Trump campaign knew they were lying about Dominion voting machines.

Who know why you work so hard to prove me right when I point out what a lying rambtard you are... but you do. Over and over and over again.

Here's me saying I would not accuse Trump of colluding with Russia if Mueller found he didn't...

... and here I am acknowledging Mueller's findings....

And I've said Trump would never go to jail. Presidents never get sent to jail.

What is that? About the 10th lie I've proven you've told just in the last day or so?

You're s pathological mental case, ramblongnose. :eusa_liar:
You are so full of shit...I had those debates with you tard....
You are so full of shit...I had those debates with you tard....

Aww, how cute. Ramblongnose keeps lying. :eusa_liar:

Moron, prove I didn't say these....

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.

So? I've said all along I would wait until Mueller's report came out before rendering a judgement of guilt or innocence and I posted Mueller's report exonerated trump after it was released.

He [Trump] will never go to jail if it's shown he's committed any crimes

The only way Flynn walks is with a pardon. Otherwise, he's a convicted felon who will soon be on his way to prison.

You remain insane. I never called for trump's impeachment and the only way Flynn walks is if Trump pardons him.
Of course they knew it was a lie.

Everyone did
Sadly, not everyone did. Dear Leader told the sheep a Big Lie, and they bleeved him. They always bleev him.

They continue to bleev every lie even after every lie is thoroughly trounced.

It's a kind of mental illness.

Fuckbubble, I posted my quotes on those matters. You're looking dumber than you usually do.
You had many more quotes than those have been all over the map told me Flynn was guilty and was going to jail more than once...and you argued with me that Hillary had nothing to do with the dossier and the Russian hoax many times...

You are so full of shit and you are a goalpost mover and I'm done with your dishonest ass....and so should everyone here...I have no time for liars like you....

And what is a fuckbubble? that what happens when Dr Love works your butt over too hard?....

See ya liar go bug someone else...I'm ignoring your ass just like I do with all liars here....
You had many more quotes than those have been all over the map told me Flynn was guilty and was going to jail more than once...and you argued with me that Hillary had nothing to do with the dossier and the Russian hoax many times...

You are so full of shit and you are a goalpost mover and I'm done with your dishonest ass....and so should everyone here...I have no time for liars like you....

And what is a fuckbubble? that what happens when Dr Love works your butt over too hard?....

See ya liar go bug someone else...I'm ignoring your ass just like I do with all liars here....
If I made such posts, you would have quoted me as I did.
I guess you never got the news, Stumpy. Krakenstein now says no reasonable person should have believed her. Guess that eliminates you as a reasonable person. Satan owns you.
No reasonable person should believe you nor your posse of morons.
Stumpy, while you're wasting your time with 10 month old articles, Krakenstein recanted all of that. It's a shame you gave your soul to Satan.
Who cares about what Krakenstein was forced to recant to keep her bar license.

You should be more worried about each little piece of your soul you sell off to Hell until there is nothing left of you, and nothing left of this country.
Who cares about what Krakenstein was forced to recant to keep her bar license.

You should be more worried about each little piece of your soul you sell off to Hell until there is nothing left of you, and nothing left of this country.
I'm not the one who sold his soul to the devil, Stumpy. That would be you for violating the Bible and spreading false witness.
I'm not the one who sold his soul to the devil, Stumpy. That would be you for violating the Bible and spreading false witness.
You are the one who pasted a Hitler mustache on President Trump's Face. So who is spreading false witness and false representations, here, hmmmm, comrade Faun?

Have you sniffed too much hair today?
You are the one who pasted a Hitler mustache on President Trump's Face. So who is spreading false witness and false representations, here, hmmmm, comrade Faun?

Have you sniffed too much hair today?
You're lying again, Stumpy. You're doing Satan's bidding. No, I did not paste a Hitler mustache on Trump.

A Mexican magazine did that...


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