Trump drops a bomb .....

It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

What? He said he would cut off funding to them if they did not stop people from entering the USA. Where did he say he wanted Honduras to build a wall?

Or use their military, either I suppose. How the heck else is Hondurus going to stop people from coming quick enough to satisfy Trump?

I would think folks willing to traverse the hemisphere to get here would probably be willing to work better than these coddled failure to launch boys. Unemployment is too low to be turning down people willing to work.
It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

You got a link?

Post #1 in this thread.

We threatened Honduras financially if they can't stop their people from fleeing and coming here to fix our depopulation/rezoning problem. Silly statue in NY Harbor.

I know what I posted and that ain't it.
Depopulation problem?:auiqs.jpg:
The only places that are being depopulated are liberal shithole cities from all the people fleeing your ridiculous tax schemes.
It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.


Only problem with your whiny ass assertion....
One was built to keep people in.

I'd say nice try but it really wasn't.

Someone above was saying this Trump man encouraged Honduras to use keep their people in OR ELSE!

That other guy from the 80's went around saying "Tear down this wall".

I think its ironic.

Apples and oranges.
The Berlin wall kept Germans from uniting with Germans. This is totally different.

If you think keeping Hondurans in is different than keeping East Germans in that is fine I suppose. Seems pretty liberal but hey, one is in the old world, one the new or something different.
It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

You got a link?

Post #1 in this thread.

We threatened Honduras financially if they can't stop their people from fleeing and coming here to fix our depopulation/rezoning problem. Silly statue in NY Harbor.
Correct. We did not say that they must build a wall.

They can do one or many of a hundred different things to keep them from entering the USA illegally.

You're meme failed on a significant number of levels.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!
It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

You got a link?

Post #1 in this thread.

We threatened Honduras financially if they can't stop their people from fleeing and coming here to fix our depopulation/rezoning problem. Silly statue in NY Harbor.

We don't need any more third-worlders. If you want to send them your money, have at it.
So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

You got a link?

Post #1 in this thread.

We threatened Honduras financially if they can't stop their people from fleeing and coming here to fix our depopulation/rezoning problem. Silly statue in NY Harbor.

I know what I posted and that ain't it.
Depopulation problem?:auiqs.jpg:
The only places that are being depopulated are liberal shithole cities from all the people fleeing your ridiculous tax schemes.

My tax schemes? What are my schemes? I'm using the Homestead Act from "when American was great" or whatever. You know, the century when big government gave away the continent in one of the greatest conquest moves EVER.

We have a problem with obsolete housing and if folks are willing to live there for a decade, work and stay clean I'll give it to them. Rather they own the land than big government. All our dying cities do with it is mow the weeds every so often and cost us money.
It'd funny as hell watching the Honduran feds rounding these invaders up and dragging them kicking and screaming back to their third world shithole.

So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

What? He said he would cut off funding to them if they did not stop people from entering the USA. Where did he say he wanted Honduras to build a wall?

Or use their military, either I suppose. How the heck else is Hondurus going to stop people from coming quick enough to satisfy Trump?

I would think folks willing to traverse the hemisphere to get here would probably be willing to work better than these coddled failure to launch boys. Unemployment is too low to be turning down people willing to work.

You dumbass!!
You dipshits are always crying for a higher min wage,yet you want flood the country with low skilled morons which of course drives down wages.
Make up yer fuken mind already!!!
So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

You got a link?

Post #1 in this thread.

We threatened Honduras financially if they can't stop their people from fleeing and coming here to fix our depopulation/rezoning problem. Silly statue in NY Harbor.

We don't need any more third-worlders. If you want to send them your money, have at it.

Sounds like a new slur.

Third Worlders like them shanty irish or something? Haven't we given up on that yet?

Tear down that wall!
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?

No,we want other countries to respect our borders.
If mehico was going to be a capitalist paradise it would have happened a long time ago.
So now we have Trump and you saying "build that wall!"

My my, where have we gone Joe Dimagio.

Wow, really? A wall to oppress and hold people in against their will is the same as a wall that keeps unwanted invaders out is the same thing to you?


You missed it.

Trump wants the Honduran President to build a wall or something to keep his people in.

This thread is about how Trump told the Honduran President to build a wall or use his army or something to keep his people from escaping.

What? He said he would cut off funding to them if they did not stop people from entering the USA. Where did he say he wanted Honduras to build a wall?

Or use their military, either I suppose. How the heck else is Hondurus going to stop people from coming quick enough to satisfy Trump?

I would think folks willing to traverse the hemisphere to get here would probably be willing to work better than these coddled failure to launch boys. Unemployment is too low to be turning down people willing to work.

You dumbass!!
You dipshits are always crying for a higher min wage,yet you want flood the country with low skilled morons which of course drives down wages.
Make up yer fuken mind already!!!

I think you are talking about someone besides me in an attempt to make the world simpler.

Gimme some low skilled folks willing to traverse the continent to get here. They'll probably work. China is already the country to build cars for. We aren't keeping up.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?
Mexico is the poster child for liberal corruption and why power in centralized government is an idiots dream.

I want the USA to build a wall in order to slow and control the number of people entering the USA, both legally and illegally.
My stated stance is we need to have a moratorum of 10 years minimum on immigration. Zero admission for at least 10 years.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?

No,we want other countries to respect our borders.
If mehico was going to be a capitalist paradise it would have happened a long time ago.

See, that's the thing. Honduras respects our borders. The Country of Honduras is not invading the United States.

People trying to flee Honduras, the folks who haven't heard we tore down the Statue of Liberty I guess, the people trying to NOT BE Hondurans and become Americans are crossing the border looking for a better life.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?

No,we want other countries to respect our borders.
If mehico was going to be a capitalist paradise it would have happened a long time ago.

See, that's the thing. Honduras respects our borders. The Country of Honduras is not invading the United States.

People trying to flee Honduras, the folks who haven't heard we tore down the Statue of Liberty I guess, the people trying to NOT BE Hondurans and become Americans are crossing the border looking for a better life.

They dont want to become Americans.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?
Mexico is the poster child for liberal corruption and why power in centralized government is an idiots dream.

I want the USA to build a wall in order to slow and control the number of people entering the USA, both legally and illegally.
My stated stance is we need to have a moratorum of 10 years minimum on immigration. Zero admission for at least 10 years.

We disagree then. I don't think we have the economy or the population growth to keep up with the Chinese. Heck, we have fallen behind as a country, next as individuals.

I want to import folks, unemployment is low. Our birthrate is low. Big government rezones farmland fast. I see a capitalist problem with the demand for our property and last time we did strange things to prop up property values it got Obama elected.
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?

No,we want other countries to respect our borders.
If mehico was going to be a capitalist paradise it would have happened a long time ago.

See, that's the thing. Honduras respects our borders. The Country of Honduras is not invading the United States.

People trying to flee Honduras, the folks who haven't heard we tore down the Statue of Liberty I guess, the people trying to NOT BE Hondurans and become Americans are crossing the border looking for a better life.

They dont want to become Americans.

Ah, neither did all them Italians living in their barrios using their kids to translate English for them?
This should be US Policy for ALL nations. If you have citizens sneaking into our country, no soup for you!

So you want Mexico to build a wall to keep their people in?

Ideally Mexico would be a capitalist utopia, but we need to make the terms of NAFTA more in their favor to help them along or something. Is that your goal?
Mexico is the poster child for liberal corruption and why power in centralized government is an idiots dream.

I want the USA to build a wall in order to slow and control the number of people entering the USA, both legally and illegally.
My stated stance is we need to have a moratorum of 10 years minimum on immigration. Zero admission for at least 10 years.

We disagree then. I don't think we have the economy or the population growth to keep up with the Chinese. Heck, we have fallen behind as a country, next as individuals.

I want to import folks, unemployment is low. Our birthrate is low. Big government rezones farmland fast. I see a capitalist problem with the demand for our property and last time we did strange things to prop up property values it got Obama elected.

China can barely feed its populace.

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