Troops Abroad to Get More Food This Thanksgiving


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I remember how our messhall guys really went overboard for Turkey Day and our Christmas meal. Seems it’s not a bit different decades later.

In addition to more than 81,000 pies, the Defense Logistics Agency plans for more.

n addition, this Thanksgiving the DLA will also provide 10,000 more pounds of ham than last year, 25,000 more pounds of beef, more than double the amount of shrimp, 9,000 more gallons of eggnog and 10,000 more cakes.

More @ NBC: Troops Abroad Getting Much More Holiday Food This Thanksgiving
..I was grateful for any and all food I received--in the military and out
..I started reading about WW2 when I was in my early teens---so after reading about the WW2 troops' lack of supplies/etc, and especially starvation of civilians, I was grateful for everything--food/hot showers/beds/etc WW2, the POWs were on a ''starvation'' diet
.. I was on ship for 2 Thanksgiving [ Crepitus thinks all the military is home for TSGiving ]
..they had extra and more of everything--very cramped on ship though
..My father spent Thanksgiving in 30 below temps in Korea 1950 --and a few days after that, the Chinese attacked and changed the war-so Thanksgiving dinner must've been ''cold''

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