Top gun rights advocates democrats pushing most extreme gun control in decades

MAss killings account for 1% of all murders

And our homicide rate is not driven by guns it is driven by the cancer we have allowed to spread in our inner cities
Other countries have the cancer without the death. Too many guns.
No they don't

Our inner cities are plagued by generations of segregation. poverty, drugs and the crime and violence that come along with those

But no one cares since most of the murders in this country occur in inner city shit holes

Where I live the murder rate is virtually ZERO despite the fact that most people own guns

So it ain't guns that cause murder

I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game
Other countries have the cancer without the death. Too many guns.
No they don't

Our inner cities are plagued by generations of segregation. poverty, drugs and the crime and violence that come along with those

But no one cares since most of the murders in this country occur in inner city shit holes

Where I live the murder rate is virtually ZERO despite the fact that most people own guns

So it ain't guns that cause murder

I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............
No they don't

Our inner cities are plagued by generations of segregation. poverty, drugs and the crime and violence that come along with those

But no one cares since most of the murders in this country occur in inner city shit holes

Where I live the murder rate is virtually ZERO despite the fact that most people own guns

So it ain't guns that cause murder

I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

You still do not understand ratios do you?

X crimes per 100000 people it doesn't matter if there are 10, 100, 1000 100000 1 million people or 100 million people. The rate is what matters.

You do understand that a smaller population with an extremely high murder rate can have more actual murders than a large population with a very low murder rate don't you?

If you don't then you will never be able to realize what it is that drives our murder rates.
No they don't

Our inner cities are plagued by generations of segregation. poverty, drugs and the crime and violence that come along with those

But no one cares since most of the murders in this country occur in inner city shit holes

Where I live the murder rate is virtually ZERO despite the fact that most people own guns

So it ain't guns that cause murder

I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south
I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

I used to live in deep rural myself. The old saying of "If you take all your clothes off and run around your front yard and someone complains, it's time to move, they are getting too close". When you are the only one within 2 miles it's very easy to be zero. Well, unless you are the one going down the road with your Tractor to shoot your neighbors, that is.
I live in an area where there are less than 200K people in about a 120 mile range in every direction. Yet, we have had more cops shot here than Denver. Our Crime rate has gone up hard. And this is a solid red area. Last year, we even had a close call for a school shooting that was thwarted. This town/City is listed as the 3rd worst place to live in Colorado due to high living costs, low wages, high unemployment and high crime. Yet, I can safely walk down any street at 2am in the morning without fear of my life. Most large Cities have areas that are the worst of the lot while the rest is essentially crime free. Our crime areas are just smaller and so is the overall population. If I were to take in just Fruitvale, I could also say that the crime rate is virtually zero. But Grand Junction and Clifton (east and west of here) both have a higher crime rate. Clifton is much higher than Grand Junction. So you can cherry pick and get bogus figures.

Let's take NYC for instance. Amazon is building a distribution center and headquarters in NYC. They picked it for a lot of reasons. One huge reason was the crime rate is so low in NYC along with the housing that will have to be built, the road infrastructure, unemployed people with the skill sets they need and more. Amazon is also getting a nice hefty tax relief from NYC and NY itself. What it means is that over 50,000 workers will be employed just in the Center. But it will mean that probably well over 100K jobs will be created. NYC has been doing this for about 10 years. They work on low crime and work to attract Corporate Businesses. This reduces crime, increases the tax base, and a lot of other positive things. NYC has become the city (and the surrounding burrows) that others need to copy. Think of this, in less than 20 years, NYC was almost tied with the worst armpits in the nation for crime especially murder.

It wasn't "More Guns" that made the difference. It was cops and the communities working together to reduce crime along with the Corporate Businesses moving into that area where people can make a decent living. Guns had almost nothing to do with the success. But Guns were a large contributing factor 20 years ago making it an armpit city.

Using this as the yardstick, there are just so many other positives that comes out of getting those jobs back. If the people have jobs that allow them to have any excess of funds after the bills they don't allow drug dealers, pimps and such to stay around. And all these undesirables stay around because the community allows it. No amount of Guns will change that. So arming everyone just causes more problems than if you clean the place up the way NYC has done.

And for you idjits that are playing Politics, it hasn't been any one Mayor that has done this. NYC has gone through multiple Mayors of both parties in the last 20 years. In fact, the Mayors have had little to do with it. The Communities just got sick of it and are continuously turning things around. It's when you stop with the political BS and start working for the good of the People that good things will happen.

So how about stopping this Political BS and work towards making the armpit areas around your own home into something other than armpits.

Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.
Where have I ever said anything about more guns or arming everyone?

I said gun laws do not reduce murder rates if they did then CA would have the lowest murder rate in the country but that has never been true

What CA does have is many ultra-violent inner city areas that are plagued by poverty, drugs, gangs and the violence those things foster

And FYI the crime rate where I live is near ZERO while the crime and murder rate in my state is driven by the areas near the capitol city where the urban decay is rooted

NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.

Where the fuck did I say I live in NH?

I told you I don't live in NH

I used NH because NH has the lowest murder rate in the country despite having rather lax gun laws

notice I used MURDER RATE not number of murders

And I don't think the 2 closest cities to me are hovels unless you call Boston and Hartford hovels
NYC is downright draconian compared to California yet they have a murder rate approaching zero (2.4) The laws were passed and they upheld them with long jail sentences. The Civilians did get caught up in that at first but later learned just to follow the law. But the criminals didn't and it allowed them to get a lot of the armed criminals out of circulation. CA let's too much of their laws slide because it will affect their citizens. Yes, at first it does until the civilians learn they are serious. But it is one way to get the bad guy off the street.

If your area is zero then what the devil are you even doing in this discussion? You ain't got no skin in the game.

NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.

Where the fuck did I say I live in NH?

I told you I don't live in NH

I used NH because NH has the lowest murder rate in the country despite having rather lax gun laws

notice I used MURDER RATE not number of murders

And I don't think the 2 closest cities to me are hovels unless you call Boston and Hartford hovels

When I pick an area to talk about, I have been there. I have walked the streets. I know people there. You are like the Scientist that has become an expert in his field not by his own work (he never left his office) but by reading about other's exploits. Then the "Scientist" writes all kinds of nonsense papers on the subjects he has never experienced. I can freely talk about LA, Denver, Chicago, many cities in Texas, the East Coast Cities and most of the mid western cities. I can also talk about the rural areas of those places as well. What you are doing is to take crap off the internet that may or may not be truthful and using that to become THE EXPERT. Get off your dead ass and travel to these places and then you can make a much better decision.

BTW, NH, there isn't one place in the whole state I would be afraid to be in at any time night or day unarmed. It's one of the safest places on Earth even in the "Rougher" sections. Rough to someone from NH is heaven for others. But, then again, their largest "City" barely makes it to the city status with just over 100k population. It's one large (we have counties bigger here) Rural State. NH has one of the lowest populations for any state. SD, ND and Wyoming beat it out for the least. And maybe a couple or three more. But it's definately in the top 10 of the lowest population states. I suggest you spend a month or so there so you can see if it's safe or not. Otherwise, you are like the Scientist that never leaves his office and writes like HE did the actual leg work.

Write about where you are from. I'll probably accept that as an educated opinion. But if you write about anywhere you haven't spent any length of time at then you are just blowing smoke.
NYC police have been targeting quality of life crimes with its "Broken Window Policing" for years now as well. These policies have actually done away with much of the urban decay in NYC proper.

But you still can't tell me why states with much looser gun laws have much lower murder rates than CA.

I have told you why yet you still refuse to address it

If you want to tromp on my rights as a law abiding gun owner then I have skin in this game

Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.

Where the fuck did I say I live in NH?

I told you I don't live in NH

I used NH because NH has the lowest murder rate in the country despite having rather lax gun laws

notice I used MURDER RATE not number of murders

And I don't think the 2 closest cities to me are hovels unless you call Boston and Hartford hovels

When I pick an area to talk about, I have been there. I have walked the streets. I know people there. You are like the Scientist that has become an expert in his field not by his own work (he never left his office) but by reading about other's exploits. Then the "Scientist" writes all kinds of nonsense papers on the subjects he has never experienced. I can freely talk about LA, Denver, Chicago, many cities in Texas, the East Coast Cities and most of the mid western cities. I can also talk about the rural areas of those places as well. What you are doing is to take crap off the internet that may or may not be truthful and using that to become THE EXPERT. Get off your dead ass and travel to these places and then you can make a much better decision.

BTW, NH, there isn't one place in the whole state I would be afraid to be in at any time night or day unarmed. It's one of the safest places on Earth even in the "Rougher" sections. Rough to someone from NH is heaven for others. But, then again, their largest "City" barely makes it to the city status with just over 100k population. It's one large (we have counties bigger here) Rural State. NH has one of the lowest populations for any state. SD, ND and Wyoming beat it out for the least. And maybe a couple or three more. But it's definately in the top 10 of the lowest population states. I suggest you spend a month or so there so you can see if it's safe or not. Otherwise, you are like the Scientist that never leaves his office and writes like HE did the actual leg work.

Write about where you are from. I'll probably accept that as an educated opinion. But if you write about anywhere you haven't spent any length of time at then you are just blowing smoke.

yes anecdotal evidence is always better than thorough statistical analysis

I don't have to walk through South Central CA to know the murder rate there.
I don't have to walk through AK to know the murder rate there

You cannot walk through all the states and every square inch of every state so as to have enough data to compare large areas of the country to each other but you keep walking and let me know when you have all the data on the entire country maybe then you'll understand my arguments
Yes, you say that it's a rural area. Yes, it is. Near Zero People equals near zero everything in stats. Now pull your head out your.............

I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.

Where the fuck did I say I live in NH?

I told you I don't live in NH

I used NH because NH has the lowest murder rate in the country despite having rather lax gun laws

notice I used MURDER RATE not number of murders

And I don't think the 2 closest cities to me are hovels unless you call Boston and Hartford hovels

When I pick an area to talk about, I have been there. I have walked the streets. I know people there. You are like the Scientist that has become an expert in his field not by his own work (he never left his office) but by reading about other's exploits. Then the "Scientist" writes all kinds of nonsense papers on the subjects he has never experienced. I can freely talk about LA, Denver, Chicago, many cities in Texas, the East Coast Cities and most of the mid western cities. I can also talk about the rural areas of those places as well. What you are doing is to take crap off the internet that may or may not be truthful and using that to become THE EXPERT. Get off your dead ass and travel to these places and then you can make a much better decision.

BTW, NH, there isn't one place in the whole state I would be afraid to be in at any time night or day unarmed. It's one of the safest places on Earth even in the "Rougher" sections. Rough to someone from NH is heaven for others. But, then again, their largest "City" barely makes it to the city status with just over 100k population. It's one large (we have counties bigger here) Rural State. NH has one of the lowest populations for any state. SD, ND and Wyoming beat it out for the least. And maybe a couple or three more. But it's definately in the top 10 of the lowest population states. I suggest you spend a month or so there so you can see if it's safe or not. Otherwise, you are like the Scientist that never leaves his office and writes like HE did the actual leg work.

Write about where you are from. I'll probably accept that as an educated opinion. But if you write about anywhere you haven't spent any length of time at then you are just blowing smoke.

yes anecdotal evidence is always better than thorough statistical analysis

I don't have to walk through South Central CA to know the murder rate there.
I don't have to walk through AK to know the murder rate there

You cannot walk through all the states and every square inch of every state so as to have enough data to compare large areas of the country to each other but you keep walking and let me know when you have all the data on the entire country maybe then you'll understand my arguments

A good writer does walk where he wants to write about. If the author writes about a specific street corner, he may change the name of the businesses to protect himself for law suits but he probably won't change that specific spot is a Diner and change very little about the particulars of the diner. If he were to write about Rome, he can't do that off a map or a Tourist Circular. he is going to have to do there. And it won't matter if it's a travel book, mystery or love story. Otherwise, he will not be able to convey his ideas well enough to make it believable. Nothing spins even Fiction as well as putting in the real life that will be lived there.

How many years did you spend in Southern Cal and how many years have you spent in AK. I did business in Southern California and there are very few blocks that I would be afraid to travel unarmed any time night or day. I also spent 3 years in Alaska. The Internet Stats don't tell the real story. Again, you are like the Archeologist that is writing his expert science book and he never left his Office since the say he did under grad work.
I said I live in a semi rural area I am less than 50 miles away from 2 major cities one to the north one to the south

If you live in NH, there are absolutely NO major cities. What you call a major city the rest of us without exaggerating, would call it a large town, village or hovel. NH does have tons of medium to small towns, villages and hovels and that makes up the majority of your population. If you keep bringing up NH and you don't live there, move on since you have no skin in the game.

Where the fuck did I say I live in NH?

I told you I don't live in NH

I used NH because NH has the lowest murder rate in the country despite having rather lax gun laws

notice I used MURDER RATE not number of murders

And I don't think the 2 closest cities to me are hovels unless you call Boston and Hartford hovels

When I pick an area to talk about, I have been there. I have walked the streets. I know people there. You are like the Scientist that has become an expert in his field not by his own work (he never left his office) but by reading about other's exploits. Then the "Scientist" writes all kinds of nonsense papers on the subjects he has never experienced. I can freely talk about LA, Denver, Chicago, many cities in Texas, the East Coast Cities and most of the mid western cities. I can also talk about the rural areas of those places as well. What you are doing is to take crap off the internet that may or may not be truthful and using that to become THE EXPERT. Get off your dead ass and travel to these places and then you can make a much better decision.

BTW, NH, there isn't one place in the whole state I would be afraid to be in at any time night or day unarmed. It's one of the safest places on Earth even in the "Rougher" sections. Rough to someone from NH is heaven for others. But, then again, their largest "City" barely makes it to the city status with just over 100k population. It's one large (we have counties bigger here) Rural State. NH has one of the lowest populations for any state. SD, ND and Wyoming beat it out for the least. And maybe a couple or three more. But it's definately in the top 10 of the lowest population states. I suggest you spend a month or so there so you can see if it's safe or not. Otherwise, you are like the Scientist that never leaves his office and writes like HE did the actual leg work.

Write about where you are from. I'll probably accept that as an educated opinion. But if you write about anywhere you haven't spent any length of time at then you are just blowing smoke.

yes anecdotal evidence is always better than thorough statistical analysis

I don't have to walk through South Central CA to know the murder rate there.
I don't have to walk through AK to know the murder rate there

You cannot walk through all the states and every square inch of every state so as to have enough data to compare large areas of the country to each other but you keep walking and let me know when you have all the data on the entire country maybe then you'll understand my arguments

A good writer does walk where he wants to write about. If the author writes about a specific street corner, he may change the name of the businesses to protect himself for law suits but he probably won't change that specific spot is a Diner and change very little about the particulars of the diner. If he were to write about Rome, he can't do that off a map or a Tourist Circular. he is going to have to do there. And it won't matter if it's a travel book, mystery or love story. Otherwise, he will not be able to convey his ideas well enough to make it believable. Nothing spins even Fiction as well as putting in the real life that will be lived there.

How many years did you spend in Southern Cal and how many years have you spent in AK. I did business in Southern California and there are very few blocks that I would be afraid to travel unarmed any time night or day. I also spent 3 years in Alaska. The Internet Stats don't tell the real story. Again, you are like the Archeologist that is writing his expert science book and he never left his Office since the say he did under grad work.
I am not writing about any place in particular I am and always have been speaking of the murder rate of the country and of the states

You can't see the murder rate by walking down a road.

The numbers are the numbers and it matters not if you actually stood at every single murder crime scene in the country the numbers will still be the same

You're talking about descriptive prose . I am talking cold hard facts

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