Zone1 Time to accept Jane Fonda's apology? Maybe.......

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Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

I hope it hurts, a lot, as she is passing-on.....Piss on Jane Fonda.....Speaking of which they better cremate her nasty ass and spread her ashes because what will be placed on her grave won't pass for flowers.

Americans need reminding every now and again of her gross betrayal during her visit to North Vietnam during the war......She should have been tried and executed for treason.​
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Of course she should be forgiven. What kind of vile hypocrite would anyone be to continue to hate her sfter 35 years? She wasn't a serial killer for the love of God.
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Jane Fonda, "numerous apologies"? Where? When? I've never heard a sincere apology out of a Leftist EVER. If they do apologize it's always a sentence that starts out sounding like an apology, then there's a BUT followed by a negation. In other words Leftist apologies are always "Sorry, not sorry".
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

I was going along with John Nolte there until he said Jane Fonda was one of the greatest actresses alive. And it was at that moment I knew anything from him was going to be nothing but crap.
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness

There isn't much forgiveness in politics on both sides, just like there aren't many genuine apologies either.

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

I doubt that, but an equal problem is the lack of genuine apologies offered in the 1st place. Nobody admits they were wrong and apologies that are made are half-assed attempts to look like they are taking responsibility for whatever they said or did when they aren't. Everything is a political calculation, do I deny everything or do I say I'll take personal responsibility and then try to blame someone else for what I did?

Forgiveness requires a change of heart, something rarely seen these days. Saying you're sorry you lied about something and then lying about something else tomorrow doesn't feed the bulldog. Words without deeds to back them up are worthless.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Because there's too much money and political power to be gained. Identity politics is all about divide and conquer, and it looks to me like as a country we're being conquered.
There isn't much forgiveness in politics on both sides, just like there aren't many genuine apologies either.

I doubt that, but an equal problem is the lack of genuine apologies offered in the 1st place. Nobody admits they were wrong and apologies that are made are half-assed attempts to look like they are taking responsibility for whatever they said or did when they aren't. Everything is a political calculation, do I deny everything or do I say I'll take personal responsibility and then try to blame someone else for what I did?

Forgiveness requires a change of heart, something rarely seen these days. Saying you're sorry you lied about something and then lying about something else tomorrow doesn't feed the bulldog. Words without deeds to back them up are worthless.

Because there's too much money and political power to be gained. Identity politics is all about divide and conquer, and it looks to me like as a country we're being conquered.
This is where I think Trump erred. His unwillingness to say "Im.sorry" His instincts were generally sharp, but his calculus on apologizing was off. People need to sometimes just genuinely apologize. Most religions accept mea culpas and most citizens do as well, especially people of Faith, but it has to be genuine.
Why is it not enough?

Because blacks generally don't care about slavery, and they've been handsomely rewarded for sniveling about it all. Take the bling out of it they move on to something else. Most refused to go back their homeland even in the 1700's and early 19th century, and over 90% of them remained in the South after the Civil War until into the early 20th century.
One of the problems with left wing politics is that there is no forgiveness.......apologizing is simply seen as admitting guilt, and then allowing your destruction.........John Nolte makes a case that it is time to forgive Jane, and to learn to accept apologies again.....

But after 35 years of apologies, isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Should someone who has repeatedly apologized over four decades still be called on the carpet and asked to continue to explain herself?

I don’t think so, and I say that as someone who is not a fan of Jane Fonda the person. In-person, she never fails to strike me as anything other than boorish with her exhausting politicking. On the other hand, she’s one of the greatest actresses who has ever lived—so good I forget how much I dislike her. But back to the apology…

What I want to do is use Fonda to make a bigger point about apologies…

I will tell you right now that half the problems in this country stem from refusals to accept apologies.

All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

As she sat on an NVA anti-aircraft gun she said " I wish I had one of those suckers in my sight now". Suckers being a US aviator.
People snivel more about Fonda now than they did then. Tens of thousands of U.S. troops attended the Anti-War Road Shows in Japan and elsewhere.

And of course the GOP is suddenly all about peace and love now, so the hypocrisy i hilarious as always. Viet Nam was alrady in the rear view mirror of history by summer of 1972; we were down to less than 70,000 by then from over a half million, and nobody gave a shit about Fonda, especially most troops. They were busy getting shit on by corporations when they got home and being spit on by William Buckley's YAF at the Republican Convention in Miami. Contrary to current propaganda narratives, the only documented cases of war veterans being spit on was not by hippies but right wingers.
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All of America’s manufactured racial problems come down to a group of leftists (of all colors) who refuse to forgive and move on when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow. It’s not enough that hundreds of thousands of white Americans died to settle the matter of slavery. It’s not enough that after 5,000 generations where slavery was accepted as normal, it was Western Civilization that put an end to it. It’s not enough that two Constitutional amendments were passed to end American discrimination or that a black president was elected and re-elected, or that no American living today has ever owned or been a slave.

Why is it not enough?

Here's the problem.

Ultimately, Jane Fonda was right. The war in Vietnam was a terrible idea and almost no one today actually claims otherwise. Democrats blame Ike and Nixon, Republicans blame JFK and LBJ. No one really wants credit for the policy.

If it weren't for protestors like Fonda, the Vietnam War would have dragged on for decades like Afghanistan did (where no one really questioned it because everyone involved was a volunteer and the rest of us meekly "Supported the troops" without questioning the policy.)

Despite that, Fonda became Box Office Poison by 1985 when Americans settled into their own version of the Dolchstoßlegende and concluded that we "lost" Vietnam not because we were trying to impose a government on the Vietnamese they didn't want, but because the hippies stabbed the brave troops in the back.

This is quite a bit different than merely apologizing for 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Merely apologizing isn't enough, we need to do something to make it right.
Jane Fonda, "numerous apologies"? Where? When? I've never heard a sincere apology out of a Leftist EVER. If they do apologize it's always a sentence that starts out sounding like an apology, then there's a BUT followed by a negation. In other words Leftist apologies are always "Sorry, not sorry".

Jane Fonda apologized if some of her words hurt the feelings of veterans, and she apologized for the AA gun photo op, which she admitted was a bad look.

She shouldn't apologize for opposing the war in Vietnam, everyone today agrees that was a terrible idea.
Unfortunately, Jane Fonda never denounced her leftist ideology, and she didn't even denounce her brother Peter Fonda who tried to abduct the President's minor son and lock him in a cage with wild paedophiles.

If she had done the right thing and just disappeared instead of staying in the public spotlight for so long, I could however see forgiving her.
You only accept apologies from people who means them and are trying to be better. Jane Fonda has been an insufferable twat her entire life and always a shit poker.

She hasn't ever changed or become more open minded, reasonable or even realistic.

My case and point example from recently.

What on earth has she to apologise for?
She held views very strongly which others opposed as strongly .
So what ? That's life .
You simply agree to disagree .
When the POW(s) handed her notes secretly which she quickly turned over
to the enemy. Just say it didn't go well for those who did.
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