Trump amps up defense against EMP attacks

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
So, have the anti-wallers complained about this yet? "We don't need this. Nobody is attacking/invading us."

President Trump on Tuesday added to his long list of battles by issuing an executive order to increase preparedness for a possible electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack.

An EMP, either by a nuclear device or solar event, could shut down massive sections of the electric grid, according to numerous studies.

That would mean no financial transactions are possible, no truck transport to haul goods and food, no communications and much more. In short, it could threaten the lives of tens of millions of people.

The White House confirmed that the president has signed an order titled “Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulse.”

“This executive order advances increased resilience to Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) events by directing better data gathering, testing, and private-sector coordination to implement protective measures,” the announcement said.

The order also instructs departments and agencies to coordinate and streamline efforts, while fostering an environment, through administration leadership, that promotes private-sector innovation to strengthen critical infrastructure.

“President Trump will always do what it takes to keep Americans safe” the White House said. “Today’s executive order – the first ever to establish a comprehensive policy to improve resilience to EMPs – is one more example of how the administration is keeping its promise to always be vigilant against present dangers and future threats.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
An EO? Really? Why not get Congress to pass something like this? You guys do know that every EO Trump puts out can be invalidated by the next president, right?

You guys bitched incessantly every time Obama did one. Well, guess what, Trump has signed more EO's in 200 days than Obama did in a year. Why are you guys suddenly okay with a president who doesn't work with Congress, but rather goes around them with an EO?

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.
An EO? Really? Why not get Congress to pass something like this? You guys do know that every EO Trump puts out can be invalidated by the next president, right?

You guys bitched incessantly every time Obama did one. Well, guess what, Trump has signed more EO's in 200 days than Obama did in a year. Why are you guys suddenly okay with a president who doesn't work with Congress, but rather goes around them with an EO?

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.
Lol, you turds are against anything that helps this country. Listen up stain, an attack is not the only way we can suffer an EMP.

It will also protect us from natural emp's that occur all the time. Many solar storms are followed by a CME, or Coronal Mass Ejection, which if it strikes Earth, it seriously messes with the magnetosphere and if it's powerful enough could wipe out all our grid and then some. There have been several over the years that have caused a lot of damage, but the biggest one, known as the Carrington Event, happened in 1859. It was so powerful telegraph operators were shocked and telegraph lines melted and burned. If that happened today, we would be cast into the stone age.

These events are, oddly enough, are called space weather, and the Sun makes all the space weather. Check it out.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

Space weather - Wikipedia

Even Noaa reports on space weather.

Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

Space Weather News

Alerts, Watches and Warnings | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

It's good Trump is doing this. No one else has. People really don't have any idea how vulnerable our grid is. If a strong enough pulse like Carrington hit, as well as frying power lines it would fry all the transformers in line with them as well. And do you know what these are?

I'm sure you've seen them and probably even knew what they were, even though I didn't. They are transformers, just like the ones on telephone poles only huge. They are very hard to make and according to what I have heard, we farm it out to other countries. So, one CME hitting just right and powerful enough, we are dead. And they happen often, they just don't hit us all the time. If I recall one hit north America in 2003 and took down Canada's grid for almost 10 hours or so. And it was a small one.

So, if you look outside one night and see the northern lights in Georgia or Texas, you know what happened.

Now lie and spin turd.
An EO? Really? Why not get Congress to pass something like this? You guys do know that every EO Trump puts out can be invalidated by the next president, right?

You guys bitched incessantly every time Obama did one. Well, guess what, Trump has signed more EO's in 200 days than Obama did in a year. Why are you guys suddenly okay with a president who doesn't work with Congress, but rather goes around them with an EO?

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.

197 of 200 of those EO's was canceling out Obama's asinine communist/ socialist EO's

So in reality Trump only made 3 EO's

Again, why can't Trump get Congress to work something out on this? Not only would it get bilateral support, but it might be able to help unite the country again.

Signing an EO is not really doing much. Especially if it can be rescinded by the next president.

And, if Congress passes it, it will also get funding. How will Trump pay for his newest EO? Is he gonna rob the military budget again?
Again, why can't Trump get Congress to work something out on this? Not only would it get bilateral support, but it might be able to help unite the country again.

Signing an EO is not really doing much. Especially if it can be rescinded by the next president.
Because he can. Suck on that. Congress is more useless than you are.
Again, why can't Trump get Congress to work something out on this? Not only would it get bilateral support, but it might be able to help unite the country again.

Signing an EO is not really doing much. Especially if it can be rescinded by the next president.
Because he can. Suck on that. Congress is more useless than you are.

You replied to my post after I added that if Congress passes this, it will also get funding. How is Trump going to pay for this EO? Rob the military budget again?
Again, why can't Trump get Congress to work something out on this? Not only would it get bilateral support, but it might be able to help unite the country again.

Signing an EO is not really doing much. Especially if it can be rescinded by the next president.
Because he can. Suck on that. Congress is more useless than you are.

You replied to my post after I added that if Congress passes this, it will also get funding. How is Trump going to pay for this EO? Rob the military budget again?
Make China pay for it ! They build everything with a plug in the US and none of it is EMP proof. They can do it while Mezko builds that wall !
Again, why can't Trump get Congress to work something out on this? Not only would it get bilateral support, but it might be able to help unite the country again.

Signing an EO is not really doing much. Especially if it can be rescinded by the next president.
Because he can. Suck on that. Congress is more useless than you are.

You replied to my post after I added that if Congress passes this, it will also get funding. How is Trump going to pay for this EO? Rob the military budget again?
You tell us liar, you always know it all.
An EO? Really? Why not get Congress to pass something like this? You guys do know that every EO Trump puts out can be invalidated by the next president, right?

You guys bitched incessantly every time Obama did one. Well, guess what, Trump has signed more EO's in 200 days than Obama did in a year. Why are you guys suddenly okay with a president who doesn't work with Congress, but rather goes around them with an EO?

Here's how many executive orders Trump signed in his first 200 days compared to Obama, Bush, and Clinton

Before he became president, Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of abusing his power by signing so many executive orders.

But during his first 200 days in office, Trump signed more than Obama averaged in a year.
Lol, you turds are against anything that helps this country. Listen up stain, an attack is not the only way we can suffer an EMP.

It will also protect us from natural emp's that occur all the time. Many solar storms are followed by a CME, or Coronal Mass Ejection, which if it strikes Earth, it seriously messes with the magnetosphere and if it's powerful enough could wipe out all our grid and then some. There have been several over the years that have caused a lot of damage, but the biggest one, known as the Carrington Event, happened in 1859. It was so powerful telegraph operators were shocked and telegraph lines melted and burned. If that happened today, we would be cast into the stone age.

These events are, oddly enough, are called space weather, and the Sun makes all the space weather. Check it out.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

Space weather - Wikipedia

Even Noaa reports on space weather.

Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

Space Weather News

Alerts, Watches and Warnings | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

It's good Trump is doing this. No one else has. People really don't have any idea how vulnerable our grid is. If a strong enough pulse like Carrington hit, as well as frying power lines it would fry all the transformers in line with them as well. And do you know what these are?

I'm sure you've seen them and probably even knew what they were, even though I didn't. They are transformers, just like the ones on telephone poles only huge. They are very hard to make and according to what I have heard, we farm it out to other countries. So, one CME hitting just right and powerful enough, we are dead. And they happen often, they just don't hit us all the time. If I recall one hit north America in 2003 and took down Canada's grid for almost 10 hours or so. And it was a small one.

So, if you look outside one night and see the northern lights in Georgia or Texas, you know what happened.

Now lie and spin turd.

Excellent post ... Yes those station service regional transformers are expensive baby dolls ... But the real killer is at the power plants that generate the power and that goes for wind and solar too.... These are the vitally important DC to AC saturable current Transformers without which no AC power can be Generated. There are only three suppliers World wide ... It would literally take five years to recover. We're talking catastrophic failure here

Its a damned good idea. One that should have happened decades ago.

An EMP would cripple this country. It would send us back to the 1800's.

Don't know about you but I like electricity and a working vehicle. An EMP would end both.
Its a damned good idea. One that should have happened decades ago.

An EMP would cripple this country. It would send us back to the 1800's.

Don't know about you but I like electricity and a working vehicle. An EMP would end both.
They say computers and cell phones too, not to mention all the satellites in orbit.

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