Transgender fad Victims


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Rushed off to surgery and chopped up with no real care for them at all. Medical experimentation is what it is, Medical establishment doesn't give a damn about em. Too late they realize this. Notice the news rag just had to parrot the company line to try to malign, discredit the possibility they've created a holocaust
‘Hundreds’ of young transgender people seeking help to return to original sex
Sky News reports that the number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high with very few who may later regret their decision.

28-year-old Charlie Evans identified as male for nearly 10 years. Last year, she detransitioned and went public with her story and said she was stunned by the number of people she discovered in a similar position.
Young people have been force fed this SEXUAL PERVERSION in public schools for far too long. It's GENDER DYSFUNCTION, and NO, it's NOT NORMAL. The homos and their supporters have been INDOCTRINATING young people into their disgusting perversion. Not people "born that way," but TOLD that they can just CHANGE their SEX. Of course this is pure MENTALLY ILL DISTORTED DYSFUNCTIONAL BULL SHIT.
Young people have been force fed this SEXUAL PERVERSION in public schools for far too long. It's GENDER DYSFUNCTION, and NO, it's NOT NORMAL. The homos and their supporters have been INDOCTRINATING young people into their disgusting perversion. Not people "born that way," but TOLD that they can just CHANGE their SEX. Of course this is pure MENTALLY ILL DISTORTED DYSFUNCTIONAL BULL SHIT.
SOme of it is just normal teen rebellion which unfortunately ant be undone
Young people have been force fed this SEXUAL PERVERSION in public schools for far too long. It's GENDER DYSFUNCTION, and NO, it's NOT NORMAL. The homos and their supporters have been INDOCTRINATING young people into their disgusting perversion. Not people "born that way," but TOLD that they can just CHANGE their SEX. Of course this is pure MENTALLY ILL DISTORTED DYSFUNCTIONAL BULL SHIT.
SOme of it is just normal teen rebellion which unfortunately ant be undone
Exactly... it's COOL... or the latest FAD... the COOL KIDS DO IT... oh look at me, I'm TRANSITIONING. Uuuumm... no, you're not. You are and always will be the same sex you were born with, and if you do anything surgically to alter your physical body, you're just making a huge mistake.
Unfortunately humanity seems to forever be stuck in "pendulum" actions. Never finding a good middle ground, sensible actions.
Instead societies go from one extreme to other.
My generation (teenagers in the 70s/80's) treated gay kids terribly. Transgenders were sick fucks who were right there with child molesters. Totally sick and demented.
So instead of building reasonable acceptance, and realizing that transgender is in fact real.... BUT RARE...say again... RARE.
Society went full retard and started such insanity as "theybies" where parents refuse to say their child is boy or is too be determined.
Complete fuckery and you bet...child abuse.
And we are just now seeing the early stages of what had been done to them... they will pay the price. Not the moronic parents.
When I was a kid, I saw the world's Sex Change Surgery patient chatting on TV with Joe Pyne and Dave Susskind, the late Christine Jorgenson.

But at least with this pioneering She-Male, he was actually an adult, a WWII veteran , when he decided to make the switcheroo. Mr. Jorgensen lived life and served his country, and even though I still disagree with his decision to be mutilated, at least he was an adult and made his decision to "transition" based upon life experience.

Doing it to kids is an outrage IMHO.
I can’t wrap my head around all that I’ve done to myself in the last two years, much less the “help” that some health care professionals have done to me.

Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man. I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.
Rushed off to surgery and chopped up with no real care for them at all. Medical experimentation is what it is, Medical establishment doesn't give a damn about em. Too late they realize this. Notice the news rag just had to parrot the company line to try to malign, discredit the possibility they've created a holocaust
‘Hundreds’ of young transgender people seeking help to return to original sex
Sky News reports that the number of young people seeking gender transition is at an all-time high with very few who may later regret their decision.

28-year-old Charlie Evans identified as male for nearly 10 years. Last year, she detransitioned and went public with her story and said she was stunned by the number of people she discovered in a similar position.

The adults who encouraged these children to start taking hormones or hormone blockers at a young age need to be tossed out of friggin helicopters

These young adult were encouraged and exploited as chiLdren plain and simple
THiers no getting around it fags

Stay tHe fuck out of libraries and leave the kids alone ...hand off in every way shape or form until they're 18

They can have one Tommy has two daddy reading assignment when they're in junior's that

Here's the problem with any life-altering change ... adopting a new religion, going vegan, getting married, or sexual reassignment surgery...

... You've built up this picture in your head that once you make this change, everything that is wrong with your messed up life will be solved and you'll be perpetually happy.

When, inevitably, that doesn't occur, your disappointment will be devastating.

We don't let children make life-altering decisions because they simply have no perspective on which to judge the consequences of their actions.
not natural = lunacy

Living in a brick house, wearing clothes, or driving cars aren't natural

... in that they do not occur in nature.

I am still me in my brick house, in my clothes, in my car.

These youngsters have a disconnect between brain and body--only a tiny tiny fraction of them for real--but since victimhood is the new in thing, they are taking it on as a fad. But that fad is not where I live, what I wear or what I drive. I changes my body in ways never to be recovered.

Yeah. Different
Here's the problem with any life-altering change ... adopting a new religion, going vegan, getting married, or sexual reassignment surgery...

... You've built up this picture in your head that once you make this change, everything that is wrong with your messed up life will be solved and you'll be perpetually happy.

When, inevitably, that doesn't occur, your disappointment will be devastating.

We don't let children make life-altering decisions because they simply have no perspective on which to judge the consequences of their actions.

You can deconvert
You can eat meat again (so easy)
You can get a divorce

You're not getting your penis back. You're just not. In any functional form. I mean think of saying "I really hate my left arm" and getting it chopped off. Extreme, huh?
Here's the problem with any life-altering change ... adopting a new religion, going vegan, getting married, or sexual reassignment surgery...

... You've built up this picture in your head that once you make this change, everything that is wrong with your messed up life will be solved and you'll be perpetually happy.

When, inevitably, that doesn't occur, your disappointment will be devastating.

We don't let children make life-altering decisions because they simply have no perspective on which to judge the consequences of their actions.

You can deconvert
You can eat meat again (so easy)
You can get a divorce

You're not getting your penis back. You're just not. In any functional form. I mean think of saying "I really hate my left arm" and getting it chopped off. Extreme, huh?

Even if someone doesn't go to the extreme of penile amputation, and just takes Hormone shots, that can have very devastating effects especially in a growing body.

Sad that she picked the wrong solution for her problem.

If you read the article, she was a self-loathing lesbian, not a trans-man.

From the article..

By the time I was 17, my parents had long divorced and I was living with my dad. That’s when he found out I was dating girls. He promptly kicked me out of the house, saying it was his way or the highway.
....Every passing day, I saw myself as this awful “dyke,” this unnatural lesbian. I hated that image and would much rather have been a guy dating girls. So I Googled how to make the transition to male.

So really, kind of her own fault, not the fault of people who are genuinely transsexual. Yeah, maybe her doctors could have done a better job...

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