Time to start ARRESTING left wing stalkers...

I agree. Arrest them for any laws they are breaking

Determine first whether any laws were actually violated before advocating for arrest; and in this case no laws were broken, rendering ‘arrest’ unwarranted.

Such intellectual laziness on the part of most conservatives comes as no surprise.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, dumbass.
Of course trumpanzees have a problem with someone being judged based on the content of their character.
A bunch of pussy's chanting bull shit... The only character they are showing is one of spoiled brats needing a good ass whooping!

Only a fucktard liberal pussy would think this is ok...
Only an authoritarian rightist would advocate arresting those engaged in lawful protest in an effort to silence dissent.

And Democrats have consistently condemned the nature of the protest, however lawful, exposing your lie that the protesters are ‘representative’ of ‘the left.’

Your thread premise is factually wrong and devoid of merit, and your ‘argument’ has consequently failed.
What a liar. Following people into restaurants is harrassing them and threatening. You people are nothing but filthy lawless scum!
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You can't post a racist quote I have said.

Why not? You hacked into his keyboard or something?

And you can't either.
Time to start ARRESTING left wing stalkers...

Gee, that was


Violence is the left.

By invading the personal space of the Senator and his wife, these thugs posed a clear and present threat. Have them arrested and prosecuted for terrorism. Want to threaten violence to effect political change? Then spend the next decade in prison.

You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.

McVeigh was no patsy, but on the rest I agree.

Timmy was in bed with Elohim City, which was in bed with Al Qaeda. His partner went to terrorism camp in the Philippines under Abu Sayef to learn to make that truck bomb.
You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.

Bill Ayers? Boy have you milked that incident for all it's worth.

You're lucky black Americans weren't more like Arabs who would walk into white malls and suicide bomb the place. I'm surprised more blacks in the 50's didn't go into a white restaurant in Alabama and take everyone out. Arabs would have.

Please don't try to distance yourself from McVeigh. He was a patsy? So you say. He's still one of yours.

Ayers is a bona fide terrorist, and mentor to Barack Obama.

Funny, Kavanaugh doesn't have any terrorist mentors, yet you Nazicrats savage him.
I agree. Arrest them for any laws they are breaking

Determine first whether any laws were actually violated before advocating for arrest; and in this case no laws were broken, rendering ‘arrest’ unwarranted.

Such intellectual laziness on the part of most conservatives comes as no surprise.

If their behavior is not illegal, it should be.

Curious. What would you support as a reasonable counter from conservatives on this? SHould we try to simply do the same? Or somehow engineer traps for the harassers?
You also really have to question the sanity of a society who votes for this group or political party.

Americans are pretty stupid. I blame it on reality tv and a corporate controlled media.

You're siding with mob violence.

You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?
Yes I remember Bill O'Reilly called Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer and then some right wing nut job murdered the man.

Actually, I was thinking of that issue too. (not that specific incident)

Yep. When pro-lifers call abortion doctors, "Baby killers" they are engaged in the same type of dangerous escalation.

If you really believe that over a million babies are being killed a year, then violence is certainly called for.

Similarly if you really believe that "nazis" have taken over the US, by colluding with russians to steal the election,

then why the fuck are you NOT supporting violence? Are you just a coward?

And if you don't believe, that stop spreading that shit, because some people will take you (plural) and fight back.

And that blood will be on your hands.

Trump is a center right politician with an odd and somewhat off putting style.

Anything beyond that is utter bullshit.

Dangerous bullshit.
True for me. It’s all about what kind of society works best for our democracy. Right now the right are passing policies I don’t like. I don’t like the referee right now. I think it’s bad for our middle class good for the rich. Long term.

But I’m doing well right now so god bless trump for me. None of this other shit matters it’s all politics.

I’d love to be able to force trump to appoint a more moderate judge. I’d love to block his pick till the next election. Let’s see if America likes Kavanaugh this midterm.
You're siding with mob violence.

You say that some one is a monster, and when some one believes you and does the obvious thing and fights back against the "monster", you don't see a connection between the ideas you support and obvious reaction?
Yes I remember Bill O'Reilly called Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer and then some right wing nut job murdered the man.

Actually, I was thinking of that issue too. (not that specific incident)

Yep. When pro-lifers call abortion doctors, "Baby killers" they are engaged in the same type of dangerous escalation.

If you really believe that over a million babies are being killed a year, then violence is certainly called for.

Similarly if you really believe that "nazis" have taken over the US, by colluding with russians to steal the election,

then why the fuck are you NOT supporting violence? Are you just a coward?

And if you don't believe, that stop spreading that shit, because some people will take you (plural) and fight back.

And that blood will be on your hands.

Trump is a center right politician with an odd and somewhat off putting style.

Anything beyond that is utter bullshit.

Dangerous bullshit.
True for me. It’s all about what kind of society works best for our democracy. Right now the right are passing policies I don’t like. I don’t like the referee right now. I think it’s bad for our middle class good for the rich. Long term.

But I’m doing well right now so god bless trump for me. None of this other shit matters it’s all politics.

I’d love to be able to force trump to appoint a more moderate judge. I’d love to block his pick till the next election. Let’s see if America likes Kavanaugh this midterm.

Much better. YOu were able to voice your opposition without resorting to hyperbole.

I hope that if the dems succeed in blocking this nominee, that Trump nominates a real fire breather.
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...

It's time to start beating the living shit out of them when they invade personal space.

Considering what you guys believe it might just be time you guys took an ass whipping.

Should "us guys" ever invade someone's space or pick shit with them because their views differ from ours when they are minding their own business? Then we would deserve it. Your fellow leftard commie pals are run in packs and cowardly attack when the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor.
You guys have held rallies where people were killed.
When anti Nazis confront Nazis the Nazis always get violent. They talk violence to the camera. They want a race war. If that’s not violent I don’t know what is.

I like how whites cry when nat kills whites or malcom x threatens violence and they completely ignore all the lynchings
We haven't had a lynching in this country in over 50 years, you fucking douche nozzle. Antifa has a well documented history of violence.

Antifa doesn't have near the history of violence as right wing groups. Ask McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Republic of Texas, and other similar right wing individuals and groups before you talk about Antifa. The Department of Homeland Security did not deem antifa as the number 1 terrorist threat, but they did deem right wing groups as the number one threat of terror in this country.

McVeigh was the patsy and it was your beloved "gubermint" under your beloved president Bill 'drop trou" to protect him. Eric Rudolph killed how many people? Ever heard of the weather underground and Bill Ayers?

BTW, Antifa doesn't scare me in the slightest....it's simply time to put them in their place and stop "babying" those commie snowflakes.

Bill Ayers? Boy have you milked that incident for all it's worth.

You're lucky black Americans weren't more like Arabs who would walk into white malls and suicide bomb the place. I'm surprised more blacks in the 50's didn't go into a white restaurant in Alabama and take everyone out. Arabs would have.

Please don't try to distance yourself from McVeigh. He was a patsy? So you say. He's still one of yours.

McVeigh was "sheep dipped" when he allegedly flunked out of special forces training and went to work in black ops for the CIA and other alphabet agencies. Your beloved "gubermint" blew up the Murrah building for a litany of reasons...one of which having to do with financial culpability for soldiers becoming sick with Gulf War Syndrome and the use of depleted uranium weapons and the lack of protective gear like gas masks that could filter out 5 microns or less. The hiding of the fact that the reason an untested and unverified vaccine for Anthrax had to be fast tracked because they couldn't wait for the one shot per month for six months because they KNEW what strain Saddam had because THEY were the ones that gave it to him to begin with. 450,000 records of soldiers that served in Desert Storm in some capacity or another had their health history stored where??? At the Murrah building along with paperwork from investigations having to do with the Mena cocaine operation tied to Iran/ Contra. It also served as a psy-op on the American sheeple to scare them into agreeing to give up more rights and privacy.....questions??
McVeigh was "sheep dipped" when he allegedly flunked out of special forces training and went to work in black ops for the CIA and other alphabet agencies. Your beloved "gubermint" blew up the Murrah building for a litany of reasons...one of which having to do with financial culpability for soldiers becoming sick with Gulf War Syndrome and the use of depleted uranium weapons and the lack of protective gear like gas masks that could filter out 5 microns or less.

And the Lizard People strike again.

Is there a single whacky conspiracy theory you don't believe in, Cocksucker Dale?

So they blew up the Murrah building to hide the cause of imaginary Gulf War Syndrome (which is just anyone who got sick when he came back.)


Is this your new level of crazy?

What are you going to do when Alex Jones goes to the poorhouse and you have no one to tellyou what crazy to believe in?
McVeigh was "sheep dipped" when he allegedly flunked out of special forces training and went to work in black ops for the CIA and other alphabet agencies. Your beloved "gubermint" blew up the Murrah building for a litany of reasons...one of which having to do with financial culpability for soldiers becoming sick with Gulf War Syndrome and the use of depleted uranium weapons and the lack of protective gear like gas masks that could filter out 5 microns or less.

And the Lizard People strike again.

Is there a single whacky conspiracy theory you don't believe in, Cocksucker Dale?

So they blew up the Murrah building to hide the cause of imaginary Gulf War Syndrome (which is just anyone who got sick when he came back.)


Is this your new level of crazy?

What are you going to do when Alex Jones goes to the poorhouse and you have no one to tellyou what crazy to believe in?

Ask Cody Snodgres, slow Joe. He was approached about carrying out this event in October of 1994. I have his book which is about 700 pages long. I met Brigadier General Benton Partin in Alexandria, Virginia in August of 2004. We had dinner at Ft Belvoir. He was the one that explained scientifically how an anfo bomb couldn't possibly of caused concrete encased rebar could be powerdized on the upper floors. He has multiple degrees and an explosives expert. Cody Snodgres simply validated what many of us had already figured out. I dare you to listen to his interview on Caravan To Midnight and find holes in his story......I bet you won't because ignorance is bliss for morons like yourself.

There is a big difference between people assembling peacefully for a cause, and a mob screaming at a couple trying to have a nice dinner. IMHO the protesters need to be arrested for "Menacing".

They can use their "free speech" on Facebook, not screaming in a threatening manner. States need to add a new law if they already don't have one called "physical menace".
"In Oregon, the law on Menacing states: 163.190 Menacing. (1) A person commits the crime of menacing if by word or conduct the person intentionally attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury. (2) Menacing is a Class A misdemeanor.

The alternative is to defend yourself if you feel threatened...
It also served as a psy-op on the American sheeple to scare them into agreeing to give up more rights and privacy.....questions??


Does your doctor know you are off your medications again?
It's the chem trails...you know what they do to those who are not Deep Staters.....*wink *wink

Funny how leftards blindly believe the accuser of Kavanaugh from an alleged event that happened 36 years ago but someone that comes forward and admits that they worked black ops for the CIA and were approached about blowing up the Murrah building six months before it happened??? Leftards just can't wrap their little teeny tiny minds around it. Scientific evidence by experts like General Partin that worked for USA.INC for 30 years in the MIC isn't convincing, eye-witness testimony of survivors of that day debunking the official story line (that was total bullshit) doesn't faze the moron millions.....but a woman that was drunk at the time of an alleged incident claims that 36 years ago she was assaulted by a SCOTUS nominee and leftards act like her word is total gospel....un-FUCKING real.
Ask Cody Snodgres, slow Joe. He was approached about carrying out this event in October of 1994. I have his book which is about 700 pages long.

sure he was... you can get all sorts of Crazy going on. The kind of guy who writes a 700 page manifesto about something that didn't happen is truly to be believed.

Scientific evidence by experts like General Partin that worked for USA.INC for 30 years in the MIC isn't convincing, eye-witness testimony of survivors of that day debunking the official story line (that was total bullshit) doesn't faze the moron millions.....but a woman that was drunk at the time of an alleged incident claims that 36 years ago she was assaulted by a SCOTUS nominee and leftards act like her word is total gospel....un-FUCKING real.

Well, you see, it's about plausibility.

A guy groped a girl at a party... Um, yeah, that happens all the time.

A vast conspiracy to blow up a building and kill hundreds of people, in order to destroy some file they could just as easily have put in a shredder? That's crazy talk, man.

I'm sorry you don't realize how crazy you sound most of the time.

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