To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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So pass a constitutional amendment saying that every person's salary is to be determined by popular vote and then we'll see how much you like it. Until that time what anyone else's salary is is none of your fucking business.

And FYI stating facts is not hate.

Actually, we can regulate CEO pay with passing a few laws and changes to the tax code.

Hoping people die and no one misses them is about as hateful as you get... I'm sorry you are such a sad person.

Well, fuck it, no I'm not.

We can do a lot of things that are unconstitutional but we don't.

I never said I hoped you would die and if i did you can quote it for me. You really have trouble reading for comprehension don't you?

I really have to wonder how good you are at "writing" resumes if you can't even understand a simple sentence
1st post
It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.
. Didn't know that poverty discriminates. People of all races are affected by poverty, but do they all become criminal violent gangsters because of it ?? Nope !!! Millions upon millions have worked and figured their way out of poverty, and they never considered violence or theft as one of their options.
No Republicans and many Democrats discriminate against blacks duh... And now one sixth of blacks are felons so how well do they do getting jobs LOL?

So why are they felons and who made them into felons?

Franco did by being a poor educator would couldn’t inspire those he was entrusted to teach.

To be quite honest, I never believed he taught anything outside of making funny noises with his mouth. Educated people just don't talk the way he does. If I had a dollar for every time he used the word "dupe" or "Reagan" in his limited vocabulary, I could be retired myself.
Actually, we can regulate CEO pay with passing a few laws and changes to the tax code.

Why just CEO's? Why not everybody that is a high earner? You know, take those billions away from people like Soros and Gates. Why should actors get paid a million dollars an episode on sitcoms? It's only about 20 minutes of work. I say pay them $40.00 an hour. That's good enough. Them union thugs make too much money as well. They can do the same job for about 50K a year easily.
I haven't slogged through all 55 pages of this one, but one question I would ask is whether those who advocate a 15 dollar minimum wage have considered the effect on SMALL business? All this talk about McDonalds ignores the fact that local coffee shops and independent retailers will also have to pay more, and who do you think will be able to weather this increase more easily -- the giant companies or the small guy trying to eke out a living?

Have any of those wanting to stick it to the man figured out that in sticking it to the man, they are actually helping to remove the alternatives TO the man? A large increase in wages is going to hurt the little guy first, and as more little guys go under, it will be these large corporations who will enjoy an increased share of the spending dollar.

Therein lies the rub. Major corporations can (most of the time) afford to pay their employees better wages. Most of my responses have been aimed at jobs that pay more than federal minimum wage, but less than poverty wages. Warehouse jobs came to mind, but damn, I saw robots load a tractor trailer a couple of weeks ago and thought, there is another job that won't be here in ten years.

Back to the minimum wage:

Some places cannot pay their workers $15 an hour. Subway, for example, does not have that amount of business at one location that they can pay $15 an hour. IF a Subway paid $15 an hour, they would have to raise a meal by 50 cents compared to MickeyDs having to raise their meals by 10 cents.

It's definitely a challenge. If laws are written so that big corporations have to pay more and small business is exempted (say companies with less than a dozen employees), then big business rebels.

If Subway raises their prices to meet the wage demands, they price themselves out of the market.
Republicans clearly don't understand that skills need to be developed. You aren't born with them.

So as long as the GOP blocks education and job training, we will never have the qualified workers we need. Without them, our GDP will never increase. But if they had an education, they would know that and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
5th post
I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.

Sure you have sparky, but the "Hardy Boy" mysteries are not the level I speak of.

But for fun, which of the schools do you most align with?

You try to talk down to me like I'm less than you and then ask me an academic question? Surely you jest. If you have something personal to say to me, try PM.

You attempt to pass yourself off as having some knowledge of the subject at hand, yet time and again you fail to rise to even basic questions.

You're about the dumbest ass as I have ever encountered. I don't have to prove shit to you. You say stuff to me here that you are too chickenshit to say to my face and then think I give two hoots in Hell what you think about my educational achievements.

If you had wanted basic questions answered, you would not have opened with insults. What you are NOT looking for are answers. You are looking for an opportunity to wow your fellow posters with your supposed knowledge of everything and your superiority. Save it.

You are an angry little underachiever who couldn't balance a freaking check-book much less offer a viable solution to the problems we have in America. My best piece of advice to you is that you need to take fifty dollars and go to the dog pound. Buy yourself a dog. Name it Life. That way you can say you have one.

For everyone else, if you work for a living, you realize that the employer is going to try and work you for the lowest wage he / she can get away with. We've tried unions and they failed. We've tried minimum wages. They have failed. And, when there is no government intervention with businesses, they have all the power and workers fare no better than slaves (except that they can go home at night.)

Ultimately, like it or not, the liberals will have more of a say in this than the conservatives. There are more liberals... always have been and probably always will be. IF a proposed piece of legislation does not address their concerns in some measure, it will be temporary at best.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild,(sic) and government to gain ground." Thomas Jefferson

Thank you for acknowledging your abject ignorance.

We have the greatest economy in the history of the planet. The average welfare recipient lives in luxury that Henry the VIII only dreamed of.

Is this what you call "failure?"
I haven't slogged through all 55 pages of this one, but one question I would ask is whether those who advocate a 15 dollar minimum wage have considered the effect on SMALL business? All this talk about McDonalds ignores the fact that local coffee shops and independent retailers will also have to pay more, and who do you think will be able to weather this increase more easily -- the giant companies or the small guy trying to eke out a living?

Couple things here. Small companies can actually pay BELOW minimum wage now. My first job ever was flipping pizzas for half of min wage.

There's also a carve out for paying servers less than minimum wage if they get tips.

Have any of those wanting to stick it to the man figured out that in sticking it to the man, they are actually helping to remove the alternatives TO the man?

I'm not that sympathetic to small businesses. (Except my own, of course) They sometimes engage in worse behaviors than the big businesses do.

Lying again Comrade?

Tips and commissions must be PROVEN to provide adequate income to be used as credit toward minimum wage in those very few states that allow it.

Funny, you used to claim to be a public school teacher, now you lie, er you claim that you have a small business.

Were you lying then, or now? Both is my guess.
Republicans clearly don't understand that skills need to be developed. You aren't born with them.

So as long as the GOP blocks education and job training, we will never have the qualified workers we need. Without them, our GDP will never increase. But if they had an education, they would know that and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

When have Republicans ever blocked job training? Anybody can get job training if they want it.
We can do a lot of things that are unconstitutional but we don't.

I never said I hoped you would die and if i did you can quote it for me. You really have trouble reading for comprehension don't you?

I really have to wonder how good you are at "writing" resumes if you can't even understand a simple sentence

I think everyone understood your meaning pretty well.... "Waaaahhhh, you don't approve of my selfish outlook on life... I hope you fucking die and no one misses you!"

You are a sad little man.
Why just CEO's? Why not everybody that is a high earner? You know, take those billions away from people like Soros and Gates. Why should actors get paid a million dollars an episode on sitcoms? It's only about 20 minutes of work. I say pay them $40.00 an hour. That's good enough. Them union thugs make too much money as well. They can do the same job for about 50K a year easily.

Wow, guy, you are really worried the poor rich people can't afford their Dressage Horsies.

So you are out living in a shithole making $14.50 an hour and all that worried about guys who make millions.

I worry about the lady who gets cheated out of an operation because they have to pay those nine-figure salaries somehow.
I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.

Sure you have sparky, but the "Hardy Boy" mysteries are not the level I speak of.

But for fun, which of the schools do you most align with?

You try to talk down to me like I'm less than you and then ask me an academic question? Surely you jest. If you have something personal to say to me, try PM.

You attempt to pass yourself off as having some knowledge of the subject at hand, yet time and again you fail to rise to even basic questions.

You're about the dumbest ass as I have ever encountered. I don't have to prove shit to you. You say stuff to me here that you are too chickenshit to say to my face and then think I give two hoots in Hell what you think about my educational achievements.

If you had wanted basic questions answered, you would not have opened with insults. What you are NOT looking for are answers. You are looking for an opportunity to wow your fellow posters with your supposed knowledge of everything and your superiority. Save it.

You are an angry little underachiever who couldn't balance a freaking check-book much less offer a viable solution to the problems we have in America. My best piece of advice to you is that you need to take fifty dollars and go to the dog pound. Buy yourself a dog. Name it Life. That way you can say you have one.

For everyone else, if you work for a living, you realize that the employer is going to try and work you for the lowest wage he / she can get away with. We've tried unions and they failed. We've tried minimum wages. They have failed. And, when there is no government intervention with businesses, they have all the power and workers fare no better than slaves (except that they can go home at night.)

Ultimately, like it or not, the liberals will have more of a say in this than the conservatives. There are more liberals... always have been and probably always will be. IF a proposed piece of legislation does not address their concerns in some measure, it will be temporary at best.

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild,(sic) and government to gain ground." Thomas Jefferson

Thank you for acknowledging your abject ignorance.

We have the greatest economy in the history of the planet. The average welfare recipient lives in luxury that Henry the VIII only dreamed of.

Is this what you call "failure?"

You aren't even moderately good at being insulting. If being marginally smarter than you is abject ignorance, what does that say about YOU?

And thank you for confirming that you are making the most dumb ass posts on this board.

I don't know of any poster on either side of the issue posting on this thread that sports a lower IQ than you pal.

I think the fact that we have more people in prison than any country on this planet speaks volumes. The fact that we are $21 TRILLION DOLLARS plus in debt does not bode well for the future. The reality that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioids frightens the Hell out of me. No matter how good it looks to you on paper, America still has 40.6 MILLION people living below the poverty level.

A reasonable person would look at the stats and wonder why if America is that great, how come the majority (in terms of raw numbers) aren't satisfied and the Dems are gaining significant ground recently.
If we could raise a dollar per insult to resolve the low wage issue, we could solve this issue off this thread's insults alone.
Why just CEO's? Why not everybody that is a high earner? You know, take those billions away from people like Soros and Gates. Why should actors get paid a million dollars an episode on sitcoms? It's only about 20 minutes of work. I say pay them $40.00 an hour. That's good enough. Them union thugs make too much money as well. They can do the same job for about 50K a year easily.

Wow, guy, you are really worried the poor rich people can't afford their Dressage Horsies.

So you are out living in a shithole making $14.50 an hour and all that worried about guys who make millions.

I worry about the lady who gets cheated out of an operation because they have to pay those nine-figure salaries somehow.

Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

So when somebody becomes rich, I say good for them. If somebody decides to be poor, I say good for them too. If you don't bother me, I won't bother you.

Liberals don't have this attitude. Liberals are miserable people, so when they see others who are happier, their first inclination is to do something to make that person miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody is happy toting their gun for their security, a liberal wants to disarm that person so they will be miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody smoking a cigarette in the park, they will petition their politicians to make smoking illegal in the park so that person is miserable.

If a liberal sees a happy family dining at McDonald's, the liberal wants to force the restaurant to stop selling food happy people eat so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees somebody who made a lot of money, they want to take their money so they will be unhappy as the liberal.

Liberalism is all about controlling people so they can never pursue happiness that is guaranteed in our Constitution. But then again, when did liberals ever cherish the US Constitution?
Why just CEO's? Why not everybody that is a high earner? You know, take those billions away from people like Soros and Gates. Why should actors get paid a million dollars an episode on sitcoms? It's only about 20 minutes of work. I say pay them $40.00 an hour. That's good enough. Them union thugs make too much money as well. They can do the same job for about 50K a year easily.

Wow, guy, you are really worried the poor rich people can't afford their Dressage Horsies.

So you are out living in a shithole making $14.50 an hour and all that worried about guys who make millions.

I worry about the lady who gets cheated out of an operation because they have to pay those nine-figure salaries somehow.

Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

So when somebody becomes rich, I say good for them. If somebody decides to be poor, I say good for them too. If you don't bother me, I won't bother you.

Liberals don't have this attitude. Liberals are miserable people, so when they see others who are happier, their first inclination is to do something to make that person miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody is happy toting their gun for their security, a liberal wants to disarm that person so they will be miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody smoking a cigarette in the park, they will petition their politicians to make smoking illegal in the park so that person is miserable.

If a liberal sees a happy family dining at McDonald's, the liberal wants to force the restaurant to stop selling food happy people eat so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees somebody who made a lot of money, they want to take their money so they will be unhappy as the liberal.

Liberalism is all about controlling people so they can never pursue happiness that is guaranteed in our Constitution. But then again, when did liberals ever cherish the US Constitution?

In all fairness, liberals are not that way. The left is that way. Not very many liberals are around anymore. Liberals best friends are conservatives, their enemy is the left.
We can do a lot of things that are unconstitutional but we don't.

I never said I hoped you would die and if i did you can quote it for me. You really have trouble reading for comprehension don't you?

I really have to wonder how good you are at "writing" resumes if you can't even understand a simple sentence

I think everyone understood your meaning pretty well.... "Waaaahhhh, you don't approve of my selfish outlook on life... I hope you fucking die and no one misses you!"

You are a sad little man.
My meaning was what I wrote.
And your inference of what was a clear concise statement says more about how you feel about yourself then it does me.
15th post
Which means a Socialist.

Libertarians are Capitalists.

Since you pretend to have a monopoly on the understanding of socialism, one wonders if you are the consummate socialist.

I have no need of pretense as I posses something you do not, knowledge and an education.

While you eschewed Dr. Rothbard's brilliant book, I have read it, along with "the General Theory" and "Das Kapital." You have read none of these. You've not read "Capitalism and Freedom". You don't know who wrote these books or why they matter.

I've read more books than you've ever looked at. I have one of the largest private libraries in this state. What can we say though? You are a legend in your own mind.

Man has tried his theories for a number of years and the standard fare isn't serving him well. It's time to try something that hasn't been tried. BTW, I haven't eschewed anybody's work. I'm simply thinking outside the box. You should try it and quit being a troll and a dumb ass.
Yea but you probably live in RI or ME. Lol. Not a big state. Lol

No, son, I live in Georgia and I write model legislation that actually gets considered by politicians. The local leadership where I live uses my stuff as a starting point. I used to think that these boards were a good place to bounce ideas around and see if there weren't non-partisan solutions we could agree on, But, unlike those who have all the answers, I was wrong.
You can try first before giving up. Of course I’ll be fair and balanced but not everyone here will.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Ridiculous. Do you mean they intended to have cheap child labor run their business? Why? Those people work hard and McDonald’s makes a lot of money. Why not pay a living wage?

And I don’t mind you automating everything if that’s your business model but the people you do hire should be paid a fair wage.

Also if you can get people to work for $10 then you shouldn’t have to pay more but hopefully trump you guys said would increase wages by booting illegals. McDonald’s should have to pay $15 because no American will work for less. There should be lots of $15 hr jobs out there after trump makes America great again right?

Depends if he will address our welfare state or not. Many people on the dole want to stay there, so they only work enough hours to stay under the maximum to continue to receive benefits.

If a person can work 30 hours a week at $10.00 an hour and still get benefits, they will only work 15 hours a week if you increase the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour.
With all the illegals gone how aren’t wages going up naturally?
Why just CEO's? Why not everybody that is a high earner? You know, take those billions away from people like Soros and Gates. Why should actors get paid a million dollars an episode on sitcoms? It's only about 20 minutes of work. I say pay them $40.00 an hour. That's good enough. Them union thugs make too much money as well. They can do the same job for about 50K a year easily.

Wow, guy, you are really worried the poor rich people can't afford their Dressage Horsies.

So you are out living in a shithole making $14.50 an hour and all that worried about guys who make millions.

I worry about the lady who gets cheated out of an operation because they have to pay those nine-figure salaries somehow.

Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

So when somebody becomes rich, I say good for them. If somebody decides to be poor, I say good for them too. If you don't bother me, I won't bother you.

Liberals don't have this attitude. Liberals are miserable people, so when they see others who are happier, their first inclination is to do something to make that person miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody is happy toting their gun for their security, a liberal wants to disarm that person so they will be miserable too.

If a liberal sees somebody smoking a cigarette in the park, they will petition their politicians to make smoking illegal in the park so that person is miserable.

If a liberal sees a happy family dining at McDonald's, the liberal wants to force the restaurant to stop selling food happy people eat so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees somebody who made a lot of money, they want to take their money so they will be unhappy as the liberal.

Liberalism is all about controlling people so they can never pursue happiness that is guaranteed in our Constitution. But then again, when did liberals ever cherish the US Constitution?
We cherish the Constitution every day... Without it you idiot conservatives would have changed us into a right-wing dictatorship long ago... telling people the calories and unhealthiness of fast food is not ending fast food, Dupe. After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates and policy, the middle class and the country are pretty well ruined. Great job, super dupe! And it's just getting worse. Greetings to your imaginary planet!
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