Trump Goes After The 1st Amendment

Yep....your liberal world is coming to an big league on that!!!!
The United States Executive will be in chaos with a billionaire conman completely out-of-touch with the real world.
You do know your Hillary lost, right?
Americans have not the slightest idea what is about to hit them. They have only themselves to blame. It was clear from the Republican primaries that the TV personality, Donald Trump, is a loudmouth conman. What a calamity!
Seems Americans took full control and booted you LWNJs to the curb.....

They know full well what is coming and made the only sane choice to deal with your democrat destruction....
If I believed in God, I would be praying for the American people today.

Thank you.
Since Trump wrote them, aren't they real news?

Or are you saying they aren't real until your fake news interprets them for your consumption?
The bizarre conman is about to take over the presidency. His grasp of facts suddenly makes the country and the world a scary place.
Yep....your liberal world is coming to an big league on that!!!!
The United States Executive will be in chaos with a billionaire conman completely out-of-touch with the real world.
You do know your Hillary lost, right?
Americans have not the slightest idea what is about to hit them. They have only themselves to blame. It was clear from the Republican primaries that the TV personality, Donald Trump, is a loudmouth conman. What a calamity!

How were parts of his personal tax return obtained? If illegal, Trump is right - those responsible should be in jail.
On Facebook? That is not a network. That is Facebook!

Another far left drone failed post!

What's wrong with you? Facebook and Twitter are just as popular now than regular TV, that's why Trump is using that as his platform. Plus people can watch it on their phones, computers, and tablets where ever they are with internet.

No that is not TV it is the internet..

Another reason why you far left drones fail at posting..

Even you could do Facebook Live.. So you failed once again!

When will you far left drones realize that you fail with each and every post?

You realize that even the NFL broadcasts games on Twitter now? Now you are just copy and pasting your can't even use your reasoning skills to have a real discussion.
So the NFL considers that another network? How many stupid pills are you on?

No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!
What's wrong with you? Facebook and Twitter are just as popular now than regular TV, that's why Trump is using that as his platform. Plus people can watch it on their phones, computers, and tablets where ever they are with internet.

No that is not TV it is the internet..

Another reason why you far left drones fail at posting..

Even you could do Facebook Live.. So you failed once again!

When will you far left drones realize that you fail with each and every post?

You realize that even the NFL broadcasts games on Twitter now? Now you are just copy and pasting your can't even use your reasoning skills to have a real discussion.
So the NFL considers that another network? How many stupid pills are you on?

No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.
No that is not TV it is the internet..

Another reason why you far left drones fail at posting..

Even you could do Facebook Live.. So you failed once again!

When will you far left drones realize that you fail with each and every post?

You realize that even the NFL broadcasts games on Twitter now? Now you are just copy and pasting your can't even use your reasoning skills to have a real discussion.
So the NFL considers that another network? How many stupid pills are you on?

No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!
You realize that even the NFL broadcasts games on Twitter now? Now you are just copy and pasting your can't even use your reasoning skills to have a real discussion.
So the NFL considers that another network? How many stupid pills are you on?

No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?
So the NFL considers that another network? How many stupid pills are you on?

No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?
No dumbass, it's another platform media for the network.

So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?

I didn't say videos. I said tv. Can you watch TV programming on your computer?
So you admit that is not TV, right?

Silly far left drone!

Just concede like Hilary did!

Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?

I didn't say videos. I said tv. Can you watch TV programming on your computer?

So I will take it as a no that you will not be an adult and admit you were wrong!

You said twitter was TV, so no backing down now.

Be an adult and admit you were wrong!

Donald Trump Will Be President In Just Over A Month And The Constitution Is Already Under Attack

With a little over a month until Donald Trump takes office, the president-elect and his allies have already begun to attack the guarantees of the First Amendment, signaling how imperiled the fundamental freedoms of the Constitution could be under a Trump presidency.

Trump has long shown contempt for the media and, as he prepares to take power, he and his allies haven’t held back.

On Thursday, Corey Lewandowski, who is Trump’s former campaign manager and expected to have a role in a Trump White House, said that New York Times editor Dean Baquet should be in jail because the paper published parts of Trump’s tax return during the campaign.

“We had one of the top people at The New York Times come to Harvard University and say, ‘I’m willing to go to jail to get a copy of Donald Trump’s taxes so I can publish them,’” Lewandowski said, according to Politico. “Dean Baquet came here and offered to go to jail — you’re telling me, he’s willing to commit a felony on a private citizen to post his taxes, and there isn’t enough scrutiny on the Trump campaign and his business dealings and his taxes?”

“It’s egregious,” Lewandowski added. “He should be in jail.”

Even after winning the presidency, Trump has had an almost myopic focus on the Times, criticizing the paper’s coverage of him. He has pledged to sue the newspaper, though, when he met with its staff, he called it “a great, great American jewel. A world jewel.”

But Trump has undermined the press by limiting its access to him, while surrogates have made the absurd claim that facts simply don’t exist anymore. The incoming commander in chief has also suggested that Americans who burn flags should lose their citizenship and do jail time. That would be a clear violation of the constitution, as the Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that flag burning was constitutionally protected speech.

The New York Observer, which is owned by Trump’s son in law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, also published an op-ed this week calling on the FBI to investigate nationwide protests ― a form of constitutionally protected free speech ― following Trump’s victory.

Trump’s statement that Muslims should be banned from entering the United States is also an attack on the First Amendment, along with several other constitutional protections.

But perhaps more disturbingly, there’s been logic emerging from the Trump team that anything Trump does is protected by the office of the presidency.

When he explained the potential conflict of interest with his business, for example, Trump said “the law’s totally on my side, the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”

Kellyanne Conway, another of Trump’s campaign managers, said that his spreading misinformation on Twitter constituted presidential behavior simply because he specifically engaged in it.

“He’s the president-elect, so that’s presidential behavior,” she said.

Donald Trump Will Be President In Just Over A Month And The Constitution Is Already Under Attack

I fear this is only the beginning. Trump is far more thin-skinned than Nixon.
How is trump not talking to the media obstruction of the first amendment? Wow, spot on lib talking points
Frank Zappa, Prophet: “America Moving Towards A Fascist Theocracy” (VIDEO)

Now, this may not exactly be breaking news, but some 29 years ago, musician Frank Zappa managed a bit of prophecy when he predicted that our nation was moving towards a fascist theocracy.

The biggest threat towards America today is not Communism, it is moving America towards a fascist theocracy . . . . When you have a government that prefers a certain moral code derived from a certain religion and that moral code turns into legislation to suit one certain religious point of view and if that code happens to be very, very right wing, almost towards Atila the Hun . . . .

More: Frank Zappa, Prophet: “America Moving Towards A Fascist Theocracy” (VIDEO)

Frank Zappa pretty much nailed it. There are two videos above - short one and longer one.

Now trump will bring us back to reality. Praising jihadist like obummer and libturds were will be stopped. Along with stopping the attack on Christians.
Ok man... I'm going to quit arguing with you about this. I can't make you understand technology and the new media platforms. You are either smart enough to get it, or you're not.

So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?

I didn't say videos. I said tv. Can you watch TV programming on your computer?

So I will take it as a no that you will not be an adult and admit you were wrong!

You said twitter was TV, so no backing down now.

Be an adult and admit you were wrong!

If it broadcast live network television programming, it is a media platform. There is no argument here. End of story. Give up dude. You didn't even know about Trump's Network.
So you admit that twitter is not TV, right?

Internet is not TV no matter how you far left drones want to spin it.

It is the internet, something you far left drones fail to use except when you want to read your far left religious sites like MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, etc.

You lost, just be an adult and admit it!

You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?

I didn't say videos. I said tv. Can you watch TV programming on your computer?

So I will take it as a no that you will not be an adult and admit you were wrong!

You said twitter was TV, so no backing down now.

Be an adult and admit you were wrong!

If it broadcast live network television programming, it is a media platform. There is no argument here. End of story. Give up dude. You didn't even know about Trump's Network.

And you think that Trumps Network on Facebook is TV..

That is where you failed, just be an adult and admit you were wrong!

But you keep showing the far left has the mentality of a two year old!
AuthoritarianTrumpers are totally fine with the idea of censorship. More evidence that the 2nd is the only amd that matters.

Here's what I would do re: the media if I were Trump
Speak up.....well gladly censor you as individuals.......pussy.....:lol:

There was never any doubt that you would be one of the loudest dopes on the authoritarian train. All aboard!
No ride that train to the's coming up quick mind you....:lol:
You don't understand do you? Can you watch tv on your computer?

Silly far left drone!

Twitter is not TV, no matter how you want to spin it.

I can watch videos on many devices, but that does not make them a TV.

So you finally going to be an adult and admit you were wrong?

I didn't say videos. I said tv. Can you watch TV programming on your computer?

So I will take it as a no that you will not be an adult and admit you were wrong!

You said twitter was TV, so no backing down now.

Be an adult and admit you were wrong!

If it broadcast live network television programming, it is a media platform. There is no argument here. End of story. Give up dude. You didn't even know about Trump's Network.

And you think that Trumps Network on Facebook is TV..

That is where you failed, just be an adult and admit you were wrong!

But you keep showing the far left has the mentality of a two year old!

So something that transmits network programming isn't tv? Got it.
AuthoritarianTrumpers are totally fine with the idea of censorship. More evidence that the 2nd is the only amd that matters.

Here's what I would do re: the media if I were Trump
Speak up.....well gladly censor you as individuals.......pussy.....:lol:

There was never any doubt that you would be one of the loudest dopes on the authoritarian train. All aboard!

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms

Obama is leaving office now, so you are looking at the wrong train!

Silly far left drone!
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