Trump Address Could Set Up A New Hippie Radical Agenda (If He Acts His Age)!?!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So The Four Blue Swing States, allowing the Electoral College surprise, will now see a first lip service or not to the Presidential Pledge to keep hands off the Social Security and Medicare program--"Entitlements," purchased with payroll taxes.

Trump touts spending plan, but promise to leave entitlements alone puts GOP in a quandary

Senator McCain has his own opinion of Trump's spike of the Defense spending part of the budget. Speaker Ryan now acknowledges that answers are needed about the Trump Campaign Russian connections, if any. There likely exists no 10% reduction in Discretionary Spending items. How to cut taxes on the lower 50% of federal income tax filers is also a problem(?). They have no federal income tax liability now.

Reviewing the Hippie McGovernite Agenda, the Democrats passed the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," as a part of the Stimulus. The Amount was about $400.00 per filer, and funding was provided to reach people, in the same amount. Like in Matthew 20:1-16, an equal amount was paid to everyone, regardless if they had worked all the year or not. Anyone might have noted that it actually worked.

Public Works spending, on a massive scale, was largely absent in the Stimulus, also not well-liked by some liberal(s), anyone can think of. The already prosperous, state and local bureaucrats, and public school teachers, got the Mega-Hundred Billions of Deficit Mega-Bucks instead. Even President Trump could take some heart, and credit, for repealing some of the regulations they were enforcing: To keep the Stimulus Spending from working. All he would have to do is act his age(?)!

A Giant Dam nearly collapsed in California, only recently. The teachers and bureaucrats were so well-paid, and even University of California, got pay raises every year throughout. In effect, "Come Hell or High Water," they took all the money, and kept it!

So is the President's address going to be Hippie Radical, or what? Some could say, "There really is High Water on the one hand, and there really is 'High' Water on the other(?)! When Coca-Cola did it originally. . . . .

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," on Lands of Many Nations: Widely known to be ageless, and not even racist!)
You bet. Going behind the back of the President of the United States, to work deals with foreign countries, on fake news no less, is not his business. And, has nothing to do with his past.
It is the present that he is trying so hard to screw up for his evil buddy, George Soros.

Birds of a feather, flock together...... you dumbass.
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So The Four Blue Swing States, allowing the Electoral College surprise, will now see a first lip service or not to the Presidential Pledge to keep hands off the Social Security and Medicare program--"Entitlements," purchased with payroll taxes.

Trump touts spending plan, but promise to leave entitlements alone puts GOP in a quandary

Senator McCain has his own opinion of Trump's spike of the Defense spending part of the budget. Speaker Ryan now acknowledges that answers are needed about the Trump Campaign Russian connections, if any. There likely exists no 10% reduction in Discretionary Spending items. How to cut taxes on the lower 50% of federal income tax filers is also a problem(?). They have no federal income tax liability now.

Reviewing the Hippie McGovernite Agenda, the Democrats passed the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," as a part of the Stimulus. The Amount was about $400.00 per filer, and funding was provided to reach people, in the same amount. Like in Matthew 20:1-16, an equal amount was paid to everyone, regardless if they had worked all the year or not. Anyone might have noted that it actually worked.

Public Works spending, on a massive scale, was largely absent in the Stimulus, also not well-liked by some liberal(s), anyone can think of. The already prosperous, state and local bureaucrats, and public school teachers, got the Mega-Hundred Billions of Deficit Mega-Bucks instead. Even President Trump could take some heart, and credit, for repealing some of the regulations they were enforcing: To keep the Stimulus Spending from working. All he would have to do is act his age(?)!

A Giant Dam nearly collapsed in California, only recently. The teachers and bureaucrats were so well-paid, and even University of California, got pay raises every year throughout. In effect, "Come Hell or High Water," they took all the money, and kept it!

So is the President's address going to be Hippie Radical, or what? Some could say, "There really is High Water on the one hand, and there really is 'High' Water on the other(?)! When Coca-Cola did it originally. . . . .

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," on Lands of Many Nations: Widely known to be ageless, and not even racist!)
We shall find out together.
So President Trump, President Clinton, I myself and others: Sat out the Vietnam War on one side of the lines. People like Senator McCain sat out the Vietnam War on some other side of the lines. Of the four of us cited, two actually won(?)--and only one other even ran(?). Three of the four are very rich.

The other one of the four of us actually set the whole thing up.

Moses had prohibited all civilizing influence of usury in Israel, (Deut: 23, 19-20). Screwing everyone else blind was clearly taught--the directive of an alleged deity, which clearly does not exist, or should not exist--if so. Moses was Egyptian-educated: A denigrator, subjugator, rapist, bringing crime--doing conquest and other exploitation, off the fat of the realm. New Testament, like anything else Roman or Empire-subjugated, Greatly admired and extolled Imperialist Egypt, (Acts 7:22). That for all of history was about religion.

New Testament offered, however, a likely Greek inspired observation. In Matthew 25:14-30, the Pythagorean Theorem can be noted. The Household should have been enriched eight talents, but was only enriched seven. The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, is about 7. An income scale from zero to five talents is the left-side of an upside-down right triangle. The other five talents are the top. There is an hypoteneus, length about seven. There is a story fit.

If money is thought of as little dots, perpendicular to the left side, an equal amount raise of left-side incomes creates little dotty lines to a right side, and a box is created. Those represent an equal amount raise of personal income. The diagonal is like in the story. That is an equal percentage raise of income. And what does anyone see--even inhaling aside(?). There is a little description of what eventually would become a credit market, like we have in the United States. The Total Credit Market would be about two times personal income, which happened in the early 1950's Credit had become greatly overextended by 1932, compared to the amount of personal income. It was moving in that direction by about 1980. The move of a more market-friendly, equal amount raise of income--making the box--was filled in with deficit spending. The source of incomes for the rich, is lower incomes. Like Roosevelt, Reagan attempted to shore up the actual economy with mega-giant deficits. Clinton finally hit the $300.00 bil. level by about 1995, bailing out from the Reagan-Bush recession, which was basically casting lower incomes into Outer Darkness.

So again, there was another "Instant Replay," of Matthew 25:14-30. And again there would be another "Instant Replay," about 2008-2009.

Washington was smarter, even then. Anyone need only ask the Ivy League, Textbook writers, public and private school teachers, all universities, and nutcase community college teachers that the old nutcase Jew, Senator Sanders: Wants personally to federally fund--even if he's only Socialist, even maybe married to a woman(?).

Now there are celebrations of taking the deficit spending away. Trump proposed actual Public Works Spending, and actually started a symbolic repeal of some of the Stimulus Stifling regulations. Cutting taxes for low income people will probably not work. They have been cut to zero already. The Republican Conservatives do not want further deficit spending.

Out of which, Trump somehow wants an economic expansion--nothing much federal likely happening at all--not too much different from the last six years.

Where will the rich get the money? McCain would be said a Reagan Republican. Send all the deficit spending to the already prosperous, Defense Contractors and stockholders instead. Trump thinks that some enormous expansion is under way, having sputtered along under Obama-Biden. The Refundable Income Tax Credit was taken way in 2011. The Stimulus is gone.

Making maybe Tuberculosis, or some other plague, Really Great Again in America going forward!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Millions know already Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!" Many Faithful even celebrate offspring of Great Spirit, "Bingo!" itself(?)!)
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