Trump Fired Sally Yates The Day She Offered Review Of Evidence Flynn Was Compromised


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified to a Senate subcommittee Monday that she had evidence that Michael Flynn was compromised and “could be blackmailed” by Russia.

That information has been previously reported in the course of multiple investigations into the Trump team’s ties to Russia. What was not known until now is that on the very day Yates invited the White House to review the evidence she had on Flynn, she was removed from her position at the Department of Justice.

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YATES: We told them that we were inclined to allow them to look at that underlying evidence, that we wanted to go back to DOJ and be able to make the logistical arrangements for that. This second meeting on the 27th [of January] occurred late in the afternoon, this is Friday the 27th. So, we told them that we would work with the FBI over the weekend on this issue and get back with him on Monday morning. And I called him first thing Monday morning to let him know that we would allow them to come over and to review the underlying evidence.

WHITEHOUSE: And was that the phone call, or was there a separate phone call?

YATES: There was the phone call initially to let him know I needed to come see him —


YATES: — two meetings, and then a phone call at the end to let him know —

WHITEHOUSE: That the material was available if he wanted to see it?

YATES: — that the material was available. He had to call me back, he was not available then, and I did not hear back from him until that afternoon of Monday the 30th.

WHITEHOUSE: And that was the end of this episode? Nobody came over to look the at the material?

YATES: I don’t know what happened after that because that was my last day with DOJ.


Yates’ firing also occurred on the same day she sent a letter to Justice Department lawyers saying Trump’s Muslim ban was unlawful.

The Trump administration initially tried to prevent Yates’ testimony, arguing that executive privilege barred her from testifying to Congress, but the public outcry for her views led to Yates agreeing to testify.

Yates raised her concerns with the Trump team via two meetings with White House Counsel Don McGahn and a phone call with him as well.

Yates first warned the Trump team about Flynn’s problems on January 26, but Flynn was not fired until 18 days later, after news reports revealed that Flynn had made contact with Russian elements.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
And made him look like the fool that he is in front of the whole world today.

And bitch slapped the taste out of this fools mouth in the same round.

After Getting His Butt Kicked By Sally Yates, Ted Cruz Doesn't Return For Second Round Of Questioning

Senator Graham has a bill increasing the sanctions on Putin personally, and will prevent Exxon Mobile from touching a drop of that oil from the acrtic shelf that will cost them at least $10 billion they already have in leases all over Russia.

Donny boy will be getting desperate soon.

Of course if he apologizes to Miss Yates, she may show up as a witness in his defense at his impeachment trial.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
And made him look like the fool that he is in front of the whole world today.

And bitch slapped the taste out of this fools mouth in the same round.

After Getting His Butt Kicked By Sally Yates, Ted Cruz Doesn't Return For Second Round Of Questioning

Senator Graham has a bill increasing the sanctions on Putin personally, and will prevent Exxon Mobile from touching a drop of that oil from the acrtic shelf that will cost them at least $10 billion they already have in leases all over Russia.

Donny boy will be getting desperate soon.

Of course if he apologizes to Miss Yates, she may show up as a witness in his defense at his impeachment trial.

Impeachment? She was fired for not defending his travel order ban, which is her job! She serves at the pleasure of the President. She was fired for not doing her job.

How do you get impeachment out of that?
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
And made him look like the fool that he is in front of the whole world today.

And bitch slapped the taste out of this fools mouth in the same round.

After Getting His Butt Kicked By Sally Yates, Ted Cruz Doesn't Return For Second Round Of Questioning

Senator Graham has a bill increasing the sanctions on Putin personally, and will prevent Exxon Mobile from touching a drop of that oil from the acrtic shelf that will cost them at least $10 billion they already have in leases all over Russia.

Donny boy will be getting desperate soon.

Of course if he apologizes to Miss Yates, she may show up as a witness in his defense at his impeachment trial.

Impeachment? She was fired for not defending his travel order ban, which is her job! She serves at the pleasure of the President. She was fired for not doing her job.

How do you get impeachment out of that?

She's the AG of the United States.

She swore to protect and defend the Constitution.

Something that piece of shit she served under, and warned didn't do.

Who's numerous actions, including hiring Flynn are more than enough grounds to impeach him.

Sally Yates has credibility.

Donald Trump has none.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
And made him look like the fool that he is in front of the whole world today.

And bitch slapped the taste out of this fools mouth in the same round.

After Getting His Butt Kicked By Sally Yates, Ted Cruz Doesn't Return For Second Round Of Questioning

Senator Graham has a bill increasing the sanctions on Putin personally, and will prevent Exxon Mobile from touching a drop of that oil from the acrtic shelf that will cost them at least $10 billion they already have in leases all over Russia.

Donny boy will be getting desperate soon.

Of course if he apologizes to Miss Yates, she may show up as a witness in his defense at his impeachment trial.

Impeachment? She was fired for not defending his travel order ban, which is her job! She serves at the pleasure of the President. She was fired for not doing her job.

How do you get impeachment out of that?

She's the AG of the United States.

She swore to protect and defend the Constitution.

Something that piece of shit she served under, and warned didn't do.

Who's numerous actions, including hiring Flynn are more than enough grounds to impeach him.

Sally Yates has credibility.

Donald Trump has none.

She was the acting AG and Trump had every right to fire her. Suck it up buttercup! Like most libs, you have nothing but conspiracy theories!

She may well have been onto something with Flynn, but she cannot refuse to follow the President's wishes. If she could not, she should have resigned.
I think we have an peculiar phenomena developing.

Leftist Loons look like complete Fools trying like little children on a beach to dig up some treasure....digging, digging with their little plastic shovels...trying to find the buried treasure of Russian/Trump Collusion.

They look like complete Fools to everybody except other Leftist Loons, which happens to include about 100% of the New York Centrist News Media.....which, because they are known to be Leftist Loons....are roundly hated, and completely distrusted by Productive Americans.

The phenomena is that they are in their own protective bubble...all Leftist Loons receive only positive re-enforcement from other Leftist Loons and their Pravda-like Media...they already think they are smarter than anyone who doesn't live in a Rotting City in the North.

And so, as they look more and more foolish...they gain more and more confidence.

Its a twi-light zone kind of thing that happens from time to Venezuela when oil was $105 a barrel, and Banks would still lend money to Hugo "Bernie Sanders" Chavez.

Leftist Loons (Marxists)...always crash out. They are having a really hard crash landing in Venezuela; and so will this generation of the Jealous, the Lazy, the Ignorant in America...Today's Haughty Self-Deluded Democrat...egged on by the Haughty Self-Deluded New York media.

You children keep digging in the sand. There's bound to be buried treasure down there somewhere....maybe a picture of Trump bent over...had to bring his own vaseline...and Putin putin it to him.

The Heartland is laughing at you Assholes.
Yates made the Republicans on the committee looks stupid. Especially the old fart from Louisiana. He is definitely on the edge of senility. I watch all 3 1'2 hours. MUST SEE TV!

The clock is now ticking for Flynn and getting closer to comrade trump.
Yates made the Republicans on the committee looks stupid. Especially the old fart from Louisiana. He is definitely on the edge of senility. I watch all 3 1'2 hours. MUST SEE TV!

The clock is now ticking for Flynn and getting closer to comrade trump.

Thanks for the partisan hack review of her testimony. Now we'll throw it in the trash where it belongs.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
She has the obligation to not carry out unlawful orders, which was covered in the hearing.

It is not her determination to make. She works for the President of the United States, whether it be Barack Obama or Donald Trump. She could just have easily have submitted her resignation rather than refusing to do her duty as directed.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.

So she told them that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia and they just so happen to fire her the next business day using the travel ban as the reason.

Now, remember that after Trump fired Yates supposedly for not backing the travel ban Trump then decided not to back the travel ban and rewrite it to make it "legal".

So really, they used the ban as cover for finding out about Flynn. And Flynn having his nuts in a twist with the Russians was allowed to continue to review (or copy and paste) all of the US' secrets. And you're OK with that because....?
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.
And made him look like the fool that he is in front of the whole world today.

And bitch slapped the taste out of this fools mouth in the same round.

After Getting His Butt Kicked By Sally Yates, Ted Cruz Doesn't Return For Second Round Of Questioning

Senator Graham has a bill increasing the sanctions on Putin personally, and will prevent Exxon Mobile from touching a drop of that oil from the acrtic shelf that will cost them at least $10 billion they already have in leases all over Russia.

Donny boy will be getting desperate soon.

Of course if he apologizes to Miss Yates, she may show up as a witness in his defense at his impeachment trial.

Impeachment? She was fired for not defending his travel order ban, which is her job! She serves at the pleasure of the President. She was fired for not doing her job.

How do you get impeachment out of that?

She's the AG of the United States.

She swore to protect and defend the Constitution.

Something that piece of shit she served under, and warned didn't do.

Who's numerous actions, including hiring Flynn are more than enough grounds to impeach him.

Sally Yates has credibility.

Donald Trump has none.

Exactly what in the Constitution gave her the authority to confer constitutional rights on foreign nationals who have never set foot on US soil?

Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.

So she told them that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia and they just so happen to fire her the next business day using the travel ban as the reason.

Now, remember that after Trump fired Yates supposedly for not backing the travel ban Trump then decided not to back the travel ban and rewrite it to make it "legal".

So really, they used the ban as cover for finding out about Flynn. And Flynn having his nuts in a twist with the Russians was allowed to continue to review (or copy and paste) all of the US' secrets. And you're OK with that because....?

Quite the conspiracy theory....liberals have such a vivid imagination.
Lib please, President Trump fired Yates for refusing to do her job and defying her boss.

So she told them that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia and they just so happen to fire her the next business day using the travel ban as the reason.

Now, remember that after Trump fired Yates supposedly for not backing the travel ban Trump then decided not to back the travel ban and rewrite it to make it "legal".

So really, they used the ban as cover for finding out about Flynn. And Flynn having his nuts in a twist with the Russians was allowed to continue to review (or copy and paste) all of the US' secrets. And you're OK with that because....?

Quite the conspiracy theory....liberals have such a vivid imagination.

It's what happened. Yates told Trump. Trump fired Yates. Trump kept Flynn after being warned he was leveraged by the Russians.

Anything I missed? The only part I missed is why this OK for you?
Yates was fired for not doing her job. In her pea brain she thought that Flynn could be blackmailed by threatening to reveal that he lied to Pence about speaking to the Russian ambassador. In fact, there could not have been blackmail because Flynn already told Trump that he lied to Pence. That's why he was fired.

She was directed to defend the law. She used bias to form an independent judgment that the law should not be defended. That's not her job. Her job is to defend the laws. She's not the legislature.

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