Time for blacks to stand on their own two feet.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Blacks in america go back to it's earliest days, under of course well-known unfortunate historical circumstances. Although frequently not exactly bubbling over with patriotism, they are authentic americans.

Starting back in the civil war, whites, overwhelmingly those who had nothing to do with slavery or its consequences, made big efforts on their behalf - hundreds of thousands of white men died in the liberation of the slaves, in 1865 - 146 years ago.

Yes, after that there was jim crow etc. But it's been almost half a century since the civil rights act of 1964. The voting rights act, now a historical anachronism, keeps getting renewed inspite of the fact that there isn't the slightest shred of the abuses for which was it was originally passed - blacks hold thousands and thousands of political offices in the south.

Blacks have benefitted enormously from "affirmative action" - for decades now, establishment entities have "bumped" more qualified whites, espcecially of course white males, in favor of blacks, for jobs, university spots, government contracts, etc.

Zealous federal courts using novel intepretations of the voting rights act have actually gone so far as to racially gerrymander congressional districts in the south so a black can get elected.

Pee See police yank mark twain books off school library shelves because his fictional characters in the south use the word "******" as was common at the time - they want to protect the sensitive ears of black kids who themselves use the word all the time.

The lib media has been fascinated/obsessed with blacks, or more precisely black males for decades now. (Black women are eg rarely given leading roles in Hollywood, and such as they get are highly sterotypical.) At the same time the lib media portrays white men as stupid, effeminate, unfashionable, insane, criminal asexual losers, they endlessly portray black men as sexual superstuds, hyper masculine, smart, hip, fashionable - and of course, they relentlessly pair them off with white women. The result is you have to be an incredible loser if you are a black guy and can't get all the white pussy you want. Further, the lib media almost always follows the rule that other than convicted criminals, blacks can never be criticized for anything nor potrayed negatively.

We've even elected elected a black president.

Most of this has been arranged by the white liberal establishment. They appear to be trying to expiate some sort of white guilt they have. They also throw ten thousand race cards a day to intimidate others and perpetuate the black status of priviliege, because it is very useful to them politically. But note that they are careful not to harm themselves or their own families - eg the arrogant university faculty member serving on the admissions committee who engages in straight-forward racist anti-white discrimination every spring during the admissions process wouldn't on your life agree to give up his tenured position in favor of a black female professor.

It's time for all this farce to end. Blacks, as I said, are authentic americans. They deserve just what everyone else does, nothing less and nothing more. They are not entitled to a free ride any more, a guarantee of a rigged "success", but to succeed or fail on their own merits.
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Poor Patrick..

Another downtrodden white man

Would you like a shoulder to cry on?
Gawdam write! Them freakin blak peeple are just f*ckin lazy..yu know..I ain't got no use fer 'em...yu know...thay won't werk...when I had my job down at the Walmart we had two blak peeple there...shhiiiiiuut...we use to sit and watch em do nuthun all day.
Got me fired fer it.


  • $redneck-randall.jpg
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You white people are getting just a fraction of the "equality" that blacks experienced in American since well before 1776 and it is only going to get worse for you. I'm embarrassed by how whiny you white folks are. Would Davy Crockett whine like a little bitch? Would Robert E. Lee? Today's modern white Americans are a shell of their former selves, you are an embarrassment to your ancestors.
Remember a ****** will always be just a ******, nothing more
Let's see -- have we got all the predictable yelping and barking by the white uncle tom chorus out of the way now? :D If so, anyone want to actually debate the issue? :rolleyes:
You white people are getting just a fraction of the "equality" that blacks experienced in American since well before 1776 and it is only going to get worse for you. I'm embarrassed by how whiny you white folks are. Would Davy Crockett whine like a little bitch? Would Robert E. Lee? Today's modern white Americans are a shell of their former selves, you are an embarrassment to your ancestors.

Standing up for one's rights, and to enjoy equality under the law is certainly not "whining". On the contrary, if white men tolerate any more of the nonsense that prevails they could rightly be called cowards.

You are also self-cintradictory in a short paragraph. You accuse "whining" and at the same time say it's going to get worse for us.

But I actually agree with you that at least many whites are a shell of their former selves - with nothing more substantial than the race card, they are intimidated to go along with the parallel universe of 'affirmative action', allow themselves to be relentlessly defamed in the media and schools, and just crawl under a rock while the country they founded, built, and defended in wartime is slowly stolen from under their feet,
Let's see -- have we got all the predictable yelping and barking by the white uncle tom chorus out of the way now? :D If so, anyone want to actually debate the issue? :rolleyes:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-I-3ISQK1E&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Dixie Land - YouTube[/ame]

Really, only one brainfart allowed from you per thread! :D There's a good boy. :lol:
Poor Patrick

Downtrodden by equal rights, pushed aside by affirmative action. Angry white man blaming blacks for his lowly standing in society

Some things never change
Poor Patrick

Downtrodden by equal rights, pushed aside by affirmative action. Angry white man blaming blacks for his lowly standing in society

Some things never change

DONE now, uncle tom? That's the same post not only hundreds of times in other threads, but twice in this thread. We all know your uncle tom trained seal act word for word - enough boy. :lol:
Poor Patrick

Downtrodden by equal rights, pushed aside by affirmative action. Angry white man blaming blacks for his lowly standing in society

Some things never change

DONE now, uncle tom? That's the same post not only hundreds of times in other threads, but twice in this thread. We all know your uncle tom trained seal act word for word - enough boy. :lol:

What's the matter Patrick?

Still steamed over black men stealing your wimmin?

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You white people are getting just a fraction of the "equality" that blacks experienced in American since well before 1776 and it is only going to get worse for you. I'm embarrassed by how whiny you white folks are. Would Davy Crockett whine like a little bitch? Would Robert E. Lee? Today's modern white Americans are a shell of their former selves, you are an embarrassment to your ancestors.

Standing up for one's rights, and to enjoy equality under the law is certainly not "whining". On the contrary, if white men tolerate any more of the nonsense that prevails they could rightly be called cowards.

You are also self-cintradictory in a short paragraph. You accuse "whining" and at the same time say it's going to get worse for us.

But I actually agree with you that at least many whites are a shell of their former selves - with nothing more substantial than the race card, they are intimidated to go along with the parallel universe of 'affirmative action', allow themselves to be relentlessly defamed in the media and schools, and just crawl under a rock while the country they founded, built, and defended in wartime is slowly stolen from under their feet,

But according to Glenn Beck and David Barton some of the founding fathers were black.
Poor Patrick

Downtrodden by equal rights, pushed aside by affirmative action. Angry white man blaming blacks for his lowly standing in society

Some things never change

DONE now, uncle tom? That's the same post not only hundreds of times in other threads, but twice in this thread. We all know your uncle tom trained seal act word for word - enough boy. :lol:

What's the matter Patrick?

Still steamed over black men stealing your wimmin?

Actually, you're such a pussy I'm guessing it's YOU that it's happened to. :rofl:
You white people are getting just a fraction of the "equality" that blacks experienced in American since well before 1776 and it is only going to get worse for you. I'm embarrassed by how whiny you white folks are. Would Davy Crockett whine like a little bitch? Would Robert E. Lee? Today's modern white Americans are a shell of their former selves, you are an embarrassment to your ancestors.
whites are slow to anger unlike the black animal that relies only on instinct and compulsion...we are waking up and even the liberal whites are starting to see the true nature of the filthy vile animal that is the black man!!you say it is going to get worse for us!!let me ask you a hypothetical question rape ape..if Hitler went after ******* instead of jews and the allied powers did not try to stop him...do you doubt that one small country would have wiped out every ****** on that side of the globe???just one little country could have made every ****** on the African continent good!!we can exterminate the black disease infecting this world any time we want!!so keep up the riots and monkey shines!!!:eusa_angel:
Yeah, we white folks sure do have our problems.

We sure do - Like Frank Ricci - spent $1000 for study materials, studied 8-13 hours a day to get promoted in the New Haven fire department, took the test and scored very high, but had the door slammed in his face - he "failed" to have the right skin color - black.

No problem, he got it fixed by spending the next six years of his life appealing it up through the federal court system.

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