Trump is horrible, why does he have so much success trolling Republicans?

Trump won't be the nominee. But I enjoy watching him drive people berserk
Yep. He is driving all of the other "candidates" in the KKKlown KKKar --- along with the gop establishment --- bonkers with his antics.

Personally, I find him to be extremely entertaining, and hope that this time he goes all the way and wins the nomination. He will be getting my vote in the primary!

Excellent post, SluttyIdioticLoser!
Trump won't be the nominee. But I enjoy watching him drive people berserk
Yep. He is driving all of the other "candidates" in the KKKlown KKKar --- along with the gop establishment --- bonkers with his antics.

Personally, I find him to be extremely entertaining, and hope that this time he goes all the way and wins the nomination. He will be getting my vote in the primary!

Excellent post, SluttyIdioticLoser!
This is the true voice of the Trump supporter: Those who are our enemies.
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.

At this point it's fun to watch him piss off the commiecrats, relax, enjoy the show.
If he gets the nomination Hillary is so fucked during the debates it will be JFK and Nixion all over again

Trump knows how to handle the media.

The left is scared of trump.why would a black guy vote for Hillary over trump?
I think Trump is bringing out the best in the other 15 candidates and for that I applaud him. The race is ON because of Trump. He is making everyone better.

However I DO think Trump is a RINO and could only support him for president if he mysteriously were the GOP nominee.

I agree with most of that, Trump is the most socially liberal of the group, but, like all good THINKING people will evolve, if not, he's out next time!

He "should" get some liberal votes, too. The UN-informed ( ABC, NBC, CBS watchers ) I have come across, love Trump. This is what I hear from them. Honestly.

You know something, I can believe you.
What's impressive is the noaa saying the first 6 months is running at .85c! The record hottest year is .69c for last year!!! This nino is kicking some major ass.

SO you agree that this year is due to NATURAL VARIATION and a normal cycle of El Nino, not CO2 or man. Seems were now making progress..

Have you finally given up your attempt to claim there would be no el Nino this year? The ENSO cycle wasn't created by added CO2 and there is no consensus (and I don't believe anyone here has ever said there was) that global warming has affected the cycle - though some scientists feel its pace has been accelerated and the amplitudes have been increased by warming. And so, of course, there is no consensus that it is NOT being intensified by warming. There IS, however, a very strong consensus that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. Do you agree?

Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

If he is saying the same thing why oh why so many topics on here about him?
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.
I've seen your type several times. You're simply jealous because men get to have a lot of sex with women that wouldn't give you
a second glance.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?

Try this on for size............

Trump GOP Candidates Tied to Lobbyists Special Interests

Your welcome!............:2up:
His stands on all issues are to the left of Hillary's. He gets a pass. I can't believe I am seeing otherwise sensible people following that blowhard. He is like the pied piper of Hamlin, people hear what they want to, not what is actually there.

His personal life is messyier than his politics. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple divorces, lawsuits for failure to deliver, the fact he owns casinos. He is something that should be embarrased, but he takes his bankruptcies and divorces with pride.

He is a troll. The media doesn't report his reality, just fantisies. He is a repeat of Ross Perot, only a lot nastier.

This is the year of the Republican Troll, First Bush, and with Bush fading fast as people get to know who he is, Trump. Trump is the worse troll, as he is threatening 3rd party.
I've seen your type several times. You're simply jealous because men get to have a lot of sex with women that wouldn't give you
a second glance.

Of course, by "have" you mean "buy"...
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.
Meet The Mexican-Americans Who Are Backing Donald Trump In New Hampshire
The Huffington Post's Entertainment ^
It's become one of his loudest, most frequently repeated boasts. As polls have shown him surging to the top of the Republican pack, Donald Trump has made a point of asserting his particular strength among Hispanic voters. "I have so many Hispanics, and they love me," Trump said during a speech in Laconia, New Hampshire, last week. "And interestingly, we just got from the state of Nevada a poll [that] just came out, and Trump won with a tremendous amount. And the second line was, 'Takes Hispanic vote in a landslide,' and I've been saying that. I'm going to win...
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

He demonized illegals who come here and commit crimes.

By the way, I'm still waiting on your proof I'm not of Irish descent. Tick tock. Next time don't be making accusations you cannot prove, you look like a tool
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say. The problem is the media and the left spins his words to something he didn't say.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

He demonized illegals who come here and commit crimes.

By the way, I'm still waiting on your proof I'm not of Irish descent. Tick tock. Next time don't be making accusations you cannot prove, you look like a tool
Irish people aren't normally retarded.
Trump is saying what nobody else has the guts to say.
including lots of Democrats....
What is he saying that no one has the guts to say?
geezus ravi....have you been paying attention?....what he is saying about many,not all mind you, but a small percentage of illegals is true....some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country....if he would have thought about what he was saying and said it without blanketing all illegals it would have been pretty hard for anyone to prove him wrong....and out where i live a hell of a lot of democrats agree with..... some are not nice people and can give a fuck about this country......because most out here have seen this for that being said, 90% of illegals are decent people and are not here to rob and rape your spite of what the racists and the far right have to say....
That isn't what he said, though. He demonized all Mexicans. That doesn't take guts and in fact is a cowardly act.

He demonized illegals who come here and commit crimes.

By the way, I'm still waiting on your proof I'm not of Irish descent. Tick tock. Next time don't be making accusations you cannot prove, you look like a tool
Irish people aren't normally retarded.

Your post didn't contain relevant topic info. Couldn't refute what Trump actually said, can you? Epic, epic fail all around for you

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