Trump defends keeping ‘leaker’ Schiff, Pelosi out of the loop on al-Baghdadi raid

donny told russia b4 he told the (D)s which are a bigley part of his congress.

Democrats are liars and leakers and simply cannot be trusted.


With the killing of the leader of ISIS, the president made the case for his transactional, tactical style of foreign policy.

We’ve heard the neocons, the chicken hawks and the war-mongers claiming that in withdrawing troops from northeastern Syria Donald Trump risked sacrificing the safety of Americans on the altar of “America first” and the reconstitution of the Islamic State.

In pulling the trigger on the Special Forces raid that killed the Islamic State’s founder and leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, his message was clear: My transactional and tactical approach to alliances, and to limiting America’s military presence in the Middle East in particular and overseas more generally, just worked in spectacular fashion, fulfilling “the top national-security priority of my administration.”

The Syrian Kurds provided us targeting and location information, Russia cooperated in allowing overflight of their forces without demanding to know the precise nature of the mission, and even Turkey cooperated by keeping their forces leashed while our warriors quietly did their deadly work.

Trump's wise actions to let nations closer to the problem grow up and step up continues to bear fruit. The German defense minister, for instance, took the unusual step last week of calling for the creation of an international security zone in northern Syria, though the proposal is more aspirational than operational.

Flashback: Obama’s team had the chance to kill ISIS leader Al Baghdadi — and they blew it.

In 2011, a secretive U.S. special operations task force was orbiting a drone above a house in Baghdad, Iraq where they had new intelligence that the notorious terrorist leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had bunkered down for a meeting with his top ISIS lieutenants. A call went out from our headquarters and then back to higher-ups in the States: we’ve got him, can we take him out?

Dec 2011, the intel lead of the drone unit watched on the screens as a man, exhibiting the exact signature and description we always had for Baghdadi, arrived in a vehicle to a small concrete house in downtown Baghdad and then proceeded inside. When they zoomed in on him, there was no doubt that it was the leader we had been hunting. Walking into the courtyard of the house, heavy set and balding, other terrorists inside the compound lining up to hug the leader as he walked inside: this was the Baghdadi.

Before any raid or drone strike could happen, multiple levels of suits from Washington had to sign off. Days passed by, often weeks, before a strike could be put into action. Lawyers were now running the war from behind air conditioned desks in Washington, while we were hunting down the leaders from inside the war-zones.

So as the drone team looked down at the house through an infrared camera, the request to raid passed from one empty suit to another, from Iraq to Washington. Calls were made to bosses multiple times, pressing them to make a move, knowing that Baghdadi was in the house at that very moment.

It was two weeks before they finally approved the mission. But by that time it didn’t matter, al-Baghdadi doesn’t stay anywhere for two weeks.
Dimms would rather attack Trump than rejoice in justice being served against a horrible person like al Baghdadi. Just astounding.
donny told russia b4 he told the (D)s which are a bigley part of his congress.

The Russians are less of an enemy of the American people (if they are that at all), than are the Democrats. The Russians don't import criminal illegal aliens into our midst, and then give them sanctuary here. The don't discriminate against white Americans. They don't keep schools and other buildings unarmed and defenseless, and they don't support gays and Muslims.

wipe the cheeto dust off your lips.
donny told russia b4 he told the (D)s which are a bigley part of his congress.

Says someone who trusts Adam shit-faced

adam shiff has been vetted to have the same security clearance as your unvetted president dotard, & unvetted his panty waist son in law.

What bothers you the most about Al Baghdadi being eliminated?

Just lay it out there.

Did you cry?

i am quite pleased that he is dead. what an idiotic partisan ladened question.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?
adam shiff has been vetted to have the same security clearance as your unvetted president dotard, & unvetted his panty waist son in law.
Trump was vetted by the American people when we elected him. Unlike Shifty Schiff, Trump is trustable.

:auiqs.jpg: what?

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Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Say he did. Why can we as citizens not celebrate the end result? He is not my president. He is our president.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Say he did. Why can we as citizens not celebrate the end result? He is not my president. He is our president.

not 'say' ... he DID. he is your president because you are a fan. he considers those that are critical of him & he considers any (D) as his 'enemies'... he doesn't even consider himself the president of all americans.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Say he did. Why can we as citizens not celebrate the end result? He is not my president. He is our president.

not 'say' ... he DID. he is your president because you are a fan. he considers those that are critical of him & he considers any (D) as his 'enemies'... he doesn't even consider himself the president of all americans.
You’re that sensitive? Grow up.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Say he did. Why can we as citizens not celebrate the end result? He is not my president. He is our president.

not 'say' ... he DID. he is your president because you are a fan. he considers those that are critical of him & he considers any (D) as his 'enemies'... he doesn't even consider himself the president of all americans.
You’re that sensitive? Grow up.

how ironic...get over yerself, zog. i can easily separate the importance of what happened to that muslim swine, & it happening on donny's watch. kudos he's dead. too bad donny can't put coutry over party by not only keeping the (D)s in the dark, he had to be so petty as to try & slam obama too. did you not catch that? i only speak the truth.
Why cannot we not just celebrate the death of an extremist who killed and tortured many? Why make it political?

ask yer president that. he made it political by deliberately locking out only one party of a co equal branch of government.
Say he did. Why can we as citizens not celebrate the end result? He is not my president. He is our president.

not 'say' ... he DID. he is your president because you are a fan. he considers those that are critical of him & he considers any (D) as his 'enemies'... he doesn't even consider himself the president of all americans.
You’re that sensitive? Grow up.

how ironic...get over yerself, zog. i can easily separate the importance of what happened to that muslim swine from it happening on donny's watch. too bad donny can't & not only kept the (D)s in the dark, he had to be so petty as to try & slam obama too. did you not catch that? i only speak the truth.
Schiff leaks everything. I would have kept it quiet too. The distrust is there on both sides. Many others slammed Obama for not doing enough. IDK. I am glad the Islamist is dead.
President Trump on Monday defended his decision not to give Democratic congressional leaders advance notice of the raid that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, saying once again that he was concerned the details would leak out.

When Trump first announced al-Baghdadi's death Sunday morning, he said he decided not to tell officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, because he was afraid leaks could compromise the mission. Speaking to reporters Monday morning, he singled out House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as the focus of those concerns.

"The only thing is they were talking about why didn't I give the information to Adam Schiff and his committee, and the answer is because I think Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington," Trump said. "You know that, I know that, we all know that. I've watched Adam Schiff leak. He's a corrupt politician. He's a leaker like nobody has ever seen before."

Trump, meanwhile, also indicated Monday that he may release some video footage of the raid, which he described in great detail a day earlier.

"We’re thinking about it. … We may take certain parts of it and release it, yes," Trump said.

Trump went on to blast Schiff for his handling of the impeachment investigation, including when he recited an embellished version of Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which Schiff later described as "parody."...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Pelosi and Schiff are in the midst of holding a "star chamber" impeachment investigation of President Trump and now whine when Trump doesn't inform them prior to this raid on a terrorist, both are nothing but partisan hacks.

Good for the President for telling it like it is.
What does the President need to defend? He is under no obligation to give operational details to Congress critters.
President Trump on Monday defended his decision not to give Democratic congressional leaders advance notice of the raid that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, saying once again that he was concerned the details would leak out.

When Trump first announced al-Baghdadi's death Sunday morning, he said he decided not to tell officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, because he was afraid leaks could compromise the mission. Speaking to reporters Monday morning, he singled out House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as the focus of those concerns.

"The only thing is they were talking about why didn't I give the information to Adam Schiff and his committee, and the answer is because I think Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington," Trump said. "You know that, I know that, we all know that. I've watched Adam Schiff leak. He's a corrupt politician. He's a leaker like nobody has ever seen before."

Trump, meanwhile, also indicated Monday that he may release some video footage of the raid, which he described in great detail a day earlier.

"We’re thinking about it. … We may take certain parts of it and release it, yes," Trump said.

Trump went on to blast Schiff for his handling of the impeachment investigation, including when he recited an embellished version of Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which Schiff later described as "parody."...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Pelosi and Schiff are in the midst of holding a "star chamber" impeachment investigation of President Trump and now whine when Trump doesn't inform them prior to this raid on a terrorist, both are nothing but partisan hacks.

Good for the President for telling it like it is.
They kept the Republicans out of the impeachment hearings. But they want to complain about the very same thing that they are doing themselves.

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