Time magazine cover says it all....

And remember the cover when obama was handing children from the detention centers over to human traffickers? Then they found the kids in sweatshops...remember that cover? Neither do I.....
These brain fart threads making fun of The Donald mean there is a shortage of Prep H at the local CVS...
I guess they missed these stories when obama was running the illegal immigrant gulags...

Report: Minor Illegal Immigrant Detainees Brutally Abused, Beaten...Starting Under OBAMA

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported on federal court filings regarding the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center in Virginia. Those court filings allege that children “as young as 14” were subjected to near-tortuous conditions, including being “locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.” It gets worse. Here’s one account, from a 15-year-old Honduran detainee:


It takes until paragraph 19 of the story to learn that the allegations of abuse began during the Obama administration:

The complaint filed by the nonprofit Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs recounts the story of an unnamed 17-year-old Mexican citizen apprehended at the southern border. The teen fled an abusive father and violence fueled by drug cartels to seek asylum in the United States in 2015. After stops at facilities in Texas and New York, he was transferred to Shenandoah in April 2016 and diagnosed during an initial screening by a psychologist with three mental disorders, including depression.
Donald is an ass....and a jerk....and.....we could go on and on...

If Time Magazine was honest.

Pyschological warfare gawd you idiots are pathetic with the lies you leftist morons believe. If only you knew what fkn retards you look like.

LEFTIST are pure idiots and weak minds now you can see why your such victims of your own stupidity.

Since 2003 the social media have become an entirely new and tremendously powerful tool for spreading disinformation and emotions which drive the war. And because a critical press hardly exists, this has turned out very effective. The CIA, NSA and MI6 all have their own units performing psychological warfare in social media. Specific software has been developed for so called sentiment analysis as well as several techniques for creating and direct public opinion. There is software available to run false profiles on the Internet and this is used by the secret services.

In the article «I sosiale medier blir vi manipulert med følelser» (In social media we’re being emotionally manipulated) I wrote about this:

Financial Times reports that CIA has developed a taste for social media. The financial newspaper writes that CIA is going to expand the use of Amazon’s commercial software. According to CIA’s Chief Information Officer Doug Wolfe, the CIA is so satisfied with this; they’re already going to move parts of their operations to Amazon’s platforms. And The Pentagon is researching how to use Twitter in order to influence people’s mindsets.

Psychological Warfare, False Narratives And Deception : Information Clearing House - ICH
I guess they missed these stories when obama was running the illegal immigrant gulags...

Report: Minor Illegal Immigrant Detainees Brutally Abused, Beaten...Starting Under OBAMA

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported on federal court filings regarding the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center in Virginia. Those court filings allege that children “as young as 14” were subjected to near-tortuous conditions, including being “locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.” It gets worse. Here’s one account, from a 15-year-old Honduran detainee:


It takes until paragraph 19 of the story to learn that the allegations of abuse began during the Obama administration:

The complaint filed by the nonprofit Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs recounts the story of an unnamed 17-year-old Mexican citizen apprehended at the southern border. The teen fled an abusive father and violence fueled by drug cartels to seek asylum in the United States in 2015. After stops at facilities in Texas and New York, he was transferred to Shenandoah in April 2016 and diagnosed during an initial screening by a psychologist with three mental disorders, including depression.

You are seriously comparing a single case to over 2,000 stolen children....REALLY?
Pulled my posts from another thread..
Seems folks should be critical of Mexicos failure to protect refugees and illegal minors. Human Rights Watch seems to think so.
Mexico is detaining and deporting at the same levels as the U.S.

Children held in prison like conditions.
Waits to 6 months to hear of refugee status with no legal representation.
Lack of access to Healthcare.
Lack of proper screening to determine refugee status.

Closed Doors | Mexico’s Failure to Protect Central American Refugee and Migrant Children
HRW also states that Mexico has a right to enforce its border including unaccompanied children.

So does the United States.

Imagine how the Guatemalans must feel being treated as subhuman by their racist Mexican hosts.
Detained in what they describe as " concentration camps " in the state of Chiapas. Off limits to outsiders, and locals who help them are in danger. In Mexico they are considered the new wetbacks. Living in camps described as subhuman.
Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico
Mexico should be providing help for refugees, yet abuse, slavery and rape welcomes them in Mexico. Reports of xenophobic behavior in Mexico.
Where is the outrage?
Mexico: Still Not Safe for Refugees and Migrants

Yet liberals jump with glee when Mexico has the gall to criticize America.

The rag Time should focus on real journalism instead of soundbites and demonization.
trump....the 21st century adolph Hitler....the world knows a Dictator Wannabe when they see one....
trump....the 21st century adolph Hitler....the world knows a Dictator Wannabe when they see one....

Not only do you need a case of Prep H, you need to seek psychological help ASAP. You are nuttier than squirrel shit! :p

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