The compare and contrast with the recently identified emails between the State Department and Clinton Foundation have not been given due public attention. Employment references and recommendations happen all the time. Everyone is identified. In the now controversial remarks about the NRA influencing Supreme Court Nominations: The Republicans failed at transparency as usual.
Where, in video or transcript, is there identified: "NRA For Hillary Clinton?" Any diplomatic protocols, on behalf of NRA, were clearly not noted in the Donald Trump, controversial innuendo. In fact, an innuendo happened. At least one fellow was caught on camera, understanding innuendo.
NRA is reportedly backing anti-Clinton efforts.
NRA launches $3 million anti-Clinton ad buy
When do the Republicans identify the "NRA for Hillary Clinton" group? Probably the old guy properly inferred the innuendo?
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Influenced NRA," maybe now right temperament for RNC(?)!)
Where, in video or transcript, is there identified: "NRA For Hillary Clinton?" Any diplomatic protocols, on behalf of NRA, were clearly not noted in the Donald Trump, controversial innuendo. In fact, an innuendo happened. At least one fellow was caught on camera, understanding innuendo.
NRA is reportedly backing anti-Clinton efforts.
NRA launches $3 million anti-Clinton ad buy
When do the Republicans identify the "NRA for Hillary Clinton" group? Probably the old guy properly inferred the innuendo?
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Influenced NRA," maybe now right temperament for RNC(?)!)