Timothy Snyder: Help stop a genocide. It's easy. Here's how.

It's US investors looking to loot Ukraine the same way they pillaged Russia thirty years ago that are responsible for millions of homeless Ukrainians today.

Yanukovych's choice to accept a Russian loan in 2014 instead of one from the IMF was supported by a majority of Ukrainians even after he overreacted to street protests. It was neo-Nazis supported by the US who killed police officers that drove Yanukovych from office.

Blackrock and othe bankers stand to lose a lot of money if Russia loses their imperialist drive into Ukraine, at least $120 billion. If Ukraine loses, they only lose $20 billion. It's not rocket science to figure out who the big boys want to win, dumbass.
If Ukraine loses
Ukraine + the Liberal Order , thats why moscow horde without chances

A familiar lie. There was no coup. Yanukovych betrayed the interests of the Ukrainian people violently put down protests until he lost the confidence of the parliament and after agreeing to hold early elections fled the country and was removed from office by the parliament. No coup, just Putin's first failed attempt to take over Ukraine.
Proving once again you’re entirely uninformed or just dumb.
Blackrock and othe bankers stand to lose a lot of money if Russia loses their imperialist drive into Ukraine, at least $120 billion. If Ukraine loses, they only lose $20 billion. It's not rocket science to figure out who the big boys want to win, dumbass.
What does the IMF stand to lose if their Nazi proxies fail in Ukraine?
From March 2015:

IMF loans $17 billion to Ukraine to repay banks, loot economy

"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday formally signed off on a $17.5 billion, four-year loan to the far-right regime in Kiev.

"It is a desperate attempt to pay off Wall Street, and keep NATO’s puppet regime in Kiev from going bankrupt after the failure of its attempt to reconquer east Ukraine from pro-Russian separatists.

"After taking power in a putsch led by fascistic anti-Russian militias in February 2014, the Kiev regime has plunged the country into a civil war, targeting the industrial heart of the country in the eastern Donetsk area, and largely cutting off trade with Russia.

"As a result, Ukraine has fallen into an all-out economic depression.

"After shrinking by a stunning 7 percent in 2014, its economy is projected to contract by a further 5.5 to 12 percent this year.

"Though its currency, the hryvnia, has recovered half of its losses since the signing of a cease-fire in Minsk last month, it is still down 27 percent this year."

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