Toilet paper is more valuable than putin´s ruble🐷 🇷🇺 , it's more useful ! PUTIN´S Ruble’s 1600% decrease in value under tsar Putin’s murderous r


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

GREAT NEWS : A roll of toilet paper is literally more expensive than the putin´s ruble ! PUTIN´S Ruble’s 1600% decrease in value under tsar Putin’s murderous reign in since May 7, 2000. Being a net exporter and the most sanctioned country on earth is a recipe for economic misery and the demise of growth and translated down, a drop in living standards. A summary statement of course.

How does something lose more than 100% of it's value?
The relentless increase in the value of the USD against the Ruble under Vladimir Putin’s murderous reign in since May 7, 2000. The Ruble has fallen to a 15 month low after the debacle of #Wagner challenging #Putin, who escaped from Moscow as the convoy of military contractors travelled 600kms unopposed by local and regional law enforcement in Russia. In the start of 2022 it traded at 53 Rubles to the USD. Following the invasion, the #Ruble crashed to 125/1, and in response Putin manipulated the Ruble buy using the Russian Central Bank to buy Rubles to artificially to create demand on the Ruble, and the market for Rubles shrank significantly as sanctions were enforced against Russia, making it easier for Putin to manipulate the currency. It improved back down to 50/1 by July 2022. The Ruble is currently valued at 85 to one US Dollar, its continued slide against the Dollar since July 2022 continues relentlessly. The Russian Central Bank can no longer afford to prop the Ruble up using it’s reserve funds, with Russia recording historic deficits in 2022 and in 2023. Over the last 25 years under the indicted #WarCriminal’s reign, the Ruble has declined significantly from 5/1USD in 1998 to 85/1 in 2023, the difference being 1600%. To the average Russian Citizen, 100 Rubles would have bought you $20 in 2000, and in 2023 100 Rubles will buy you just $1.17 today. And still they support the kleptomaniac and his murderous regime, oblivious to the previous 25 years of their currency value decline under his disastrous and corrupt leadership, while he, his family and the #RussianElite squirrel away the countries wealth with private yachts, planes and palaces around the world using thousands of shell companies to evade sanctions.
Yea….any day now the Ruble will collapse entirely….any day now…
- Strong economies don't hide their economic data.
- Strong countries don't need to have dictators in power.
- Strong militaries don't use their troops as cannon fodder.
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GREAT NEWS : A roll of toilet paper is literally more expensive than the putin´s ruble ! PUTIN´S Ruble’s 1600% decrease in value under tsar Putin’s murderous reign in since May 7, 2000. Being a net exporter and the most sanctioned country on earth is a recipe for economic misery and the demise of growth and translated down, a drop in living standards. A summary statement of course.



The cognitive dissonance of Russians celebrating a band of convicted war criminals masquerading as soldiers is incomprehensible. It takes ignorance and complicity to a new level in humanity. Average Russian will see the decline in real time on the street. Signs with the exchange course are everywhere in Russia
The cognitive dissonance of Russians celebrating a band of convicted war criminals masquerading as soldiers is incomprehensible. It takes ignorance and complicity to a new level in humanity. Average Russian will see the decline in real time on the street. Signs with the exchange course are everywhere in Russia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
How does something lose more than 100% of it's value?
Taking Moscow🇷🇺 🐖apart one piece at a time, its well deserved I might add. 👍

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