Trump Is Aligning The Military With The Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
While a majority, 71% of all Americans and 53% of military households, still views Russia as an enemy, the spike in pro-Russian sentiment has defense officials concerned.
And now, due to purely partisan interests, the nation’s military is being warped into supporting the hostile foreign power–against our own values, geopolitical interests, and intelligence services It’s like the plot from a bad spy novel, except that it’s happening right out in the open. This is the situation as it stands between Trump, Russia, the Republican Party and Ukraine. And no one can do anything about it because the Republican Party sees itself as locked into a demographic death spiral as it sheds support from every demographic except the declining share older, white, exurban evangelicals, and is therefore willing to defend even the most abominable behavior in exchange for nominating a slew of extremist radical judges who they hope will derail any progressive priorities for the next several decades.

Trump Is Aligning the Military with the Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate | Washington Monthly

Those numbers show beyond all doubt Republicans are the enemy within America. There is no longer any need to negotiate with them. Just continue treating them as the enemy they are until their numbers are dwindled into the minority in the 2040's, and then deal with them accordingly.
Fake news, progressive liars will say anything, and we have found you out.
From wiki-
The magazine was founded in 1969 by Charles Peters, who wrote the "Tilting at Windmills" column in each issue until 2014.[1] Paul Glastris, former speechwriter for Bill Clinton, has been Washington Monthly's editor-in-chief since 2001. In 2008, the magazine switched from a monthly to a bimonthly publication schedule, citing high publication costs.

The politics of Washington Monthly are often considered center-left.[5][6][7] Founder Charles Peters refers to himself as a New DealDemocrat and advocates the use of government to address social problems. His columns also frequently emphasized the importance of a vigilant "fourth estate" in keeping government honest.
While a majority, 71% of all Americans and 53% of military households, still views Russia as an enemy, the spike in pro-Russian sentiment has defense officials concerned.
And now, due to purely partisan interests, the nation’s military is being warped into supporting the hostile foreign power–against our own values, geopolitical interests, and intelligence services It’s like the plot from a bad spy novel, except that it’s happening right out in the open. This is the situation as it stands between Trump, Russia, the Republican Party and Ukraine. And no one can do anything about it because the Republican Party sees itself as locked into a demographic death spiral as it sheds support from every demographic except the declining share older, white, exurban evangelicals, and is therefore willing to defend even the most abominable behavior in exchange for nominating a slew of extremist radical judges who they hope will derail any progressive priorities for the next several decades.

Trump Is Aligning the Military with the Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate | Washington Monthly

Those numbers show beyond all doubt Republicans are the enemy within America. There is no longer any need to negotiate with them. Just continue treating them as the enemy they are until their numbers are dwindled into the minority in the 2040's, and then deal with them accordingly.

You are cuckoo, aren't you.

There is not a shred of evidence that supports you.
"Trump Is Aligning The Military With The Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate"

With a title like that, shouldn't it be in Political Satire?
The first post was garbage except for one fact.

American will go down hill as the wiser and older white voters die off and are replaced by immigrants from Mexico who breed like rabbits.
While a majority, 71% of all Americans and 53% of military households, still views Russia as an enemy, the spike in pro-Russian sentiment has defense officials concerned.
And now, due to purely partisan interests, the nation’s military is being warped into supporting the hostile foreign power–against our own values, geopolitical interests, and intelligence services It’s like the plot from a bad spy novel, except that it’s happening right out in the open. This is the situation as it stands between Trump, Russia, the Republican Party and Ukraine. And no one can do anything about it because the Republican Party sees itself as locked into a demographic death spiral as it sheds support from every demographic except the declining share older, white, exurban evangelicals, and is therefore willing to defend even the most abominable behavior in exchange for nominating a slew of extremist radical judges who they hope will derail any progressive priorities for the next several decades.

Trump Is Aligning the Military with the Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate | Washington Monthly

Those numbers show beyond all doubt Republicans are the enemy within America. There is no longer any need to negotiate with them. Just continue treating them as the enemy they are until their numbers are dwindled into the minority in the 2040's, and then deal with them accordingly.
Your Prog broadcasters keep telling us that. Russia is the enemy. They lie! The Prog broadcasters are the enemy.
White supremacist Russophiles have come out of the closet in this thread big time.
White Russians?

Please make me four.

Four is about the right number.

While a majority, 71% of all Americans and 53% of military households, still views Russia as an enemy, the spike in pro-Russian sentiment has defense officials concerned.
And now, due to purely partisan interests, the nation’s military is being warped into supporting the hostile foreign power–against our own values, geopolitical interests, and intelligence services It’s like the plot from a bad spy novel, except that it’s happening right out in the open. This is the situation as it stands between Trump, Russia, the Republican Party and Ukraine. And no one can do anything about it because the Republican Party sees itself as locked into a demographic death spiral as it sheds support from every demographic except the declining share older, white, exurban evangelicals, and is therefore willing to defend even the most abominable behavior in exchange for nominating a slew of extremist radical judges who they hope will derail any progressive priorities for the next several decades.

Trump Is Aligning the Military with the Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate | Washington Monthly

Those numbers show beyond all doubt Republicans are the enemy within America. There is no longer any need to negotiate with them. Just continue treating them as the enemy they are until their numbers are dwindled into the minority in the 2040's, and then deal with them accordingly.

Yeah, this is some scary shit going on right now with regards to Russia. You've got pretty much entire Republican congressional caucus doing Putin's bidding despite dire warnings from the intelligence community. Sad
While a majority, 71% of all Americans and 53% of military households, still views Russia as an enemy, the spike in pro-Russian sentiment has defense officials concerned.
And now, due to purely partisan interests, the nation’s military is being warped into supporting the hostile foreign power–against our own values, geopolitical interests, and intelligence services It’s like the plot from a bad spy novel, except that it’s happening right out in the open. This is the situation as it stands between Trump, Russia, the Republican Party and Ukraine. And no one can do anything about it because the Republican Party sees itself as locked into a demographic death spiral as it sheds support from every demographic except the declining share older, white, exurban evangelicals, and is therefore willing to defend even the most abominable behavior in exchange for nominating a slew of extremist radical judges who they hope will derail any progressive priorities for the next several decades.

Trump Is Aligning the Military with the Russian White Supremacist Criminal Syndicate | Washington Monthly

Those numbers show beyond all doubt Republicans are the enemy within America. There is no longer any need to negotiate with them. Just continue treating them as the enemy they are until their numbers are dwindled into the minority in the 2040's, and then deal with them accordingly.
Historically, the left has used camps and mass graves to deal with political opponents "accordingly".

Is that what you have in mind, Comrade?

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