Time for a little truth on regretting Trump.

Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.
Overheard in a Manhattan restaurant: "Of course those rustbelt people voted for Trump! Have you seen the way those people dress?!"
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.

You voted for Bill Clinton twice, voted for Obama twice...but picked a total disgrace and a clown of a man that is Trump over what would be a de facto Bill and Obama's third term?

Square that bizzare peg for me. Because for now I peg you for an idiot.

One of the best explanations I've heard was this. Trumps opponents took him literally, but not seriously. Trump supporters took him seriously but not literally.

Hillary would not have been Obama's third term. That analogy or hope was at best wishful thinking, and almost certainly bordering on delusional.

Let's be honest. Hillary was the worst candidate that the Democratic Party could have run. It utterly ignored history. In 2014 the party tried to maintain the Senate with "war on women" and it failed. Truthfully it was never intended to be the entire national campaign, but merely a placeholder until they could get a Republican "Real Rape" quote like they had in 2012.

Yet those of us who had issues with Hillary and her record were denounced as sexists, racists, or homophobic. My issues are on record, and all of them have to do with judgement and actions.

I believe we have some fine candidates in the pipeline. I've written before about Kirsten Gillibrand if you are looking at women political figures. Hillary was not one of those fine candidates.

While we are being honest, let's look at positive ratings. Yes, Trump was barely more favorable than Herpes. However Hillary was not much more favorable.

I've said this before, and I still believe it. Yes it is possible that Trump will bumble us into a war or major problem due to inexperience. The problem is that Hillary could do the same thing trying to be clever. As I wrote in the OP, Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off.

Examples abound of this ineptitude. Hillary always has grand plans like Kaiser Wilhelm II. And much like the Kaiser the plans always blow up in her face.

One example. Hillary was Sec State and while she was the Passport form was changed to Parent 1 and 2 to reflect the reality of children with same sex parents. Hillary wrote a furious email saying she was not going to defend this before Republicans in Congress. She wasn't going to defend something she supposedly believed in? I can defend my beliefs with ease. They are my beliefs. Hillary couldn't be bothered or she was afraid of being tied to the GLBT community.

Hillary Clinton’s Email About Gay Parents Should Seriously Trouble Her LGBT Supporters

Courage is not defined as running from your beliefs. Courage is defined as standing up for them. So instead of her record of action on an issue we have to accept that she really believes, but just couldn't be associated with those beliefs.

Hillary's core beliefs are this. She is in favor of winning. She is opposed to losing. Every other thing is negotiable.

Trump is right, free trade with unequal economies is disastrous for the stronger economy. You don't have trade, you have a exporting of jobs. This is evidenced by the results from NAFTA. Millions of lost jobs, jobs that exist in factories, but not here. That's why the traditional Democratic areas are called the Rustbelt.

Free trade with equal economies is the good thing. That is competition and both parties are improved.

Hillary is at best a hypocrite. At worst a conniver who would have done inestimable harm as President.

Now stop looking back and figure out how to win in 2018 and 2020.
You keep babbling something about no government involvement. That's called anarchy. .
LOL, Further demonstrations of the depths of your ignorance are unnecessary at this point, you've more than proven just how deep and broad it is.

Not only can you not read it's obvious that you cannot tell the difference between the absence of government economic interventionism (aka central planning) and anarchy, for your edification anarchy in the current context is the absence of government, the absence of government interventionism is what we out here in the real world recognize as voluntary exchange and free markets.

Here endth the lesson.

Now run along and join the rest of your kindergarten class for nap time.
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Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.
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