
Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Much of the hysteria sweeping the fraction of the country that voted for Hillary Clinton originates in understandable Jewish worries about whether the rising tide of populist nationalism will be good for Jewish people.

Note the disparate media treatment of Trump’s two Steves. The press has gone nuts baselessly tarring the working-class Irish-American Stephen Bannon, Trump’s strategist, as anti-Semitic (in reality, Bannon helped bankroll Seinfeld), while largely ignoring Jewish-American Stephen Miller, Trump’s brilliant speechwriter and warm-up act, because he doesn’t fit into the Narrative.

While unfair, it’s reasonable for Jews to feel uneasy about Donald Trump’s promises to bring change to a global system under which, whatever its failings, Jews have prospered more than any other ethnic group.

Burkean prudence advises the people on top to be cautious about proposed changes. After all, they have the most to lose. On a per capita basis, Jews are, by far, the highest-achieving, richest, and most influential ethnicity in the world. So they naturally have concerns about the new breed of politicians promising a better deal for the masses. The status quo has been very good to Jews, so as the winners it’s only natural for them to be suspicious of reform.

American Jews, however, have increasingly lost a realistic sense of their own situation, as their talent for Narrative-molding works even better on themselves than it does on everybody else. Jews like to picture themselves as underdogs and thus the natural leaders in a democracy. Contemporary Jews are remarkably lacking in self-awareness of their overdog status.

This is relevant because we are constantly besieged by statistics purporting to demonstrate the existence of “white privilege.” The reigning conventional wisdom insists that any quantitative differences between whites and blacks must be assumed to stem from discrimination. Yet the even more disparate statistics showing Jewish statistical superiority over gentile whites are virtually never used to allege “Jewish privilege.”

Indeed, many of the promoters of the white-privilege libel are Jews who would go berserk with rage if they were ever accused, using the same logic, of being beneficiaries of Jewish privilege. Therefore, the mainstream media almost never mention disproportionate Jewish representation.

Yet, it’s not hard to learn about the remarkable performance of Jews. Many Jews indulge, not unreasonably, in an ethnocentric fascination with Jewish accomplishments, so the internet features a plethora of Jewish periodicals and well-documented websites run by Jews tabulating striking data about Jews.

The numbers truly are fascinating.

First, consider Jewish achievement as measured by fairly objective Scandinavian scientists. Jews make up only about 0.2 percent of the world population but have earned just under one-quarter of the hard-science Nobel Prizes. According to lists kept by Bibi Netanyahu’s former science adviser, 49 Jews have won Nobels in physics, 34 in chemistry, and 53 in medicine.

That’s a tremendous accomplishment.

In the more political categories, Jews have won fewer prizes in Peace (10) and Literature (13 including Bob Dylan), but have done very well in the quasi-Nobel of Economics, making up 25 of the 78 laureates since its founding in 1969.

Second, Jewish wealth. My best guess is that Jews make up somewhere around one-seventh of the world’s and about one-third of America’s billionaires. That’s amazing and important. This huge fact about the modern world comes up all the time in Jewish publications. But in periodicals not aimed at Jews, even in economics blogs, it can be like pulling teeth to get anybody to admit that there is anything at all interesting about 130 or more of the Forbes 400 belonging to one tiny ethnic group.

Third, Jewish influence. In 2009, The Atlantic published its subjective ranking of the 50 “most influential commentators” in America. Just under 50 percent were Jewish by background. Jewish social scientists Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab found similar inequalities in a host of other influential fields for the 1965–95 era.

The numbers are so overwhelmingly obvious that Jewish intellectuals used to worry about how liberal conventional wisdom could be turned against Jews. Back in the 1970s, the first generation of Jewish neoconservatives, such as sociologist Nathan Glazer in his 1975 anti-racial-preferences book Affirmative Discrimination, lamented that the white-privilege logic that imposed racial quotas upon whites in general could easily be used to inflict even more onerous burdens on the most successful group of whites, Jews.

After all, if statistics showing that whites saved more money, did better in school, and committed fewer crimes than blacks were considered prima facie evidence of white racism, what would the same rationale imply about statistics revealing that American Jews enjoy advantages over other whites roughly as large as whites enjoy over blacks? Surely, the pseudo-logic of “white privilege” would ultimately be bad for the Jews?

But this proved to be an example of smart Jews overthinking a potential problem by assuming that he who says A (“white privilege”) must say B (“Jewish privilege”).

In reality, if Jews sufficiently reward blacks for saying A and punish gentiles for saying B, there isn’t much danger of logical consistency after all. For example, in 1990, the media suddenly stopped praising film director Spike Lee for excoriating whites and turned on him for poking fun at greedy Jewish nightclub owners who financially exploit unworldly black jazz musicians, such as Spike’s dad. The artist’s career never quite recovered, and the message was delivered: Europhobia can be a good career move, but criticizing Jews will bring instant retribution down on your head.

Not surprisingly, in the 1990s, Glazer changed his mind and started supporting affirmative action.

Over the decades it turned out that Jews could simply use their influence in the media to get across to gentiles the lesson that taking an intelligent interest in Jewish demographics could get them in big trouble. Thinking is work, and most gentiles are happy to not think about social realities that you don’t want them to think about.

Hence, many gentiles today have cultivated what Orwell called “protective stupidity” regarding the facts of Jewish accomplishment: What could be more tedious than thinking about, say, the backgrounds of billionaires?

In contrast to the mainstream media’s efforts to make the citizenry stupider, Trump’s speechwriter Stephen Miller appears motivated by the time-tested philosophy of noblesse oblige.

For noblesse oblige to work, influential ethnicities have to be publicly acknowledged to be influential. If, though, their collective identity is that of a marginal caste oppressed by the majority, then the system won’t work. As a great Jew pointed out in 1962: “With great power there must also come—great responsibility!”

Perhaps Miller’s notion of noblesse oblige toward fellow American citizens will spread among Jews.

More likely, however, is that Jews will pile onto the ongoing Flight from White. The Atlantic is currently asking “Are Jews White?” The Obama Administration appears to be close to declaring Israelis to be eligible for the benefits of nonwhiteness as it concocts a Middle Eastern North African census category.

As this unfolds, you can expect to see massive retconning of history as the beneficiaries devise explanations of why they deserve to inherit racial preferences. For example, who can forget that chilling moment when Jefferson Davis discovered that his Confederate secretary of war, Judah P. Benjamin, was Jewish and immediately had him sold into slavery?

Steve Sailer
Will Trump be Good for the Jewish People?
Jews are perversely in the intellectual leadership of both sides of our political divide. Religious jews such as Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager (not to mention much of the Breitbart staff) champion the Right, while the left is riddled with jews from top to bottom.

Whether Trump will be an indiscriminate supporter of Bibi and Israel remains to be seen. He seemingly does not need the financial support which causes conventional politicians to grovel before the jewish mafia, but I have no doubt that he sees Netanyahu as a strong leader to be admired.

As a general proposition, jews prosper regardless of who is in power. I'm sure Trump is helping the ALCU raise money for legal help to illegals, so that would be a good thing (for them).
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Democracy could work in the old America, in which everyone felt they were in the same boat. In the 1950s, while the factory owner drove a nicer car than the factory worker, their kids went to the same schools, and their wives shopped in the same stores. Today, there is a yawning gulf between the owners and the workers. As in an aristocracy, that great distance produces an inability to relate. We no longer feel like we are all in the same boat.

The ruling class will champion policies that are good for it, i.e., free trade and mass immigration and the trappings of a police state, and bad for the ruled. The media, which is controlled by the ruling class, no longer has the common good as its lodestar. Its concern is its class interest. We saw this clearly in the media's conduct during this last campaign, in its contempt for the ruled, and in its relentless campaign to inflame ethnic grievance and racial conflict.

Within the ruling class, Jews are a powerful element, but not the only element. Left unchecked, however, they will become the only element. The big question is whether the white element in the ruling class will realign with the white nation they rule while they still have power or will they cling to current status until it is too late.
Democracy could work in the old America, in which everyone felt they were in the same boat. In the 1950s, while the factory owner drove a nicer car than the factory worker, their kids went to the same schools, and their wives shopped in the same stores. Today, there is a yawning gulf between the owners and the workers. As in an aristocracy, that great distance produces an inability to relate. We no longer feel like we are all in the same boat.

The ruling class will champion policies that are good for it, i.e., free trade and mass immigration and the trappings of a police state, and bad for the ruled. The media, which is controlled by the ruling class, no longer has the common good as its lodestar. Its concern is its class interest. We saw this clearly in the media's conduct during this last campaign, in its contempt for the ruled, and in its relentless campaign to inflame ethnic grievance and racial conflict.

Within the ruling class, Jews are a powerful element, but not the only element. Left unchecked, however, they will become the only element. The big question is whether the white element in the ruling class will realign with the white nation they rule while they still have power or will they cling to current status until it is too late.
You are the unanimous winner. Take a bow!

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Democracy could work in the old America, in which everyone felt they were in the same boat. In the 1950s, while the factory owner drove a nicer car than the factory worker, their kids went to the same schools, and their wives shopped in the same stores. Today, there is a yawning gulf between the owners and the workers. As in an aristocracy, that great distance produces an inability to relate. We no longer feel like we are all in the same boat.

The ruling class will champion policies that are good for it, i.e., free trade and mass immigration and the trappings of a police state, and bad for the ruled. The media, which is controlled by the ruling class, no longer has the common good as its lodestar. Its concern is its class interest. We saw this clearly in the media's conduct during this last campaign, in its contempt for the ruled, and in its relentless campaign to inflame ethnic grievance and racial conflict.

Within the ruling class, Jews are a powerful element, but not the only element. Left unchecked, however, they will become the only element. The big question is whether the white element in the ruling class will realign with the white nation they rule while they still have power or will they cling to current status until it is too late.
You are the unanimous winner. Take a bow!

It is significant that you never dispute my argument, just call names. Sign of a mediocre intelligence.
Democracy could work in the old America, in which everyone felt they were in the same boat. In the 1950s, while the factory owner drove a nicer car than the factory worker, their kids went to the same schools, and their wives shopped in the same stores. Today, there is a yawning gulf between the owners and the workers. As in an aristocracy, that great distance produces an inability to relate. We no longer feel like we are all in the same boat.

The ruling class will champion policies that are good for it, i.e., free trade and mass immigration and the trappings of a police state, and bad for the ruled. The media, which is controlled by the ruling class, no longer has the common good as its lodestar. Its concern is its class interest. We saw this clearly in the media's conduct during this last campaign, in its contempt for the ruled, and in its relentless campaign to inflame ethnic grievance and racial conflict.

Within the ruling class, Jews are a powerful element, but not the only element. Left unchecked, however, they will become the only element. The big question is whether the white element in the ruling class will realign with the white nation they rule while they still have power or will they cling to current status until it is too late.
You are the unanimous winner. Take a bow!

It is significant that you never dispute my argument, just call names. Sign of a mediocre intelligence.
The names are an accurate description of your persona according to the twisted logic you espouse, dear.
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Democracy could work in the old America, in which everyone felt they were in the same boat. In the 1950s, while the factory owner drove a nicer car than the factory worker, their kids went to the same schools, and their wives shopped in the same stores. Today, there is a yawning gulf between the owners and the workers. As in an aristocracy, that great distance produces an inability to relate. We no longer feel like we are all in the same boat.

The ruling class will champion policies that are good for it, i.e., free trade and mass immigration and the trappings of a police state, and bad for the ruled. The media, which is controlled by the ruling class, no longer has the common good as its lodestar. Its concern is its class interest. We saw this clearly in the media's conduct during this last campaign, in its contempt for the ruled, and in its relentless campaign to inflame ethnic grievance and racial conflict.

Within the ruling class, Jews are a powerful element, but not the only element. Left unchecked, however, they will become the only element. The big question is whether the white element in the ruling class will realign with the white nation they rule while they still have power or will they cling to current status until it is too late.
You are the unanimous winner. Take a bow!

It is significant that you never dispute my argument, just call names. Sign of a mediocre intelligence.
The names are an accurate description of your persona according to the twisted logic you espouse, dear.
Ok, lightweight

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