Just an example of how ignorant and knee jerk the left and left leaning media is, where as they listened to Trump with bated breathe hoping that he would mess up in his speak all due to their fears of him. Then when they thought he messed up, they got fooled or fooled their own selves big time in trying to grab on to something they had no leg to stand on with. LOL

They tried to take his words out of context when he was speaking about illegal immigration, and when he said in concerns of the illegals that "HE ASSUMED THAT THEIR WERE OF COURSE SOME GOOD THAT WERE AMONGST THEM (THE ILLEGALS) ALSO", they then construed that as him saying to Mexico as a whole that he assumes that there are SOME that are good there or coming legally from there to here, when in fact he wasn't saying that at all.... You can't make this stuff up people, but it just shows how desperate the left and the democrat voter / media is when confronted with a successful candidate like Donald Trump is in life.

How likely do you think he is to win the nomination?
Not sure, but if he says and does the right things towards the people of this nation and abroad, then he should have just as good a chance as any I think.
Trump will be killing Christie. Both of them are going after the "I want my candidate to be a completely obnoxious jerk, because pissing off the dirty liberals is the only thing I care about" demographic, and Trump does it better.
So all these people above figure that hey have money leverage over Trump or that they have some kind of liberal agenda leverage over Donald Trump eh, and if he doesn't tow their liberal line then he will suffer their wrath in which is made up in their own minds mostly ? ROTFLMBO! The above is not in the people's minds of this nation in this way any longer, but it is going to be played in that way by the media in hopes that they will fool the people yet again in this nation.

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