Trump Praises Congressman That Assaulted Reporter

Trump jokes about congressman Gianforte assaulting reporter: 'Any guy who can do a body slam ... he's my guy' - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump praised Montana Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte for assaulting a reporter during his campaign last May, saying "any guy who can do a body slam ... he's my guy" and made a gesture mimicking a body slam.
At a Montana rally Thursday night, Trump admitted, "I shouldn't say this," but continued and said, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about."


Gianforte assaulted a reporter in May, 2017. He plead guilty to the assault and was sentenced for the crime.

Montana's Gianforte Pleads Guilty, Won't Serve Jail Time In Assault On Journalist

Now, in October, 2018, we have our POTUS praising Gianforte for assaulting a reporter, the very same week the Saudi mess is going on with the Khashoggi murder.

Trump has absolutely no regard whatsoever for the free press, anywhere in the world.

He's really a sick fucking bastard and especially at a time the saudi's chopped a turkish reporter into pieces of meat. I hate the mf and most of his base. But what goes around comes around.
What a iniquitous example to set. And POTUS apologists applaud this kind of behavior. Claudette is a perfect case in point. I know elementary school kids that know better than this.

Well you set a fine example of what an idiot you are.

Happy trails.
.Trump has absolutely no regard whatsoever for the free press, anywhere in the world.

Why would he have any regard for a group of people who have made it their life’s work to attack him and everything he believes/does?
Trump jokes about congressman Gianforte assaulting reporter: 'Any guy who can do a body slam ... he's my guy' - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump praised Montana Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte for assaulting a reporter during his campaign last May, saying "any guy who can do a body slam ... he's my guy" and made a gesture mimicking a body slam.
At a Montana rally Thursday night, Trump admitted, "I shouldn't say this," but continued and said, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about."


Gianforte assaulted a reporter in May, 2017. He plead guilty to the assault and was sentenced for the crime.

Montana's Gianforte Pleads Guilty, Won't Serve Jail Time In Assault On Journalist

Now, in October, 2018, we have our POTUS praising Gianforte for assaulting a reporter, the very same week the Saudi mess is going on with the Khashoggi murder.

Trump has absolutely no regard whatsoever for the free press, anywhere in the world.


You're as fucking sick as he is.
Trump made a joke.

He knew that the MSM would go bat-shit crazy.

He knew that his constituency would love it.

This drives the Media crazy. He literally doesn't give a shit that they are outraged. In fact, he revels in it.
Trump usually triggers progressives… Because all progressives are fucked in the head
What a iniquitous example to set. And POTUS apologists applaud this kind of behavior. Claudette is a perfect case in point. I know elementary school kids that know better than this.

Well you set a fine example of what an idiot you are.

Happy trails.

Poor triggered POTUS apologist.

Well he speaks his mind. Of course some folks would rather he was a wishy washy politician. He ain't and never will be.

Love the guy.
Claudette, for those of us who see him negatively, the fact that he speaks his mind IS the heart of our disgust. What mind he has, that is. For example, last night in Montana he quotes a Gingrich blurb said on Fox the day before about Kavanaugh and caravans. He often picks up the thoughts of others and passes them on as his own. How often have his critics pointed out that his morning tweets are re-hashed Fox blurbs. So it's more like he is a mind-picker rather than an original thinker. However his statement that he likes the Saudis because they give him (HIM) lots of money is also speaking his mind.

Now that the word 'mobs' has become the word of the day, and Trump has picked up the 'Democrats give us mobs and Republicans give us jobs' mantra, (excusing GWB I guess) I heard someone this morning say the Democrats should get creative with the catchy phrases. I don't know who it was because I was listening rather than watching, but he said, 'how about ..Democrats are Constitution fillers and Republicans protect journalist killers'. Last night's praise of physical violence against a journalist makes the phrase a tad close.
Well, he is not politically correct that only be a good thing,
Like I’ve always said there would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch guys
It is. And if Republicans take healthcare away from Americans, they won’t have any health care either. It’s not just karma, it’s ignorance.
What you see is disdain for sleaze hiding behind the 1rst Amendment. advocate ignoring the 1st Amendment if it's not convenient to follow it?
The 1rst Amendment is free speech. Advocating that the media cannot be attacked is ignoring it. Few thngs are worse than a fat fascist.

You think that the First Amendment protects people for committing assault and battery?

That is a new one
Trump didn't assault anyone. Butthurt is psychosomatic you understand.

But the topic of the OP is the guy that did assault a member of the media and you are saying that is covered by the 1st.
The so called assault has nothing to do with the 1est Amendment. Trump's praising him does. After all, he is not shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theatre even by your own snowflake standards.
Strange that Republicans cry and whine like a little babies that they’re the ones being assaulted when they promote someone who physically attacks reporters. They just wish they could do to American reporters what the Saudis have done to a Saudi reporter. That’s who Republicans are. We all know it.
.Trump has absolutely no regard whatsoever for the free press, anywhere in the world.

Why would he have any regard for a group of people who have made it their life’s work to attack him and everything he believes/does?
I see...the 1st Amendment Freedom of the Press only applies if they are saying nice things about tiny trump, eh?
Sad to imagine this man is our President

In light of the murder of a Washington Post journalist, he turns up the heat in his war with the press
Which begs the question, why would anyone have any regard for a POTUS that is amoral and worships mammon?

He’s the POTUS. As much as I felt the prior resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was a waste of flesh and oxygen, I had enough respect for the office he held not to say many of the things I thought about him.

Trump is no more immoral than every other POTUS since Lincoln. As for his religious preference, that’s a private issue.
I see...the 1st Amendment Freedom of the Press only applies if they are saying nice things about tiny trump, eh?

No, but the press attacking a subject solely for the purpose of politics and in an attempt to belittle the subject. Who, What, When, Where, Why. Those are the only things a journalist should be concerned with. “Just the facts. Literally nothing more. Leave the opinions for the columnists and op-eds.
These so called "journalists" are nothing but apparatchiks who work for the globalist collective. They are not our countrymen, neighbors, fellow citizens or our friends in any way shape or form. They are traitors. They are the enemies of the COTUS, their objective is to marginalize our sovereignty and ultimately bring us down to be governed as a vassal state of a world wide marxist government.

They produce agitprop disguised as "news", hide information that promotes capitalism, free markets, individual rights and traditional cultural values and norms, and deliberately misinform and manipulate the public to it's own detriment. These sniveling bed wetters are lucky Trump is the president, because if I were it would be raining communists out of the back of C17's 100 miles off the coast of Midway Island.

The reporter that Gianforte ILLEGALLY assaulted is an American citizen.

WHY In Hell do you hate the 1st Amendment so much?

All I hear from your rant is paranoia & credible evidence of brain washing.
Did you get the super spin cycle for free or did that cost an extra fiddy cent?

My interest is protecting the 1st Amendment from parasites like you who abuse it in order to undermine the entire bill of rights.

All you "hear" is what you're programmed to interpret. Your side riots and destroys shit when people say things you don't want heard. Defeating you at your own game with your own tactics really pisses you pieces of shit right off I see.


You obviously ONLY care for Constitutional rights when those rights are for you; not for your other fellow citizens.

You are EXACTLY why this nation is so fucked up.
These so called "journalists" are nothing but apparatchiks who work for the globalist collective. They are not our countrymen, neighbors, fellow citizens or our friends in any way shape or form. They are traitors. They are the enemies of the COTUS, their objective is to marginalize our sovereignty and ultimately bring us down to be governed as a vassal state of a world wide marxist government.

They produce agitprop disguised as "news", hide information that promotes capitalism, free markets, individual rights and traditional cultural values and norms, and deliberately misinform and manipulate the public to it's own detriment. These sniveling bed wetters are lucky Trump is the president, because if I were it would be raining communists out of the back of C17's 100 miles off the coast of Midway Island.
Hi, Pete. Needless to say, I completely disagree with your first paragraph, However in the 2nd.."hide information that promotes capitalism, free markets (tariffs?), individual rights (1A for journalists/freedom from violence and murder?) "deliberately" misinform and manipulate (Pirro/Hannity/Ingraham/Napolitano?) As for your C17 schtick, guess I'll never vote for you and your murderous heart either. I think you got the King Herod complex that everybody is out to get you, so off with their heads, right?
These so called "journalists" are nothing but apparatchiks who work for the globalist collective. They are not our countrymen, neighbors, fellow citizens or our friends in any way shape or form. They are traitors. They are the enemies of the COTUS, their objective is to marginalize our sovereignty and ultimately bring us down to be governed as a vassal state of a world wide marxist government.

They produce agitprop disguised as "news", hide information that promotes capitalism, free markets, individual rights and traditional cultural values and norms, and deliberately misinform and manipulate the public to it's own detriment. These sniveling bed wetters are lucky Trump is the president, because if I were it would be raining communists out of the back of C17's 100 miles off the coast of Midway Island.

The reporter that Gianforte ILLEGALLY assaulted is an American citizen.

WHY In Hell do you hate the 1st Amendment so much?

What does his slamming an annoying "journalist" :auiqs.jpg:have to do with the 1st Amendment?
Someone will eventually explain it to your Orange brain.

Actually pink, with a visible electrical field.

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