Toddlers Disappear From Home in Georgia


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Jun 16, 2004
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I hope they find these 2 safely!

Toddlers Disappear From Home in Georgia
Sunday, April 24, 2005

WARRENTON, Ga. — Authorities resumed searching Sunday for two toddlers who went missing from their Warren County (search) home.

A 2-year-old girl and her 3-year-old-brother were missing as temperatures dipped into the 30s Saturday night.

Lottie Kain told police that her children, Jonah and Nicole Kain, disappeared Saturday evening. She told authorities she couldn't find the children at about 6 p.m.

Law enforcement and search and rescue teams from Warren, McDuffie and Glascock counties, along with a dog team and a Georgia State Patrol helicopter unit, were called in to assist with the search, Wolfe said.

Late Saturday, investigators with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (search) were interviewing the children's parents.

Dive teams were called because several small ponds are near the Kain home.

"We're just concerned," said Tommy Wolfe, Warren County's emergency management agency director.

Nicole was described as 30 inches tall with shoulder-length blond hair. She may have some hair missing in front because of a burn, Wolfe said. She was last seen wearing a purple turtleneck, light-colored blue jeans and purple high-top tennis shoes.

Jonah was described as 40 inches tall with shoulder-length black hair. He was last seen wearing a red and white shirt with a gray collar and the number seven on the back, blue jeans and brown hiking boots, Wolfe said.

Just before midnight, the ground search was called off, but a helicopter continued circling the area. The search resumed Sunday morning.

Warrenton is in east Georgia, about halfway between Milledgeville and Augusta.,2933,154453,00.html
More proof some people should never have children.
How in the hell do you lose a two and three yr old?

I haven't heard anything locally about this, if I do I'll post.
Mr. P said:
More proof some people should never have children.
How in the hell do you lose a two and three yr old?

I haven't heard anything locally about this, if I do I'll post.

Simple.. You send them off to play, and forget about them, so you can keep doing whatever you were doing that was more important than paying attention to your children. :mad:
Shattered said:
Simple.. You send them off to play, and forget about them, so you can keep doing whatever you were doing that was more important than paying attention to your children. :mad:
I guess...That is part of the Georgia "outback" lots of rednecks with no sense. But then again, they're everywhere.
Mr. P said:
I guess...That is part of the Georgia "outback" lots of rednecks with no sense. But then again, they're everywhere.
Lord knows, I'm not suggesting that kids should be left unattended, but are you all saying that you kept your eyes on your kids every minute of every day from the time they were awake until they went to bed? Until how old?

Did you and your spouse take turns watching them breathe through the night? How did the wash get done? Cooking? Did you get to work?

I'm curious, I was a stay at home mom with the kids' father traveling a lot.
Kathianne said:
Lord knows, I'm not suggesting that kids should be left unattended, but are you all saying that you kept your eyes on your kids every minute of every day from the time they were awake until they went to bed? Until how old?

Did you and your spouse take turns watching them breathe through the night? How did the wash get done? Cooking? Did you get to work?

I'm curious, I was a stay at home mom with the kids' father traveling a lot.

There are some safety measures to put in place.. Like keeping screen doors locked so they can't get out.. If they're outside, be outside with them, etc. If you're a "normal" parent, it's awfully hard to 'lose' two children...
Kathianne said:
Lord knows, I'm not suggesting that kids should be left unattended, but are you all saying that you kept your eyes on your kids every minute of every day from the time they were awake until they went to bed? Until how old?

Did you and your spouse take turns watching them breathe through the night? How did the wash get done? Cooking? Did you get to work?

I'm curious, I was a stay at home mom with the kids' father traveling a lot.
Pretty much, yes..cept for the breathe through the night...although I did some of that too...Until what age? Haven't stopped yet...teens hate that...
Shattered said:
There are some safety measures to put in place.. Like keeping screen doors locked so they can't get out.. If they're outside, be outside with them, etc. If you're a "normal" parent, it's awfully hard to 'lose' two children...

Ok, on that I will agree. The safety measures in all fairness, many 3 years olds can figure how to get around. I know that I got rid of cabinet locks in favor of safe for medicines, when the 3 year old shared the Flintstone vitamins with the 1 year old. She was 'sharing.'
Kathianne said:
Ok, on that I will agree. The safety measures in all fairness, many 3 years olds can figure how to get around. I know that I got rid of cabinet locks in favor of safe for medicines, when the 3 year old shared the Flintstone vitamins with the 1 year old. She was 'sharing.'

Yikes! Well, at least they were Flinstone vitamins, and not something much worse.. I'll fully admit, they keep you running, but it's still hard to just totally lose them.. With most parents, if the kids aren't making noise, they go looking for them within seconds cuz it usually means they're up to no good.
Shattered said:
Yikes! Well, at least they were Flinstone vitamins, and not something much worse.. I'll fully admit, they keep you running, but it's still hard to just totally lose them.. With most parents, if the kids aren't making noise, they go looking for them within seconds cuz it usually means they're up to no good.

That's so true. Nothing strikes fear like silence!
I just saw on Fox,that they called off the search because the Georgia authorities fell they need to focus on the mother. Apparently,something in her story doesn't flush.
krisy said:
I just saw on Fox,that they called off the search because the Georgia authorities fell they need to focus on the mother. Apparently,something in her story doesn't flush.

I hate blaming without cause, but the 'burn' thing rattled me.
Kathianne said:
I hate blaming without cause, but the 'burn' thing rattled me.

Hard to say what happened. If the kids left on their own,they couldn't have gotten far before she got out of the bathroom,which is where she supposedly was.If someone walked in and took them,one would think a neighbor may have seen something. The search was called of in the immediate area,and the Geogia authority that was just on Fox said they are checking neighbors out.
I smell another Susan Smith in the works, God I hope for those kid's sakes I am wrong!
I know I'd love to hear the possible excuses for a burned head/face..
I just checked Fox news and they gave the mother a lie detector test, however they have not posted results yet!
Here it is...............

Cops Question Missing Ga. Toddlers' Mom
Sunday, April 24, 2005

WARRENTON, Ga. — Police administered a lie detector test Sunday to the mother of two missing toddlers, the children's father told FOX News.

Authorities temporarily halted the search for a 2-year-old girl and her 3-year-old-brother while state investigators questioned their mother, Lottie Kain.

The kids' dad, Dennis Payne, told FOX News that he didn't believe his fiance did anything to hurt the children.

Payne said Lottie Kain was in the bathroom when she heard something, and when she went out the kids, Jonah and Nicole Kain, (search) were gone and the door was open.

Payne also begged anyone who took the children to please give them back.

The children were reported missing Saturday evening after last being seen at their Warren County (search) home, in east Georgia about 100 miles from Atlanta.

The search, which included police, a dog team and a helicopter, was "halted for the moment" Sunday afternoon while agents from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (search) questioned the children's mother.
I"m keeping my fingers crossed that these kids show up, but not holding my breath.

I understand that kids can be pretty quick about getting into trouble, but geez put on higher locks so they are at least in the house. I did this when my oldest was growing up in order to keep him from unlocking the lower door locks.

By me there was a 9 month old found in a dumpster after the mom reported the child missing. He just ran off according to the mother. OF course the police didn't believe her at all and the body was found pretty quickly. I don't understand this at all. If people don't think they can handle the responsibility of children they should give them away.
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