Triple homicide outside Boston of three elderly white persons

Most people in prison belong there

Along with tens of thousands of others walking atound free who should be behind bars

We arent told, but I’m guessing this guy had a long criminal record before getting pinched for the robbery

Nor can you say he was innocent but merely that he might have been innocent
I rest my case....
Keep up the good work dumb dudley, you continually shoe you are a racist POS. Too bad the folks on the jury didn't buy into that racist narrative.

Yes, they allow stupid bigots to serve on juries. Congratulations on that; it makes you feel better.
85% violent crimes by Black (mostly) with Brown and Mixed, other, decline to state. Yes Obama is black when needed, mixed when under avoidance. Yet "super or Biff" try to get you to focus on the 0.1% "other" that they can dig up? Come on man, Pareto the problems.

In other news this killer was a neighbor....who broke in and stabbed all 3 to death. ALLEGEDLY

Neighbor, 41, is arrested in stabbing deaths of elderly couple found alongside mother, 97, after failing to turn up at church to renew their wedding vows: Suspect was identified after cops matched him to bloody footprint found at scene​

  • Christopher Ferguson, 41, was arrested Monday evening for the triple homicides of Jill and Bruno D'Amore, as well as Jill's 97-year-old mother Lucia Arpino
No, it means when the judicial system gets it wrong, and people spend decades of their life behind bars for something they didn't do -- we put policies in place to prevent that and pay restitution to those people whom the system failed...You know, people who were truly oppressed by this justice system.....not make-believe oppressed people like your cult leader

Why weren't you folks upset when things like this were happening....just this year??

According to you, he should have remained locked up....because it wasn't any Conservatives fighting to get him released...

According to you, he should have remained locked up....because it wasn't any Conservatives fighting to get him released...

According to you, he should have remained locked up....because it wasn't any Conservatives fighting to get him released...

And in this case, he was white....and still, not a single one of you was outraged by the injustice he received....I am assuming it is because you feel that as long as the majority of those wrongfully convicted are black folks, the system is working great

Not sure I buy any stories more than 6 months old with Lawyer mumbo jumbo mixed in? Few first time offenders (but J6) end up doing time falsely accused. If they do end up in assured there are plenty of other crimes they committed not caught for that they should have been locked up anyways. No one sells a $10 bag and goes to prison if caught w/o a monster history.//
Who wakes up in the morning and says....."I am going to go over there and kick the door down and stab any MoFo in there"? A sick lifetime repeat criminal would be my guess?
Not sure I buy any stories more than 6 months old with Lawyer mumbo jumbo mixed in? Few first time offenders (but J6) end up doing time falsely accused. If they do end up in assured there are plenty of other crimes they committed not caught for that they should have been locked up anyways. No one sells a $10 bag and goes to prison if caught w/o a monster history.//
It amazes me how you folks will avoid every instance of ACTUAL WRONGFUL CONVICTIONS to deflect and talk about some imaginary goofy shit....
Of course they do, how do you think so many racist whites get away with killing black folks.

You keep voting for them.

Not sure I buy any stories more than 6 months old with Lawyer mumbo jumbo mixed in? Few first time offenders (but J6) end up doing time falsely accused. If they do end up in assured there are plenty of other crimes they committed not caught for that they should have been locked up anyways. No one sells a $10 bag and goes to prison if caught w/o a monster history.//

The stupid 'blacks are over-sentenced' lie is proven to be rubbish every minute of the day, but morons keep trying to sell it.

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