To Justify Gun Control, Blue State Attorneys Cite ‘Bigoted’ Old Laws Disarming Blacks, Catholics And Native Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

To Justify Gun Control, Blue State Attorneys Cite ‘Bigoted’ Old

Laws Disarming Blacks, Catholics And Native Americans

28 Feb 2023 ~~ By Bronson Winslow

  • Attorneys that support gun control for law-abiding citizens are resorting to outdated, racist gun laws to satisfy new firearm law requirements laid out in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen case in June.
  • The referenced laws are from the 1700s and 1800s and were used to restrict slaves, free black people, Native Americans and Catholics from owning firearms, with attorneys saying the laws show a “historical tradition” of restricting firearms that aligns with the Supreme Court’s decision.
  • “Anti-gun lawyers are openly citing racists and bigoted laws dating from the colonial era to the Jim Crow south to support their modern gun control agenda. Whether it was ‘papists’ or Native Americans in the early days of our nation, or freed slaves following the Civil War, it was all wrong, and solely meant to disarm people based on their color or creed, which is a direct violation of our Second Amendment,” GOA Senior Vice President Erich Pratt told the DCNF.
Attorneys involved in legal battles across the country are turning to outdated, racist gun laws as a means to justify gun control regulation for law-abiding Americans after a landmark Supreme Court decision in June established a need for all gun laws to be rooted in the “historical tradition” of American firearm regulation.
The attorneys are referencing numerous laws from the 1700s and 1800s that were used to restrict slaves, free black people, Native Americans and Catholics from owning firearms, saying the laws show a “historical tradition” of restricting firearms which aligns with the Supreme Court’s decision in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen case, according to The Wall Street Journal. New York first referenced outdated, racist laws after the Bruen decision to defend its updated concealed carry law, opting to reference colonial era laws that were once used to restrict Native American tribes from acquiring firearms, according to court filings.
“The reason that anti-gun rights Democrat attorneys are using old discredited racist gun laws from the past to provide historical tradition for current gun laws in light of the Bruen decision is because they have no valid arguments to make. This is a losing argument that makes them look like they support racist laws staying on the books,” Second Amendment Foundation Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Democrats have and never will change. Now they're using historical fact and laws they used to prevent Blacks, Native Americans and Catholics from exercising their Second Amendment Rights in the past as justification and excuse to prevent American citizens from exercising their Second Amendment Rights today.
But this time it's OK because they will infringe on everyone's right to keep and bear arms. Maoist-Racist pricks!
Castle Doctrine and other self defense laws have roots in the push back against Jim Crow laws. Yet today's “Black leaders” line up to help the Maoist Democrat Progressives destroy all the advances made to secure and protect American families.
Maoist/DSA Democrats want an unarmed populace the easier to control us with tyranny the antitheses of the Second Amendment meant for the populace to protect itself from a tyrannical government period. Witout te pfrotection we are at their mercy.
I was with you until you got to the Commentary. Yes, the gun control laws of this country are rooted in racism as were a lot of things however to claim that the democratic party has not changed over the last several hundred years is simply not accurate.

By the way, I would guess that the majority of Black people who don't like guns and want gun control feel the way they do because their only experiences or associations they have ever had involving guns were negative. How many stories do we read about Black Americans defending their lives, or the lives of their families or others, or even their homes without them automatically being the party who is jailed, interrogated, charged, and/or convicted in some cases, while similarly situation non-Blacks are lauded.

Just something to think about.
People back then weren't stupid. They knew certain people and demographics needed to be restricted. It was common sense, something lacking in modern Brat Culture. 'Reconstruction' went bust when people found out black people really were incapable of governing; their biggest complaint as political office holders was their bribes were less than what white carpetbaggers were getting.
I was with you until you got to the Commentary. Yes, the gun control laws of this country are rooted in racism as were a lot of things however to claim that the democratic party has not changed over the last several hundred years is simply not accurate.
The Democratic party is extremely racist. It's racist today and has been racist since it's inception.
I was with you until you got to the Commentary. Yes, the gun control laws of this country are rooted in racism as were a lot of things however to claim that the democratic party has not changed over the last several hundred years is simply not accurate.

By the way, I would guess that the majority of Black people who don't like guns and want gun control feel the way they do because their only experiences or associations they have ever had involving guns were negative. How many stories do we read about Black Americans defending their lives, or the lives of their families or others, or even their homes without them automatically being the party who is jailed, interrogated, charged, and/or convicted in some cases, while similarly situation non-Blacks are lauded.

Just something to think about.
When you stop and ponder the fact that Democrats supported Slavery, the KKK, Racism and segregation. The only difference today is that Democrats have changed their target from Blacks to Whites, Catholics and Asians.
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Are there really state and local laws that disarm Catholics and blacks? Hard to believe.
In some places, you can legally beat your wife on sunday at the courthouse with a stick.
In alabama, you cant put ice cream in your back pocket.
Yes, there are ridiculous laws in this country.
The only way to rectify this past discrimination is weapon reparations for those effected. We just need the government to give them guns and all is OK.
I was with you until you got to the Commentary. Yes, the gun control laws of this country are rooted in racism as were a lot of things however to claim that the democratic party has not changed over the last several hundred years is simply not accurate.

By the way, I would guess that the majority of Black people who don't like guns and want gun control feel the way they do because their only experiences or associations they have ever had involving guns were negative. How many stories do we read about Black Americans defending their lives, or the lives of their families or others, or even their homes without them automatically being the party who is jailed, interrogated, charged, and/or convicted in some cases, while similarly situation non-Blacks are lauded.

Just something to think about.
No the democrats haven't changed they still want to disarm people

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