Trump Defends New Tax-Cut Bill Amid Negative Polls

“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
I said I don't believe the polls ya twit....why does EVERY democrat/liberal have a reading comprehension problem?
No they purposely lie and deflect, minute by minute. It's all part of the regressive training to help destroy America,
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

In other news the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 25 grams.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
No one said anything about this. Stop deflecting troll.

He did in a different thread sweetums, ask her!
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

One thing, if The plebs notice less money removed from their pay checks, as in actually getting paied for overtime and such, trump or no trump the tax cuts will be made law as even a democrat won’t have the balls to take it back. I point to the token black who cursed the Bush tax cuts as gimme’s to the rich, yet he kept them.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
No one said anything about this. Stop deflecting troll.

He did in a different thread sweetums, ask her!
stfu troll.
The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

progs have painted themselves into a corner on this one

they SWORE that corporations would not share the wealth - OOPS lots of stories about $1,000 bonuses

they also SWORE that most people would not see a direct benefit - everyone who actually pays taxes will see extra money in their paychecks

so, during an election year; people will see more money on their paychecks after they have been told it wouldn't happen

this won't end well for our friends on the left...
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.
I really hope democraps keep believing the polls...its fun to watch the utter shock of defeat on election night after the polls told them their candidate was going to win handily.

But you believe the polls the Joshie is leading Brown in Ohio. So who h is it?
No one said anything about this. Stop deflecting troll.

He did in a different thread sweetums, ask her!
stfu troll.

Ya not happening maroon!
At a dinner with friends last night, most actually though their taxes were going to increase by several thousand dollars per year. That is the perception out there right now. All were in the 70-125K area income wise, all with at least 2 kids. I run a small business, so I called my accountant to get a projection (saving almost 4K). I imagine they won't get the good news until payroll adjustments are made.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

What do you expect when the commiecrat media and congressional politicians have been lying about it for months. Of course it will benefit corporations when the corporate rate is reduced. It will also help individuals, the more they pay, the more they will save.


The rates for businesses should have been lowered by getting rid of corporate tax breaks. Instead they were lowered by taking tax breaks from the middle class. It actually retains the same structure the current structure does. Some businesses will pay the full statutory rate and others will pay no taxes at all.

Also if the tax rate was the only break the rich got then that would not be a issue. However tax breaks that the rich use were retained and new ones were created. The carried interest deduction was retained after Trump promised he would get rid of it. Also the pass through provision is ripe for abuse and does not help the people it allegedly is supposed to help. Then we have the last minute provision that helps real estate trusts. Guess who benefits. Paul Ryan, Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes and Donald Trump. Special breaks for special interests.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

What do you expect when the commiecrat media and congressional politicians have been lying about it for months. Of course it will benefit corporations when the corporate rate is reduced. It will also help individuals, the more they pay, the more they will save.


The rates for businesses should have been lowered by getting rid of corporate tax breaks. Instead they were lowered by taking tax breaks from the middle class. It actually retains the same structure the current structure does. Some businesses will pay the full statutory rate and others will pay no taxes at all.

Also if the tax rate was the only break the rich got then that would not be a issue. However tax breaks that the rich use were retained and new ones were created. The carried interest deduction was retained after Trump promised he would get rid of it. Also the pass through provision is ripe for abuse and does not help the people it allegedly is supposed to help. Then we have the last minute provision that helps real estate trusts. Guess who benefits. Paul Ryan, Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes and Donald Trump. Special breaks for special interests.

All those talking points, not one solid example. Are you going to save on the taxes you pay, I will.

“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

What do you expect when the commiecrat media and congressional politicians have been lying about it for months. Of course it will benefit corporations when the corporate rate is reduced. It will also help individuals, the more they pay, the more they will save.


The rates for businesses should have been lowered by getting rid of corporate tax breaks. Instead they were lowered by taking tax breaks from the middle class. It actually retains the same structure the current structure does. Some businesses will pay the full statutory rate and others will pay no taxes at all.

Also if the tax rate was the only break the rich got then that would not be a issue. However tax breaks that the rich use were retained and new ones were created. The carried interest deduction was retained after Trump promised he would get rid of it. Also the pass through provision is ripe for abuse and does not help the people it allegedly is supposed to help. Then we have the last minute provision that helps real estate trusts. Guess who benefits. Paul Ryan, Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes and Donald Trump. Special breaks for special interests.

All those talking points, not one solid example. Are you going to save on the taxes you pay, I will.

How much?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.

Of course you do because facts conflict with your world view. Also remember it took some time for payroll to figure this out, nobody was ready to go on Jan 1. Its bizarre the left bitch and gripe about how this blew up the deficit then talk out their ass about how nobody got anything. Why the contradiction?
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

What do you expect when the commiecrat media and congressional politicians have been lying about it for months. Of course it will benefit corporations when the corporate rate is reduced. It will also help individuals, the more they pay, the more they will save.


The rates for businesses should have been lowered by getting rid of corporate tax breaks. Instead they were lowered by taking tax breaks from the middle class. It actually retains the same structure the current structure does. Some businesses will pay the full statutory rate and others will pay no taxes at all.

Also if the tax rate was the only break the rich got then that would not be a issue. However tax breaks that the rich use were retained and new ones were created. The carried interest deduction was retained after Trump promised he would get rid of it. Also the pass through provision is ripe for abuse and does not help the people it allegedly is supposed to help. Then we have the last minute provision that helps real estate trusts. Guess who benefits. Paul Ryan, Bob Corker who changed his no to a yes and Donald Trump. Special breaks for special interests.

All those talking points, not one solid example. Are you going to save on the taxes you pay, I will.

How much?

100%. Ain't that a kick! LOL

“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.

Of course you do because facts conflict with your world view. Also remember it took some time for payroll to figure this out, nobody was ready to go on Jan 1. Its bizarre the left bitch and gripe about how this blew up the deficit then talk out their ass about how nobody got anything. Why the contradiction?
Because the rich got a lot. Add up $30 x everyone that’s debt bigly

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit? Based on your comment I don’t think so
“Trump on Sunday touted provisions in the recently-passed GOP tax plan, while pushing back against polls that indicate the measure is unpopular among the U.S. public.
Several polls indicated a majority of Americans don't like the new measure.

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found last week that a majority of Americans, 63 percent, say the bill will benefit the wealthy and corporations, compared to 22 percent who say the plan will help all individuals equally.

The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans think the tax plan is a good idea, while 41 percent say it’s a bad idea.

A CNN poll also out last week found that 55 percent polled oppose the tax-reform plan, while 33 percent said they favored the plan.”

Trump defends new tax-cut bill amid negative polls

The irony, of course, is that Trump and Congressional Republicans pushed through the tax scam in an effort to curry favor with the voters in a pathetic and failed attempt to demonstrate they’ve ‘accomplished something.’

When in fact the only thing Trump and Congressional Republicans have accomplished is to cut taxes for only the wealthy, render millions of American without access to affordable healthcare, and increase the deficit.

I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.

Of course you do because facts conflict with your world view. Also remember it took some time for payroll to figure this out, nobody was ready to go on Jan 1. Its bizarre the left bitch and gripe about how this blew up the deficit then talk out their ass about how nobody got anything. Why the contradiction?
Because the rich got a lot. Add up $30 x everyone that’s debt bigly

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit? Based on your comment I don’t think so

Do you want to troll or do you want to have a discussion?
I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.

Of course you do because facts conflict with your world view. Also remember it took some time for payroll to figure this out, nobody was ready to go on Jan 1. Its bizarre the left bitch and gripe about how this blew up the deficit then talk out their ass about how nobody got anything. Why the contradiction?
Because the rich got a lot. Add up $30 x everyone that’s debt bigly

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit? Based on your comment I don’t think so

Do you want to troll or do you want to have a discussion?
My controller said your/our pay only went up maybe $30 a pay period. That's not even close to the $100 or $200 more they said we'd get EVERY OTHER WEEK!!! You fucking liars. You lie to get it passed and then just change the subject after the fact? I can tell this hasn't made a dent in anybodies life. I wonder how effective this tax break will be when Trump uses it to get re elected? Even $30 every 2 weeks is better than nothing. That's $700 a year.

It's just not what Republicans promised.

Let me know how much more you are seeing in your paycheck.
I can't find anyone who's making more today than they were before the tax bill. I have to be honest I don't look at my paychecks but I was hoping to hear everyone, especially Republicans, bragging about the extra money they have in their paychecks every week. I'm beginning to think this tax bill was a fake. That in the end it was nothing for us middle class people and just another gift to the rich.

I could be wrong. I may be making $300 more every 2 weeks. I don't look at my paychecks so I can't tell. Can anyone here confirm they are making more money and how much more?

Several on this board have already said we are, I see hundreds more in my check each payday.
I hope so. I suspect you guys are lying though because I think I would hear a lot more than just a handful of USMB republican's who have no problem lying come forward and say they too are taking home more. No one at my work is bragging even the Trumpeters. Why not? I guess I can ask my accountant when I do my taxes.

Of course you do because facts conflict with your world view. Also remember it took some time for payroll to figure this out, nobody was ready to go on Jan 1. Its bizarre the left bitch and gripe about how this blew up the deficit then talk out their ass about how nobody got anything. Why the contradiction?
Because the rich got a lot. Add up $30 x everyone that’s debt bigly

Do you know the difference between debt and deficit? Based on your comment I don’t think so

Do you want to troll or do you want to have a discussion?

Actually, if this is true this is pretty good

For a person claiming single status and one withholding allowance, with gross annual income of $75,000 paid biweekly, net take home pay would increase by about $84 per pay period, or approximately $2,190 per year.

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