Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

The point of this topic is to help the ignorant understand the ridiculous talking point about Al Gore has absolutely no relation to why Trump was arrested.

Al Gore did not create illegal electors in seven states. Al Gore accepted his court loss, and as Vice President he certified George Bush as the winner of the 2000 election.

ZERO correlation to Trump.

This does not seem to be penetrating.
What part of the law do you not understand which is making you say such silly things?

I understand fully the question I've asked here.

The double meaning of democracy, a popular-type government in general, which is a feature of our Republic, as well as a specific form of government (A Democracy), should to be made clear in any discussion, or writing, regarding the subject, for the sake of sound understanding.

You made no such effort.
For some people, the topic title might be a "Duh!" moment.

But a number of forum members are unaware of the fact the guy in my avatar has been arrested for creating illegal electors and attempting to overthrow our democracy. He has also been arrested for other crimes related to his attempted coup.

I don't know if their ignorance is because they avoid the news or if the media outlets they do watch have not informed them of these facts.

We know they are ignorant of the reason for his arrest because an astounding number of them keep asking why Al Gore was not arrested. At least twice a day someone asks this question, and many topics have been started asking this question.

So it has become necessary to let them in on why this guy was arrested.

For example, in Georgia the election has to be certified by the secretary of state and the governor. They then authorize which electors are allowed to send their vote count to the US Senate.

This is the law, for every obvious reasons. You can't have a bunch of maniacs deciding to send umpteen slates of electors to the US Senate. The electors have to be appointed by the state.

Trump and his criminal organization decided to be maniacs and send an illegal slate to the US Senate. They met in secret and sent their fake certification to the Senate.

When the coup failed, Trump's co-conspirators asked for pardons from Trump. They knew what they had done was illegal.

But Trump did not give them pardons. He decided if he was going down, he was taking them with him.

And so here we are.

I hope this helps the ignorant get their minds right as to how this has absolutely no relation to Al Gore.

You're welcome.

How the fake electors in seven states are central to the Trump Jan. 6 indictment

So you think you scooped the four dozen other threads on this?
Representative democracy is a type of democracy, snowflake

In ''a Democracy,'' (which is what appears that the OP is ignorantly referencing, like so many others here tend to do,) the Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority.

It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be ''a Direct Democracy,'' or ''a Representative Democracy.''

Additionally, in ''A Democracy" there can be no legal system which protects The Individual or The Minority (meaning any or all minorities) against unlimited tyranny by The Majority.

There's ''democracy'' (meaning merely the popular type of government featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically)

And then there's "A Democracy'' which is a form of government. (The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of ''a Democracy'' being ''Rule by Omnipotent Majority.'')
From the law I cited: The Secretary of State shall also, upon receiving the certified returns for presidential electors, proceed to tabulate, compute, and canvass the votes cast for each slate of presidential electors and shall immediately lay them before the Governor.

Trump's organized criminal conspiracy did not do this. They did not follow the law. They met in secret, voted in secret, and create an illegal slate in secret.

The Governor shall enumerate and ascertain the number of votes for each person so voted and shall certify the slates of presidential electors receiving the highest number of votes. The Governor shall certify the slates of presidential electors no later than 5:00 P.M. on the eighteenth day following the date on which such election was conducted.

This did not happen with Trump's illegal electors.

Absolutely no correlation to Al Gore whatsoever. That's why Al Gore was not arrested.

You're welcome.
In ''a Democracy,'' The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority.

It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be ''a Direct Democracy,'' or ''a Representative Democracy.''

Additionally, in ''A Democracy" there can be no legal system which protects The Individual or The Minority (meaning any or all minorities) against unlimited tyranny by The Majority.
Cool, bro. Sorry you hate our democracy.
I tried to help with your ignorance but you simply stick your fingers in your ears, chant LA LA LA LA and hurl insults. Oh well. partisans like you are going to do what partisans are gonna do.
^^^ Another rube who doesn't know shit about my positions on the issues, but attacks out of ignorance anyway.

Arrogant ignorance: The hallmark of Trumpism.
So what I'm asking from you muppets is to clarify yourselves.

Because if you don't, I'll do it for you in front of all of your friends.

And you're probably going to acomplish the opposite of what you've set out to accomplish here in this stupid thread.
Nowhere in that law does it say there shall be no alternate electors in case an election is overturned.
Alternate electors must be certified by the secretary of state and the Governor.

That's in the law. How is this not penetrating?

Use common sense, man! Using your TardLogic, a bunch of housewives could get together and create a fake slate of electors comprised of their gardening club.
In ''a Democracy,'' (which is what appears that the OP is ignorantly referencing, like so many others here tend to do,) the Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority.

It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be ''a Direct Democracy,'' or ''a Representative Democracy.''

Additionally, in ''A Democracy" there can be no legal system which protects The Individual or The Minority (meaning any or all minorities) against unlimited tyranny by The Majority.

There's ''democracy'' (meaning merely the popular type of government featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically)

And then there's "A Democracy'' which is a form of government. (The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of ''a Democracy'' being ''Rule by Omnipotent Majority.'')
We are a representative democracy. Duh.

I would really like to know who created this additional talking point for you fools. I hear this same "we are not a democracy" bullshit at least twice a day on this forum, too.

Astounding ignorance!

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