

Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Note to religious conservatives:

Whether Mr. Trump is sincerely opposed to abortion is less relevant than whether he is a Yankee fan.

Let us say that Trump has had a conversion of conscience and now fervently believes that babies in the womb - starting from the moment of conception - are "persons" and that to kill them is MURDER!

The first thing he will do is to nominate Federal judges who share that particular view. But those nominees will not be confirmed by a Senate that is, shall we say, 52-48 Republican. Never.

But assume it is possible to get them confirmed, and assume also that three Supreme Court vacancies occur during Trump's presidency, and he is successful in getting three similarly-fervent people onto the USSC.

The Court WILL NOT overturn Roe v. Wade! The Supreme Court will not overturn decisions, even if it thinks they are wrong, if the American public has been relying on them for a long period of time, which is definitely the case with RvW. So the only avenue for Trump at that point would be a "Right to Life" amendment to the Constitution. Which will also NEVER HAPPEN.

So Trump's opposition to abortion is in fact irrelevant to anything other than the feelings of the American people.

But consider whether Trump is a Yankee fan. The Yankees are a team that historically has tried to BUY championships. Where the rest of the teams (with a few exceptions) try to develop winning teams from within and without, by having good scouting, minor league teams, and signing the occasional "sleeper" free agent. The Yankees say, "Fuck that, we can't wait" and sign the most prominent free agents every year (if they are willing to go there). Money is no object. It is the sports equivalent of the rich guy who dumps his wife of many years and uses his money to acquire a Beautiful Tenderloin, sometimes called a "Trophy wife."

Being a Yankee fan tells voters more about how President Trump will execute the office of the presidency than his heartfelt beliefs on Abortion. In fact, Our Current Beloved President conducts his affairs in the same sort of petulant fashion that a Yankee fan would do it. So a shift to a Trump Presidency from an Obama Presidency would see a similar rash of borderline unconstitutional Executive Orders, ignoring the laws of Congress, trying to get around Court precedents, and so on. Only - hopefully - they will be to promote Republican causes like limited bureaucratic over-reach, restraint of the IRS and the EPA, and ONE WOULD HOPE, strict enforcement of the nation's immigration laws.

Although I care about abortion and do everything I can in my personal life to discourage it (promoting adoption and so on), I couldn't care less what Trump's position is, because it is irrelevant to any real issues that will confront our next President.
Note to religious conservatives:

Whether Mr. Trump is sincerely opposed to abortion is less relevant than whether he is a Yankee fan.

Let us say that Trump has had a conversion of conscience and now fervently believes that babies in the womb - starting from the moment of conception - are "persons" and that to kill them is MURDER!

The first thing he will do is to nominate Federal judges who share that particular view. But those nominees will not be confirmed by a Senate that is, shall we say, 52-48 Republican. Never.

But assume it is possible to get them confirmed, and assume also that three Supreme Court vacancies occur during Trump's presidency, and he is successful in getting three similarly-fervent people onto the USSC.

The Court WILL NOT overturn Roe v. Wade! The Supreme Court will not overturn decisions, even if it thinks they are wrong, if the American public has been relying on them for a long period of time, which is definitely the case with RvW. So the only avenue for Trump at that point would be a "Right to Life" amendment to the Constitution. Which will also NEVER HAPPEN.

So Trump's opposition to abortion is in fact irrelevant to anything other than the feelings of the American people.

But consider whether Trump is a Yankee fan. The Yankees are a team that historically has tried to BUY championships. Where the rest of the teams (with a few exceptions) try to develop winning teams from within and without, by having good scouting, minor league teams, and signing the occasional "sleeper" free agent. The Yankees say, "Fuck that, we can't wait" and sign the most prominent free agents every year (if they are willing to go there). Money is no object. It is the sports equivalent of the rich guy who dumps his wife of many years and uses his money to acquire a Beautiful Tenderloin, sometimes called a "Trophy wife."

Being a Yankee fan tells voters more about how President Trump will execute the office of the presidency than his heartfelt beliefs on Abortion. In fact, Our Current Beloved President conducts his affairs in the same sort of petulant fashion that a Yankee fan would do it. So a shift to a Trump Presidency from an Obama Presidency would see a similar rash of borderline unconstitutional Executive Orders, ignoring the laws of Congress, trying to get around Court precedents, and so on. Only - hopefully - they will be to promote Republican causes like limited bureaucratic over-reach, restraint of the IRS and the EPA, and ONE WOULD HOPE, strict enforcement of the nation's immigration laws.

Although I care about abortion and do everything I can in my personal life to discourage it (promoting adoption and so on), I couldn't care less what Trump's position is, because it is irrelevant to any real issues that will confront our next President.

That was a long winded way of saying what we already know: Trump is an idiot, and Trump supporters are idiots.
So the rights problem is their candidate not being right enough?

Contrary to what I've been told.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.

The F.B.I. is going to give it to Hillary. Patience.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.

The F.B.I. is going to give it to Hillary. Patience.

After almost thirty years of crazy right wingers claiming "We got her THIS time" , not a single act of wrong doing has been proven. Do you really think it will be different THIS time?
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.

The F.B.I. is going to give it to Hillary. Patience.

After almost thirty years of crazy right wingers claiming "We got her THIS time" , not a single act of wrong doing has been proven. Do you really think it will be different THIS time?

Yes. The F.B.I. is not a Congressional Investigative Committee. The F.B.I. is a professional agency that is about to lodge several charges against Hillary.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.

The F.B.I. is going to give it to Hillary. Patience.

After almost thirty years of crazy right wingers claiming "We got her THIS time" , not a single act of wrong doing has been proven. Do you really think it will be different THIS time?

Yes. The F.B.I. is not a Congressional Investigative Committee. The F.B.I. is a professional agency that is about to lodge several charges against Hillary.

Come back after they do. Until then, those charges you are having wet dreams about don't exist any more than those FEMA prisons or the military attacking Texas.
Yes. The F.B.I. is not a Congressional Investigative Committee. The F.B.I. is a professional agency that is about to lodge several charges against Hillary.

For Hillary to be indicted, the FBI would have to recommend for an indictment and the Attorney General would have to approve the recommendation. FBI director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are both Obama appointees. Good luck with that one.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

Please don't say Trump is washed up. I want him to shine all the way through the primaries. After that I want him to get exactly what he has earned, and Hillary is just the one to give it to him.
a blow job?
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

yea he is going to clone uneducated bitter old people to vote for him
Yes. The F.B.I. is not a Congressional Investigative Committee. The F.B.I. is a professional agency that is about to lodge several charges against Hillary.

For Hillary to be indicted, the FBI would have to recommend for an indictment and the Attorney General would have to approve the recommendation. FBI director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are both Obama appointees. Good luck with that one.

I agree. What will be determined however, is if the rule of law applies to all of us or are the political elitists exempt.
Yes. The F.B.I. is not a Congressional Investigative Committee. The F.B.I. is a professional agency that is about to lodge several charges against Hillary.

For Hillary to be indicted, the FBI would have to recommend for an indictment and the Attorney General would have to approve the recommendation. FBI director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch are both Obama appointees. Good luck with that one.

I agree. What will be determined however, is if the rule of law applies to all of us or are the political elitists exempt.

The rule of law applies, but you are not the arbiter.
It is refreshing to see Liberals finally coming to the realization that Trump will be elected to the Presidency. Now they are busy trying to figure out what he will do once elected. Just a few weeks ago, they were all declaring Trump was all washed up. LOL!!

yea he is going to clone uneducated bitter old people to vote for him

Call it any way you wish as long as Trump gets elected.
I agree. What will be determined however, is if the rule of law applies to all of us or are the political elitists exempt.

The rule hasn't applied to "all of us" for decades. Money talks. Hell, look at the "affluent" kid that left 4 people dead and 1 crippled with his DUI and he is out and about because of "affluenza". If that had happened to you or I, we would most likely be in jail.

Celebrities and those with money ARE treated differently in the justice system than you or eye. Lady Justice is only blind to those that don't have money or celebrity status.
I agree. What will be determined however, is if the rule of law applies to all of us or are the political elitists exempt.

The rule hasn't applied to "all of us" for decades. Money talks. Hell, look at the "affluent" kid that left 4 people dead and 1 crippled with his DUI and he is out and about because of "affluenza". If that had happened to you or I, we would most likely be in jail.

Celebrities and those with money ARE treated differently in the justice system than you or eye. Lady Justice is only blind to those that don't have money or celebrity status.

I agree with what you say but I do have a great deal of respect for the men and women of the F.B.I. I believe the Director to be a man who will act outside of politics and submit to the Attorney General the investigative findings. Should those findings indicate that Hillary violated the law, I believe the Director will recommend to the Attorney General that Hillary be prosecuted. Should the Attorney General not follow through with the Director's recommendations, then I believe the Director will resign in protest and will go public with all the details of his investigators' findings. This would practically destroy the F.B.I. as an agency and make the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton look like criminals above the law in the eyes of most Americans.
I agree. What will be determined however, is if the rule of law applies to all of us or are the political elitists exempt.

The rule hasn't applied to "all of us" for decades. Money talks. Hell, look at the "affluent" kid that left 4 people dead and 1 crippled with his DUI and he is out and about because of "affluenza". If that had happened to you or I, we would most likely be in jail.

Celebrities and those with money ARE treated differently in the justice system than you or eye. Lady Justice is only blind to those that don't have money or celebrity status.

I agree with what you say but I do have a great deal of respect for the men and women of the F.B.I. I believe the Director to be a man who will act outside of politics and submit to the Attorney General the investigative findings. Should those findings indicate that Hillary violated the law, I believe the Director will recommend to the Attorney General that Hillary be prosecuted. Should the Attorney General not follow through with the Director's recommendations, then I believe the Director will resign in protest and will go public with all the details of his investigators' findings. This would practically destroy the F.B.I. as an agency and make the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton look like criminals above the law in the eyes of most Americans.

As I said before, good luck with that. My prediction is that there will be no indictment.

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