Troubling Biden Photo From 2013 Explained


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

A photo of VP Biden holding TS/SCI Information taken at the WH in 2013 popped up this week in the middle of his Classified Document scandal.

When Presidrnt Biden was asked in an interview about why he was wandering around the WH with TS/SCI documents that are not supposed to leave a SCIF, he said there was a perfectly good explanation.

Biden explained while in the 'vault' reading the classified material he suddenly hacd to go to the bathroom. He decided to 'kill 2 birds with 1 stone' by taking the material with him to read while sitting on the toilet.

He said on the way to the bathroom he got turned around, confused, opened a door he thought led to the bathroom, and, to his surprise, stepped in to a room where there was a live WH Press event going on.

As for holding tbe classified folder in front of him, he said the 1st thing he saw when he stepped into the room was a beautiful little girl in the front row.

Biden explained he immediately got a 'hard on' and used the classified folder to hide it.

The interview with President Biden was immediately ended by his handlers.


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