Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her

The ms media don't seem to report this kind of information. What a shock?! Whoda thunk they could be such political hacks? It's just unbelievable! We always thought they were objective reporters

ha ha

The MS media don't report this? Do you own a tv?

There wasen't a thing that Dotard Trump blabbed in that interview that wasen't a lie. That motherfucker really outdid himself.
Because she wasn't in charge. But thanks for proving my point that the rubes will believe anything.

She actually WAS one of the people in charge, Berg...despite your fervent belief that she wasn't! The House Sgt. at Arms told the Capitol Police Chief that he couldn't sign off on sending National Guard troops until Nancy Pelosi told him it was OK. Who does that sound like is in charge? Duh?
So let me get this straight... According to you, Donald Trump planned to "summon, incite and aim that attack"?

Yet he offered to put 10,000 National Guard troops at the Capital and at his speech that day he told the crowd to protest peacefully? Does that make any sense? It's obvious to anyone that's not a Trump hater that Trump didn't want to see violence take place that day. He wanted a protest. A peaceful protest.
"Come to Washington on the 6th... It's gonna be wild"

"You've got to fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore".

"Trial by combat".

"Today is the day that patriots start taking names and kicking ass... Will you fight for America?"

"If you're gonna be the zero and not the hero we're coming for you."

...etc... etc... etc...

Anyone over the age of Five understands what Rump and his minions were getting at.

No Sale.


I realize that it sux - Bigly - to be stuck trying (and failing) to defend The Indefensible... my condolences.

...On the other hand...people in charge of security that day were warned in advance by the FBI that factions were planning violence. When you say that Democrats "gave Trump enough rope to hang himself with" what you're really saying is that those Democrats with control of security allowed this to happen and were happy that the protest DID turn violent!
You(r side) gave the Dems enough rope to hang you with.

Their preparedness for an assault is entirely disconnected from the traitorous behaviors that made such a thing necessary.

Rather like saying "I stole from your store. You knew I might. But you failed to call the cops in advance so I'm off the hook."

No Sale.
"Come to Washington on the 6th... It's gonna be wild"

"You've got to fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore".

"Trial by combat".

"Today is the day that patriots start taking names and kicking ass... Will you fight for America?"

"If you're gonna be the zero and not the hero we're coming for you."

...etc... etc... etc...

Anyone over the age of Five understands what Rump and his minions were getting at.

No Sale.

You(r side) gave the Dems enough rope to hang you with.

Their preparedness for an assault is entirely disconnected from the traitorous behaviors that made such a thing necessary.

Rather like saying "I stole from your store. You knew I might. But you failed to call the cops in advance so I'm off the hook."

No Sale.
So vague comments about challenging an election have suddenly become felonies, Kondor? You do realize that I could put together a montage of liberal politicians calling for resistance to conservatives that would make your list PALE by comparison? Should we be charging Chuck Schumer with attempted manslaughter for standing on the steps of the Supreme Court and talking about unleashing the whirlwind? Is he responsible for the man who showed up at a Justice's home intent on assassination?
So vague comments
Words have meaning.

Words spewed carelessly in front of a mob in a fighting mood have consequences.

No more faux analogies.

No more wordsmithing.

No more revisionist equivalencies.

No more bull$hit.

Your Orange Baboon-God is going to be made to pay for his traitorous behaviors and conspiracy.

You can have anybody on the Left you like.

But Teflon Don is going down over this.

Words have meaning.

Words spewed carelessly in front of a mob in a fighting mood have consequences.

No more faux analogies.

No more bull$hit.

Your Orange Baboon-God is going to be made to pay for his traitorous behaviors and conspiracy.

You can have anybody on the Left you like.

But Teflon Don is going down over this.

So do Chuck Schumer's words in front of a crowd of Pro Choice protesters outraged over the Supreme Court's decision not have consequences?

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