Trump reveals actions he'll take in first 6 months as president

Thank you g5000 for reminding us how Obama ruined the coal industry. Trump needs another stint in the White House to bring those jobs back.

Coal use has been going down since like the late 1920's. That Obama is 1 powerful MFer. You clowns and the King clown tRump never had a chance!
The other Republicans know he’s toast or they wouldn’t be piling into the race(Pence & Christie). They have no fear of Trump

The other Republicans may be guaranteeing his nomination by dividing up the opposition vote.

Eeerrr....just like in 2016.

Why do Lefties have such godawful political instincts?

Oh yeah, because there is no instinct - it's just repeating whatever the MSM commands them to think.

Maybe learn the lesson for once?

I know, will never happen. ;)
What allies? They have all mostly already left us in disgust already over Biden. Those remaining are dying laughing at our electing this bumpkin. :auiqs.jpg:
Wow. It is just amazing how ignorant your propagandists are keeping you.

Not only are our allies fully backing us in pushing Putin out of Ukraine, we've gained two more NATO members!

You are an unbelievably stupid partisan hack.
Trump will face Impeachment and continuous assault by Democrats by his 3rd month in office.

Should he i.mediately attempt to fire Garland, Wray, and clean out the partisanly weaponized traitors running our agencies - as he should - it will be sooner.

Sadly, I believe you are 100% correct.
So funny! You mock Obumma killing the coal industry he made a campaign issue of destroying then even supply us a chart showing it nosediving within a couple years of his getting into office while disputing it ever happened at all! Have you considered getting deep psychoanalysis? :auiqs.jpg:
I bet you are one of those rubes who invested in Trump Bucks.

I know, they have used things like facts and science...

"Facts" and "Science!" (tm) have had a horrible fucking track record for a while, the last three years in particular.

These erroneous monikers have led me all the way from being a reluctant Democrat, into the arms of MAGA.

And more and more each day.

By all means, keep alluding to them in an attempt to make a coherent argument.

You live in a World of illusions, but it is probably too late for you if you're still repeating the hypnosis induced MSM garbage at this late stage.

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Typical bullshit from Trump, he'll change stuff at the margins but will leave the swamp intact. He didn't do a SINGLE FUCKING THING about the educational system and now its worse than ever. Same thing with our elections - Trump was criminally negligent in securing our elections. Dems would lose CA and NY with honest elections

Maybe he can't say out loud: I will have all 51 signers of the Russian Disinformation letter arrest and brought before a military tribunal

Whoever the Republican is that assumes the Oval Office in '25 is gonna have this as their arsenal.

The need only use it:

I trust both Trump or Desantis to employ this necessary political weaponry.

The others in the GOP Primary? Not so much.

US coal jobs down 24% from the start of Trump administration to latest quarter

What a sad sack of credulous rubes you Trumptards are!


You're genuinely trying to compare Trump drinking a water glass with two hands, to the "Sandbag Incident" from yesterday when the elderly incompetent China stooge took a fall on live TV in front of future Navy officers?

Thanks for revealing yourself as a partisan hack who will never say anything interesting or nuanced ever.

There's a reason you're so pro-Ukraine, and don't care about the plight of your fellow citizens if they have the "wrong" political predilections. You allow the media to program you that way.

We're all happy you've come out once and for all.

Not a Pride Month reference.
Wow. It is just amazing how ignorant your propagandists are keeping you.
Must be from reading too many of your posts.

Not only are our allies fully backing us in pushing Putin out of Ukraine,
Someone is pushing Putin out of Ukraine? How far have they succeeded so far? They are not backing us, Chump, they merely have a parallel interest in not seeing Putin move closer to THEIR doorstep, meanwhile, they LAUGH at the Vegetable.

we've gained two more NATO members!
Great! Two more pay-nothing, do-nothing countries have latched onto NATO to protect them with the USA paying 90% of the cost and them nothing. Big win for the psycho.

You are an unbelievably stupid partisan hack.
All I gotta be is smarter than you (and that is easier than pie).

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I know, they have used things like facts and science...

How fucking dare they, Kids don't need such stuff...

Kids are coming home from school saying the humans are changing the global climate and they are using science.
This science stuff is being taught in schools. How dare they teach them science which goes against what we saw on Fox News.
Why can't we learn or science from Facebook like I did...

Other day a kid came out of Economics class a told us that Republican US Presidents have a much financial record fiscally than Democratic ones over the last 40 years...
Do they know they are going against Fox News....

What next? Will these kids say that Trump pandemic wrong?
Facts and science based on lies means nothing.
US coal jobs down 24% from the start of Trump administration to latest quarter
Yep. Obumma did a real number on the industry. And a lot of people needed those jobs.

What a sad sack of credulous rubes you Trumptards are!
What a nutsack of incredible stooges you Demtards are trying to always insult everyone with your girlie posts to cover your own insecurity! But thanks for the pretty good fake pictures; I bet they fit right in with all the rest of the BS you spew.
Facts and science based on lies means nothing.

Exactly, they lie and obfuscate and call it "facts and science".

Kinda like how antifa are not fascist or violent at all and only an idea, and BLM actually cares about black lives.

These rubes fall for the emotional manipulation and smoke screen every fucking time, and then have the gall to tell us we're ignorant sheep.

Well I used to be one of them, and I woke the fuck up because they went too far for even my (mostly) brain washed mind.

I have no pity and grant no quarter to anyone who still touts the MSM propaganda.
The educated blacks who vote for "Democrats" only sip the finest of malt liquor in their violence ravaged neighborhoods.

Sorry, but if we're doin' this "struggle session" commie BS, I'm bringin' the facts.
If it makes you feel any better, I have known members of the American Communist Party. I have always liked them.
Detailing how it was just the two of them alone in the real estate tycoon’s office, he recalled: “We talked for 50 minutes — I can talk, he can talk — about coal, about the connection between coal miners’ jobs, coal miners’ families. I was so impressed with him.”

So having labelled Trump’s election success as a “wonderful victory”, the day Murray Energy filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in October 2019 was a key milestone in the downfall of coal.


Further EIA figures reveal US coal-fired capacity peaked in 2011 and output from the fleet dropped to 966,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh) in 2019 — the lowest since 1976.

The 16% drop was the largest percentage decrease in history, while the 240,000 GWh fall was the second-largest drop in absolute terms.

Good job, Trump!

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