Trump might want to make another Call to Lockheed

1st post
Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
5th post
Well hey ManOnTheStreet is relying sources that note the F-35A already costs under 100 million dollars, so I guess we're done questioning the cost.

We currently project two more years before he admits the consistent dominance of F-35 over 4th gen aircraft isn't some massive fabricated conspiracy by hundreds of pilots from different countries to lie.
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Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
Yeah cause a non stealth helo that's simply being stretched a little...Doesn't begin to have the amount of computer obviously isn't anymore overpriced than AF 1
Well hey ManOnTheStreet is relying sources that note the F-35A already costs under 100 million dollars, so I guess we're done questioning the cost.

We currently project two more years before he admits the consistent dominance of F-35 over 4th gen aircraft isn't some massive fabricated conspiracy by hundreds of pilots from different countries to lie.

You know you have a point. Until then, his posts should be in the Conspiracy part of this board.
Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
Yeah cause a non stealth helo that's simply being stretched a little...Doesn't begin to have the amount of computer obviously isn't anymore overpriced than AF 1

Are you aware that as time goes by and production goes up the price comes down?

And there is one hell of a lot more material on that chopper than on even 3 F-35As.

In 1981 dollars and full production, the CH-53 cost 24.53 mil a copy. And it's out of production. The CH-53E was supposed to be upgraded to the CH-53K(X) in the 90s but that never happened due to funding.

The CH-53E was a compromise. The Army and the Marines wanted a much larger and more powerful heavy lifter but the Navy won out on the smaller, less powerful CH-53E. What you are seeing is a whatif. Whatif they had built the CH-53E to the Army and Marine specs instead of going with the Navy's smaller version.

The CH-53E can air lift medium armor (i.e. 105 howitzer or smaller troop carriers like the M-113) but the larger one wanted could handle much more. Even if the compromise was done, it didn't remove the need that still exists today.

That improvement pretty well means a ground up construction. But the CH-53K is a huge improvement. For instance, it can carry a Humvee internally instead of having to sling it underneath. So it can carry one internally and something else in the sling.
Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion - Wikipedia

Twice the payload of the CH-53E, 20 mph faster, longer range. And the CH-53E from the Marines is due for retirement in 2020.
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Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
Yeah cause a non stealth helo that's simply being stretched a little...Doesn't begin to have the amount of computer obviously isn't anymore overpriced than AF 1

Actually, it isn't stretched. It's fattened. But it's a whole new bird from the ground up. Including, cockpit displays, fly by wire, widened fuselage to get things like a Humvee inside it's cargo bay, the ability to carry two pallets slung underneath right off the trucks and more. New Engines, and more. It's what the Marines and Army wanted in the first place back in the 1970s.
Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
Yeah cause a non stealth helo that's simply being stretched a little...Doesn't begin to have the amount of computer obviously isn't anymore overpriced than AF 1

Actually, it isn't stretched. It's fattened. But it's a whole new bird from the ground up. Including, cockpit displays, fly by wire, widened fuselage to get things like a Humvee inside it's cargo bay, the ability to carry two pallets slung underneath right off the trucks and more. New Engines, and more. It's what the Marines and Army wanted in the first place back in the 1970s.
It's still no where near as complex as f'35.....People whine about size of defense budget but amazingly when you point out potential waste they go batshit defending it.
Marine King Stallion Helo to be as expensive as an F-35?.........Give me a break. Why arent any officers in the Military taking on this outright theft?
New Marine Corps Helicopter to Cost More Than an F-35? Really? | Fighter Sweep

Using the same logic, we need to rethink building the B-21 since it's projected to cost more than the current F-35. And we need to cease construction of all capital ships since they also cost more than the F-35A.

The Author is trying to use the dislike for the cost of F-35 as a reason to stop production of a heavy lifter chopper that we badly need.
Yeah cause a non stealth helo that's simply being stretched a little...Doesn't begin to have the amount of computer obviously isn't anymore overpriced than AF 1

Actually, it isn't stretched. It's fattened. But it's a whole new bird from the ground up. Including, cockpit displays, fly by wire, widened fuselage to get things like a Humvee inside it's cargo bay, the ability to carry two pallets slung underneath right off the trucks and more. New Engines, and more. It's what the Marines and Army wanted in the first place back in the 1970s.
It's still no where near as complex as f'35.....People whine about size of defense budget but amazingly when you point out potential waste they go batshit defending it.

Not building it in the first place is the real waste. It should have been built rather than the milk toast CH-53E like the Army and Marines wanted. Now, it has to be done from the ground up now that the Navy can also handle it on their smaller carriers. The first batch would be as expensive as you claim but soon after, the price would go down to under 80K which would be on par with if they were to build more CH-53Es.
I rest my case......Bet you think LCS is hell of a deal too..Can't take or do damage on modern battle space......Nothing but a target
15th post
Look at this way...maybe we could afford more of your fav f-35 ifn we werent getting jobbed on this helo......

You have never fought in a war, I see. We need what we need. It was MY butt on the line when we were scraping for everything and never quite had enough. But we did the job anyway. How many died for want of enough.

Do we need the F-35, yes. Do we need the CH-53K, you bet as the CH-53Es are about to start dropping out of the sky with Humans on board. But I guess that's okay with you since it will never be your butt in one of those seats.

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