Trump asks Georgia to decertify election


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

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This is SO bizarre. How much longer I’m is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

HEY......For Trump's entire presidency, we had to listen to "Russian Collusion"......"Impeach....Impeach....Impeach, which after 40 million dollars, 2500 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, turned out to be originated from a defunct British agent who hated Trump and admitted that made it all up and the ones arrested in the waste of money, had nothing to do with Russia. Then it was Quid Pro Quo......Impeach....Impeach....Impeach, yet the very person that Trump had supposedly done this with, the president of Ukraine, said there was no Quid Pro Quo. So, for years, half the American public has had to endure insults (deplorables, schmucks, chumps, Nazis and Fascists).....and YOU want respect and acceptance. No way in hell!
This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

Jesus, why are you still on this.....are you concerned?

Why does the left put out shit like this....moh because it's a distraction to prevent people from seeing the truth and how shitty the country is being Rome they called this bread and circuses
HEY......For Trump's entire presidency, we had to listen to "Russian Collusion"......"Impeach....Impeach....Impeach, which after 40 million dollars, 2500 subpoenas and 500 search warrants, turned out to be originated from a defunct British agent who hated Trump and admitted that made it all up and the ones arrested in the waste of money, had nothing to do with Russia. Then it was Quid Pro Quo......Impeach....Impeach....Impeach, yet the very person that Trump had supposedly done this with, the president of Ukraine, said there was no Quid Pro Quo. So, for years, half the American public has had to endure insults (deplorables, schmucks, chumps, Nazis and Fascists).....and YOU want respect and acceptance. No way in hell!

When did Christopher Steele admit that he made it all up? I must have missed that.

Dude give it up. Even your violent, deplorable thugs are gonna tune it out at some point.

Russia and a couple dozen investigations into your Orange Messiah remain a thing whether you want to hear it or not.

Jesus, why are you still on this.....are you concerned?

Why does the left put out shit like this....moh because it's a distraction to prevent people from seeing the truth and how shitty the country is being Rome they called this bread and circuses

Look pal, we’re not the obnoxious former guy standing on a soapbox bellowing LOOK AT MEEEE!! on a daily basis. Talk to him.
Fogerty's great. Funny how the vid says disabled by owner, but if you click, it goes straight to it anyway.

Yea, some guys don’t want you to embed on another site. They want you on YT so that the hits count.
Fogerty early 90s in Portland was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen.
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This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

But that’s exactly what this is about: conservatives seek to trash our democracy – to undermine the political process, to destroy confidence in that process, for some perceive partisan gain.
But that’s exactly what this is about: conservatives seek to trash our democracy – to undermine the political process, to destroy confidence in that process, for some perceive partisan gain.
Yeah we're trashing democracy.........says the party that IDs for voting our racist, but get out you vaccination papers to do anything in this country

You really are a delusional moron........this from.Mr abortion....keep you hands off my body.....except when the dems mandate shots.....go fuck yourself
But that’s exactly what this is about: conservatives seek to trash our democracy – to undermine the political process, to destroy confidence in that process, for some perceive partisan gain.

This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

Is biden going to drone some more innocent kids?
This is just SO bizarre. How much longer is this going to go on? Seriously Treasonous Trumpkins, it’s been almost a year. Maybe the time has come to let it go and move on.

At this point it’s just tiresome and boring. But more than that it is also very dangerous. You are not only trashing our democracy, someone if not many people are going to get killed. Please Stop :nono:

I agree with trump. I'm advocating that trump be allowed to have his own audit in conjunction with the state to discover it was not fraudulent.
Trump is now irrelevant to anything. In fact, he was irrelevant when president.

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