Trump Claims Large New Sections Of A Great Wall Have Already Been Built On The Border


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

That's his thinking face

How much of the wall has been built? None. Exactly none. Precisely none. There are exactly nadda point zip diddly miles of Trump’s wall. That’s how much. Granted, there are the tiny sections of sample walls that Trump had built as mini-monoliths to his ego—but those aren’t even standing on the border. “The remaining sections of the Wall” would be all of the wall.

Trump claims that 'large new sections' of a 'Great Wall' have already been built on the border
Sen. Schumer politely called him a liar to his face in the Oval Office on National Television today. Think of it. Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House, mocked Trump and called him a liar, in his house and right to his face.
Sen. Schumer politely called him a liar to his face in the Oval Office on National Television today. Think of it. Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House, mocked Trump and called him a liar, in his house and right to his face.

Surprised it doesn’t happen more often

Can’t wait to hear Trumps version of the meeting
Sen. Schumer politely called him a liar to his face in the Oval Office on National Television today. Think of it. Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House, mocked Trump and called him a liar, in his house and right to his face.
By blatantly lying. Democrat socialists always lie.
Sen. Schumer politely called him a liar to his face in the Oval Office on National Television today. Think of it. Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House, mocked Trump and called him a liar, in his house and right to his face.
By blatantly lying. Democrat socialists always lie.
Trump got caught in so many lies he was confused and dazed. He played the part of ridiculous buffoon perfectly. He was punked in his own office. Now that is funny no matter who you are.
i think that some of the WALL has been Built , some Rebuilt , some replaced and some built but no idea how much . Too bad that we don't have a TEXAN thats local to the Southern Border that can comment . ------------------ As comment , there was a ruling from some court yesterday . I think it was the Supremes that ruled that Enviromental Concerns can be ignored when building the WALL . So if i read correct that important piece of building the WALL is in place .

That's his thinking face

How much of the wall has been built? None. Exactly none. Precisely none. There are exactly nadda point zip diddly miles of Trump’s wall. That’s how much. Granted, there are the tiny sections of sample walls that Trump had built as mini-monoliths to his ego—but those aren’t even standing on the border. “The remaining sections of the Wall” would be all of the wall.

Trump claims that 'large new sections' of a 'Great Wall' have already been built on the border
Just more lies from the Con Man the Great Douche...
Wait...? That be DrumpFoccohio!

just hearing on FOX ON some poll , think i heard it was an 'npr' poll'] that 65 percent say shut'er down as we want the WALL . Also hearing that The TRUMP said that he'd be proud to shut down the 'government' .
Sen. Schumer politely called him a liar to his face in the Oval Office on National Television today. Think of it. Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House, mocked Trump and called him a liar, in his house and right to his face.
What do you think kept your friends in the caravan out of San Diego? It wasn't the 8' old corrugated iron WWII surplus fence.
He never said that. It's a typical Koz fake headline designed to get all the crazy incoherent Pavlov lefties salivating. Democrats whine about foreign anti-American influence in the media and they are the biggest perpetrators.

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