Todays REALCLEAR.COM: "The alarmists are doing it wrong!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
"But when you’re relying on theory and guesswork, you always want to leave plenty of room for the possibility that your model's output is (how shall I put this?) … wrong."

"These are not differences that can be resolved by name calling. Nor has the presumed object of this name calling -- to delegitimize thoughtful opposition, and thereby increase the consensus in favor of desired policy proposals -- been a notable political success, at least in the U.S"

Global-Warming Alarmists, You're Doing It Wrong

Im laughing..........I think the author of the article has been following the epic thread in here "Proof the skeptics are winning".

Lets face it.........alarmists have the political IQ of a small soap dish!!!

And not winning..........:bye1:
Not for nothing.......Ive been saying for a decade that the climate obsessed need a Plan B on the message!! Hmmm........nobody listens to me. Im just trying to help. But they keep doing the same thing...........over...............and over................and over...................and over...............and expecting a different outcome.:dunno:

What do they call that again??
So a whiny conspiracy rant from Megan McArdle, a proud paid Koch shill, was something you see as a triumph?

Skook, you keep find gheyer and gheyer ways to lose.

I blame the environment you were raised in. They should have cleaned up those paint chips, instead of letting you snack on them.
So a whiny conspiracy rant from Megan McArdle, a proud paid Koch shill, was something you see as a triumph?

Skook, you keep find gheyer and gheyer ways to lose.

I blame the environment you were raised in. They should have cleaned up those paint chips, instead of letting you snack on them.

Hey........stick with Plan A s0n.........Im not complaining!!:coffee:
Oh....and ps........the article claim of the alarmist contingent in the US being a disaster politically?

Just go look at the growth of renewable energy vs fossil fuels!!:oops-28:

Politically astute to the tune of a handball.:rock::rock::rock:
Didn't think this thread would be all that popular with the climate alarmist contingent...........they view themselves as brilliant with all the science hooooey!! Taking bows over the science is settled stuff!!

But.........far, far too obstinate and narcissistic to recognize the abject failure of the religion to impact the real world!!

Stoopid is as stoopid does!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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