Trump Pockets $1.1 Million in 2020 Campaign Donations


"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL

noooooooooooo........... it's a man who went bankrupt several times & US banks wouldn't touch him when he needed cash - so he went to the rooooskies for their dirty money. putin hated & feared hillary for her comments & support of the uprising in russia when she was SOS. so ol uncle vlad metaphorically called in all the bank notes donny owed & is probably blackmailing him with some salacious tapes too, forcing him to run so hillary wouldn't get into the whitehouse. with his help & probably the saudiis too - trump is now a full fledge whore working on his back for them.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL
How completely stupid of you to think Drumpf is only going to be able to make $2M from this. To be honest I'm pretty sure Drumpf did it because he is insecure and desires adoration. He is in fact an attention nympho. Money cant buy that for him.

I would suggest that "Drumpf" what a moronic way to make fun of his name by the way, is probably LOSING money being POTUS.

For example, all the liberal shit bags who ran each other over to get in line for his hotels and such before he ran for President, are now not spending money at his locales because presumabely he only became an evil bastard the day he declared himself a candidate for the Republican nomination. LOL

And of course there is the obvious , there are hundreds of politicians in DC right now enriching themselves off the public trough and you idiotic liberals don't even think about saying shit about them, proving that you are not truly concerned about this issue, it's just yet another way of attacking Trump by you unprincipled goons.

he's not losing a fucking thing. he has not severed any ties to his business' AND by opening up his DC hotel, he's cashing in bigley. so much so, a judge ok'd a trial for trump being charged with violating the emoluments clause.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
Carnival barker extraordinaire.

Trump smarter than Hillary. She blew 1.2 billion on the election to take the mantle of the world's most expensive loser.
She is a disgrace.....she lost twice....

she's gonna have the last laugh when this is over with.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So , the theory is that a man who is conservatively worth $4B ran for President so he could swindle $2M out of Americans via campaign donations? LOL
Why would you believe anything Trump tells you?

"There have been numerous stories in the news about Donald Trump, and I’m surprised that one topic has received little mention.

"Trump claims to be a billionaire, but there is no proof that he is or ever has been!

"In 1990, he stated that his net worth was $3 billion on some days and $5 billion on others.

"Then a report commissioned by his bankers showed Trump to be $300 million in debt."

Evidence points to Trump as millionaire, not billionaire |

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

Who cares? Just another lame attempt to turn Trump-supporters away from him and truthfully, you failed at it.

oh please- at this point, deplorables are a lost cause. now you get to watch your master get what's coming to him in every way & on every level.

& we get to watch you all try to make excuses & defend him.
Trump the Snake?

Trump's Cabinet of Con Artist

"During the 2016 campaign, and from time to time afterward, Donald Trump would regale his crowds with a dramatic reading of a song called 'The Snake,' in which a snake begs a woman to take him into her home, and then when he bites her and she expresses her shock, he says, 'You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.'

"In Trump's telling, it was a parable about immigration—that foreigners were inherently untrustworthy and if we let them come to our country they might just kill us.

"But at times he almost seemed to be talking, with a wink, about himself.

"The country knew who he was, and made him president anyway."

It seems likely one in three US voters will not turn on Trump regardless of his actions. Is that enough voters to split the Republican Party by 2020?

i'm not thinking he's gonna last until 2020. pence, if he tries like ford did - will be toast if he even makes it out alive....

Hard to believe anyone would believe the above, but if I've learned anything over the last two years it is Never Underestimate Trump.

I suppose it's possible 2020 will mirror the 1912 election as far as a "successful" third party candidate?

1912 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

"The United States presidential election of 1912 was the 32nd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912.

"Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran as the Progressive Party ('Bull Moose') nominee.

"Roosevelt remains the only third party presidential candidate in U.S. history to finish better than third in the popular or electoral vote."

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
Carnival barker extraordinaire.

Trump smarter than Hillary. She blew 1.2 billion on the election to take the mantle of the world's most expensive loser.
She is a disgrace.....she lost twice....

she's gonna have the last laugh when this is over with.

This falls into the 'could've-would've-should've' category.
All losers, including you, reside there.
Sure as hell not coming back to your side of the political aisle.
I meant, to sanity and reality.

Do you mean "sanity and reality" as in dressing up like vaginas or characters from The Handmaid's Tale , wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, pounding on the door of the Supreme Court, believing in imaginary "Russians", and stuff?

No dummy, I'm talking about shedding your freakish trumpkin fantasies. like the ones where you think the biggest liar in the world is the only person telling the truth
Sure as hell not coming back to your side of the political aisle.
I meant, to sanity and reality.

Do you mean "sanity and reality" as in dressing up like vaginas or characters from The Handmaid's Tale , wearing pink pussy hats, screaming at the sky, pounding on the door of the Supreme Court, believing in imaginary "Russians", and stuff?

No dummy, I'm talking about shedding your freakish trumpkin fantasies. like the ones where you think the biggest liar in the world is the only person telling the truth

Maybe he lied to you, which is fine with me.

But to me, promises made, promises kept. And them some. So he hasn't been able to fulfill a couple of his campaign promises. Considering everything that he has done that wasn't even mentioned during the campaign, Trump has delivered more than he promised, in spades.

"Trump Pockets"? What does that mean to the crazy angry left? I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation managed to "pocket" before Hillary lost and she was no longer able to sell influence to foreign governments including Russia?
Unless I missed it nowhere in the article did it state anything was illegal. Seems to be another case much to do about nothing moving on.
It's pretty hard to imagine Trump doing anything that isn't illegal.

How Donald Trump Shifted $ 1.1M Of Campaign Donor Money Into His Business - Forbes - Archy Worldys

"Trump's 2020 campaign spent about $ 120,000 at Washington's president's hotel, D.C.

"And the Trump International Las Vegas hotel got $ 15,000 of campaign money in February 2017.

"'This is extremely unusual,' says Ann Ravel, a Democrat who left her post as a Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission shortly after Trump's inauguration. 'These are expenditures as they are being used for personal purposes because they are illegal. And there is, in my opinion, a fine line here with economic benefit for the candidate himself. '"
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

- donald trump, from 'the art of the deal'
"Theres a sucker born every minute."
-PT Barnum

The real "suckers" in this country are those idiots who thought Bernie was the latest American Messiah, only to see him given the shaft and being stuck holding the bag with Hillary as the Democratic nominee.

You guys and girls are major clownshoes. :laughing0301:
Naw dog. The real suckas are Drumpf supporters. He even explained in his book how he fooled you. He made you feel part of something grandiose and spectacular since you lack that in your real lives. You arent worth anything so you want to be part of something big. The orange carnival barker came along and you fell for his pitch like most marks do. :laughing0301:

"Suckas"?? :laugh:

Dude: We won. You lost.

Suck on dat fo awhile. We predident now, sucka.
Fo shizzel!

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

So, let's do the math. Trump contributed $50M to his own campaign, and then used $1.1M to have his campaign pay rent for using offices in his own buildings.


If he didn't have his campaign pay rent, you loons would be claiming that the free rent was campaign fraud.

"Trump Pockets"? What does that mean to the crazy angry left? I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation managed to "pocket" before Hillary lost and she was no longer able to sell influence to foreign governments including Russia?
Did you miss the results of the most recent US presidential election?

Hillary lost.

Trump won.

If you object to Clinton's frauds, why wouldn't you condemn Trump's?

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donorsjn across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?

Who cares? Just another lame attempt to turn Trump-supporters away from him and truthfully, you failed at it.
"Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony"
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump follows in Cohen's footsteps?
. By that standard, Obama's crime is 10 times worse and 276 Congressmen are on the hook too.
Who cares? Just another lame attempt to turn Trump-supporters away from him and truthfully, you failed at it.
"Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony"
Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump follows in Cohen's footsteps?

Fuck Napolitano. I didn't vote for him, nor is he my President.
Do you doubt your president has committed felonies?

Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony
"Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony"


So go "arrest" him then. :laughing0301:
Arrest the president?
Why spoil the suspense?

Fox’s Napolitano: We learned today that prosecutors have evidence Trump committed a felony

"Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have said that Trump directed Cohen to make the payments. Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicolas Roos stated in court Wednesday that Cohen 'eroded faith in the electoral process' by committing the crimes.

"'The felony is paying Michael Cohen to commit a felony. It’s pretty basic,' Napolitano said. 'You pay someone to commit a crime, they commit the crime. You are liable, criminally liable for the commission of that crime. That’s what the prosecutors told the federal judge.'"
. It's not a campaign violation. Democrats had better not go there.
Unless I missed it nowhere in the article did it state anything was illegal. Seems to be another case much to do about nothing moving on.
It's pretty hard to imagine Trump doing anything that isn't illegal.

How Donald Trump Shifted $ 1.1M Of Campaign Donor Money Into His Business - Forbes - Archy Worldys

"Trump's 2020 campaign spent about $ 120,000 at Washington's president's hotel, D.C.

"And the Trump International Las Vegas hotel got $ 15,000 of campaign money in February 2017.

"'This is extremely unusual,' says Ann Ravel, a Democrat who left her post as a Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission shortly after Trump's inauguration. 'These are expenditures as they are being used for personal purposes because they are illegal. And there is, in my opinion, a fine line here with economic benefit for the candidate himself. '"
Unusual and opinion do not equal illegal if someone having an opinion about something made it illegal 99% of country would be in jail or awaiting trial.
So, let's do the math. Trump contributed $50M to his own campaign, and then used $1.1M to have his campaign pay rent for using offices in his own buildings.
He contributed $50 million to his 2016 campaign which was likely in the form of a loan.

How Donald Trump Shifted $ 1.1M Of Campaign Donor Money Into His Business - Forbes - Archy Worldys

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were silent in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 re-election campaign.

"Donations poured over 50,000 people across the country. But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while continuing to charge his money. That means the richest president in American history has turned $ 1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."
Maybe he lied to you, which is fine with me.
Haha, EXACTLY. He lies, but you cultists believe it. Thanks for making my point for me.

Like I said, he hasn't lied to me. Even though some of his campaign promised haven't come to pass yet because of an uncooperative Congress, it's only year two of his administration.

He's accomplished far more than what he promised, even without the help of Congress.

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