Time for a little truth on regretting Trump.

There is no "reasonable alternative" for Democrats. They will continue acting like petulant children. They will continue to move further left. Just look at them now, they fully embrace the barbaric ideology of Islam, which history and current events prove to be the most violent and oppressive ideology the planet has ever seen. There motives have been exposed now, they are the BLM thugs cheering the shootings of cops, they are the anarchists that suppress freedom of speech on college campuses, they are the communists that want to see the end of capitalism, they are the Islamists that want to implement Sharia Law and destroy the Constitution, they are the race-baiters that want to see white Christians eradicated.


Arguing that those fringe groups are the embodiment of all Democratic leaning moderates is nonsense. It is just as asinine as claiming that the KKK represent the mainstream of Republican thought.

But let's talk about those groups. Yesterday I posted a thread where a Chicago Cop was finally fired for an action in 2011. The action was where he shot up the car of the victim of a drive by shooting. The cop emptied his pistol into the car of the victim, wounding the victim, of a drive by shooting. It took nearly six full years to get the cop fired. No charged were brought, no criminal case was contemplated.

Now, place yourself in the shoes of the family, and friends of the victim. Your son is picking up a friend at the club. A car pulls up and shoots into your son's car. Your son looks around dazed, confused, and stunned. He looks at his friend, are you all right flashes back and forth as they check to see if they've been shot. The car is gone, a block and a half away. Then someone else starts shooting at your son's car. That someone is a cop.

Obviously the cop is wrong. So for five and a half years you watch as the authorities "investigate" the incident. You know if someone had shot at a cop they would have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in the electric chair. But nothing happens to the cop. He shot a car load of innocent victims. Nothing happens for years. It isn't that they don't have a suspect, they know who did it.

Incident after incident, action after action, event after event. All of them "regrettable" but a vast majority of them are ignored, or swept under the carpet. Wouldn't you have some residual anger towards the injustice of it all?

At the Ferguson Riots, the police were recorded snarling "bring it you fucking animals". At the Seattle Riots, a cop pepper sprayed a man walking by, just walking by talking on his cell phone. He wasn't doing anything, but got hosed down with pepper spray anyway. Neither cop got so much as a slap on the wrist.

I am not a supporter of police. I believe that the Law Enforcement ranks are desperately in need of serious reform. I believe the injustice is shameful, and disgraceful.

You denounce BLM with ease, but do you denounce the police when they are wrong? Law and Order are nice words, but to be properly applied they must be equally applied.

I did not say that represents "left leaning Democrats". I know many left leaning Democrats that are disgusted with the social unrest movements I listed. That's why they like Trump. The Democrat Party and their propaganda arm the MSM, have driven normal "left leaning" folks out. The Democrat Party has been high jacked by the Social Justice Warriors and are funded by the globalists. To be fair the neo-cons in the Republican Party are also funded by the globalists, but at least they aren't going along with the SJW bullshit. You can hope all you want for some "normal Democrat" to rise in the party. It won't happen. Too much money and too much investment already in their social unrest movements. They could care less about the blue-collar worker, all they care about is whether or not that blue-collar worker is a white Christian or not, and if so how much he used his "white privilege" to get that job. The progressives have prided themselves on being anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-capitalism. There has been a "white flight" out of the Democrat Party because of this. While the MSM focused on "uneducated whites", the truth is Trump won college educated whites, as well as white women.
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President..

I am not familiar with this idea that folks want to insert Hillary as President. Do you have a link for this?


3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020

Military coup has been suggested more than once.


I don't see anything about inserting Hillary

1. Wait for 2020 - umm DUH? that's not even controversial
2. Impeachment - that would put Pence, not Hillary in the office.
3. Vice president and high officers declare president unfit for duty, where again Pence steps into office.

So who are these "sore losers" you are talking about?
it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign.
...for example?
Like for example; direct intervention into the business decisions of private companies (government economic interventionism)
Like for example; complaining about NATO members not meeting their treaty obligations with respect to military spending and then having Pence sweet talking the EU into believing "nothing is going to change" or Trumps reversal on his position regarding the "One China" policy (the disconnect between stated objectives and what's actually being practiced).
it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign.
...for example?
Like for example; direct intervention into the business decisions of private companies (government economic interventionism)
Like for example; complaining about NATO members not meeting their treaty obligations with respect to military spending and then having Pence sweet talking the EU into believing "nothing is going to change" or Trumps reversal on his position regarding the "One China" policy (the disconnect between stated objectives and what's actually being practiced).
I have no idea what the first point is all about. Fair trade policies to help businesses compete?

I didn't hear anyone say it was OK if NATO members don't pay their fair share, just the opposite in fact.

When did Trump reverse his position on China? What was his position before, do you know?
it's what he actually does that is and so far his economic interventionism and the disconnect between what he says his foreign policy objectives are and the way it's being practiced aren't a good sign.
...for example?
Like for example; direct intervention into the business decisions of private companies (government economic interventionism)
Like for example; complaining about NATO members not meeting their treaty obligations with respect to military spending and then having Pence sweet talking the EU into believing "nothing is going to change" or Trumps reversal on his position regarding the "One China" policy (the disconnect between stated objectives and what's actually being practiced).
I have no idea what the first point is all about. Fair trade policies to help businesses compete?
Sorry you don't understand the concept of free markets and why it's antithetical to the principles underpinning them for government officials to be directly interfering in the decisions of private enterprise using coercion. The practice is also known as central planning and it's the underlying cause for most of the structural problems that our economy is facing, more of the same isn't going to fix those problems it's only going to exacerbate them.

I didn't hear anyone say it was OK if NATO members don't pay their fair share, just the opposite in fact.

When did Trump reverse his position on China? What was his position before, do you know?
Apparently you need to pay more attention to what Trumps people are doing and saying and how it squares with what the President has stated regarding his foreign policy objectives; Pence is over reassuring the EU right now that our commitment to NATO remains unchanged and Trump has reversed his previous stance on the question of altering U.S. policy towards Taiwan (he's back to the status quo of the existing "One China" policy).

The disconnect between the two is causing not only confusion among U.S. allies it's creating a trust gap among the chattering classes and the common folk.
Sorry you don't understand the concept of free markets and why it's antithetical to the principles underpinning them for government officials to be directly interfering in the decisions of private enterprise using coercion. The practice is also known as central planning and it's the underlying cause for most of the structural problems that our economy is facing, more of the same isn't going to fix those problems it's only going to exacerbate them.

Apparently you need to pay more attention to what Trumps people are doing and saying and how it squares with what the President has stated regarding his foreign policy objectives; Pence is over reassuring the EU right now that our commitment to NATO remains unchanged and Trump has reversed his previous stance on the question of altering U.S. policy towards Taiwan (he's back to the status quo of the existing "One China" policy).

The disconnect between the two is causing not only confusion among U.S. allies it's creating a trust gap among the chattering classes and the common folk.
A trade imbalance isn't the definition of a free market so you can stuff your condescension right back where it came from.

If you can't back up your comments fine, but repeating them and blaming others for failing to agree is beyond stupid.
A trade imbalance isn't the definition of a free market so you can stuff your condescension right back where it came from.

If you can't back up your comments fine, but repeating them and blaming others for failing to agree is beyond stupid.

Lol @ weasel

free market is not defined by trade balances. You can buy more than you sell or you can sell more than you buy from any given country, nothing to do with how free your market is.

Good job on earning all the the condescension you get.
Sorry you don't understand the concept of free markets and why it's antithetical to the principles underpinning them for government officials to be directly interfering in the decisions of private enterprise using coercion. The practice is also known as central planning and it's the underlying cause for most of the structural problems that our economy is facing, more of the same isn't going to fix those problems it's only going to exacerbate them.

Apparently you need to pay more attention to what Trumps people are doing and saying and how it squares with what the President has stated regarding his foreign policy objectives; Pence is over reassuring the EU right now that our commitment to NATO remains unchanged and Trump has reversed his previous stance on the question of altering U.S. policy towards Taiwan (he's back to the status quo of the existing "One China" policy).

The disconnect between the two is causing not only confusion among U.S. allies it's creating a trust gap among the chattering classes and the common folk.
A trade imbalance isn't the definition of a free market so you can stuff your condescension right back where it came from.
WTF does a trade imbalance have to do with threatening and cajoling American Businesses from the Oval Office? We wouldn't have to worry about them if the government would get its grubby mitts off the internals of the domestic economy which is something Trump says he wants to work towards yet at the same time he's doing the exact opposite with respect to his direct interference in the decisions of U.S. private enterprise.

If you can't back up your comments fine, but repeating them and blaming others for failing to agree is beyond stupid.
I really don't give a damn what you "agree" with or what you think I'm "blaming others for", you can continue to ignore what's really going on in the hopes that it will just go away or you can pay attention to something other than what your internal partisan biases dictate and start practicing some objective analysis, doesn't matter to me which path you choose.
Are you disgusted with the racist, hate-filled, misogynistic, bigot who is currently the President of the United States!? Well, so are we, and we want to help empower people to speak out against his hateful actions. Join the movement!

Check out our site here-
Eliminate Hate

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Awww. You don't sell Pussy Hats. I'm disappointed. I wanted to buy one for my wife, for some role play.
Are you disgusted with the racist, hate-filled, misogynistic, bigot who is currently the President of the United States!? Well, so are we, and we want to help empower people to speak out against his hateful actions. Join the movement!

Check out our site here-
Eliminate Hate

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Awww. You don't sell Pussy Hats. I'm disappointed. I wanted to buy one for my wife, for some role play.

You have to buy her a pussy hat because she won't let you grab the real one?
How can you regret a president after a month? It even took Bill Clinton about a year to start molesting interns and it took Obama some time to create the laughable "cash for clunkers" mess and lie to us about "weaning America off fossil fuel" while the rest of the world was gobbling it up and getting rich. The trouble with lefties is that they want to hear propaganda rather than action. Bill Clinton told us that Saddam was developing WMD's and then forgot about it. Obama listed the jihadist countries that were a threat to the U.S. and then forgot about it.
WTF does a trade imbalance have to do with threatening and cajoling American Businesses from the Oval Office? We wouldn't have to worry about them if the government would get its grubby mitts off the internals of the domestic economy which is something Trump says he wants to work towards yet at the same time he's doing the exact opposite with respect to his direct interference in the decisions of U.S. private enterprise.

I really don't give a damn what you "agree" with or what you think I'm "blaming others for", you can continue to ignore what's really going on in the hopes that it will just go away or you can pay attention to something other than what your internal partisan biases dictate and start practicing some objective analysis, doesn't matter to me which path you choose.
Sorry it bothers you so much but it's high time we have a president that understands that business is the engine of the economy. I can't imagine why pro-business comments or policies bothers you so. International trade isn't free trade if it's lopsided. US business can't negotiate against export tariffs or duties.

You're the one out of control emotionally, not me.
A trade imbalance isn't the definition of a free market so you can stuff your condescension right back where it came from.

If you can't back up your comments fine, but repeating them and blaming others for failing to agree is beyond stupid.

Lol @ weasel

free market is not defined by trade balances. You can buy more than you sell or you can sell more than you buy from any given country, nothing to do with how free your market is.

Good job on earning all the the condescension you get.
Good job of puking on yourself. You enjoy it. It isn't much of a free market if they tax the shit out of our goods but we let theirs waltz right on in. There's nothing that says a free market economy can't have balance international trade policies from our government.

You deserve all the ridicule and derision you get, Mr. Swingandamiss.
WTF does a trade imbalance have to do with threatening and cajoling American Businesses from the Oval Office? We wouldn't have to worry about them if the government would get its grubby mitts off the internals of the domestic economy which is something Trump says he wants to work towards yet at the same time he's doing the exact opposite with respect to his direct interference in the decisions of U.S. private enterprise.

I really don't give a damn what you "agree" with or what you think I'm "blaming others for", you can continue to ignore what's really going on in the hopes that it will just go away or you can pay attention to something other than what your internal partisan biases dictate and start practicing some objective analysis, doesn't matter to me which path you choose.
Sorry it bothers you so much but it's high time we have a president that understands that business is the engine of the economy. I can't imagine why pro-business comments or policies bothers you so. International trade isn't free trade if it's lopsided. US business can't negotiate against export tariffs or duties.

You're the one out of control emotionally, not me.

ROFLWTIME! you think government interventionism equates to "pro-business" policies, congratulations Mr. Castro you win the gold medal for the Special Olympics of Economic Illiteracy. :eusa_clap:

Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President.

First let's be honest. For those of us who voted for Trump including myself who voted Democrat in every election before now there is not going to be that sense of regret. Not the way you imagine it. I am never going to read the news and wish I had voted for Hillary.

I think we will end the first term and find that Trump was mediocre at best. I have said more than once that I hope the Democrats learn and run a less polarizing candidate in 2020. From what I'm reading, that just isn't going to happen.

You may have loved Hillary, you may have thought she was the best candidate since George Washington. The problem is that people in most states didn't think so. Petulant snorts and derision towards those people aren't going to change their minds.

I'm not thrilled with Trump. I've already taken issue with the decision to end compliance actions against police departments. I disagree with his contention that torture is a good way to get information. I believe Extraordinary Rendition is a crime.

All that is on the record. Yet I don't regret my vote. The reason is that I am certain that Hillary would be worse. That is what you are trying to overcome in your demands that the voters shift to regretting their choice.

Hillary was ineptly corrupt. From her first national action of the Bimbo Eruptions during Bill's 1992 campaign to the campaign in 2016 Hillary has a long record of screwing things up. That is why I say ineptly corrupt.

Travel Office Firings, lost documents that were discovered in closets years later. It goes on and on. Hillary was always that inch short of clever enough to pull it off. There is literally nothing that Trump could do that would make me wish we had Hillary as President.

If you want Trump to be a two term President, then just keep on with the insanity. If you want him checked in 2018 and out in 2020 then there is a way, but this isn't it.

Now knock off the insanity and start thinking. Give us a real choice and a reasonable alternative and I'll be back to voting Democrat in no time.

To give you an analogy of where the Democratic Party is now I have to go to history. In the days of steam driven ships there were safety valves that opened before the boilers exploded. You could exceed the maximum speed by increasing the pressure in the system but the safety valves would open to protect the system. If it was an emergency you could lash the safety valves closed and get more speed at the risk of blowing up the boilers. Right now the Democratic Party has lashed down the safety valves and is full speed ahead insane. You might get that extra little bit you think you need but it is more likely that the entire thing will explode.

You voted for Bill Clinton twice, voted for Obama twice...but picked a total disgrace and a clown of a man that is Trump over what would be a de facto Bill and Obama's third term?

Square that bizzare peg for me. Because for now I peg you for an idiot.

Ah yes, The Democrat "Hearts and minds" outreach at its very finest! :badgrin:

The lunatic fringe left has hijacked the Democratic party. As per the OP, I think the boiler is going to explode.
WTF does a trade imbalance have to do with threatening and cajoling American Businesses from the Oval Office? We wouldn't have to worry about them if the government would get its grubby mitts off the internals of the domestic economy which is something Trump says he wants to work towards yet at the same time he's doing the exact opposite with respect to his direct interference in the decisions of U.S. private enterprise.

I really don't give a damn what you "agree" with or what you think I'm "blaming others for", you can continue to ignore what's really going on in the hopes that it will just go away or you can pay attention to something other than what your internal partisan biases dictate and start practicing some objective analysis, doesn't matter to me which path you choose.
Sorry it bothers you so much but it's high time we have a president that understands that business is the engine of the economy. I can't imagine why pro-business comments or policies bothers you so. International trade isn't free trade if it's lopsided. US business can't negotiate against export tariffs or duties.

You're the one out of control emotionally, not me.

ROFLWTIME! you think government interventionism equates to "pro-business" policies, congratulations Mr. Castro you win the gold medal for the Special Olympics of Economic Illiteracy. :eusa_clap:

What an asshole. I'm not an anarchist. Capitalism can only with with defined rules and you can't respond with anything but more insults.
WTF does a trade imbalance have to do with threatening and cajoling American Businesses from the Oval Office? We wouldn't have to worry about them if the government would get its grubby mitts off the internals of the domestic economy which is something Trump says he wants to work towards yet at the same time he's doing the exact opposite with respect to his direct interference in the decisions of U.S. private enterprise.

I really don't give a damn what you "agree" with or what you think I'm "blaming others for", you can continue to ignore what's really going on in the hopes that it will just go away or you can pay attention to something other than what your internal partisan biases dictate and start practicing some objective analysis, doesn't matter to me which path you choose.
Sorry it bothers you so much but it's high time we have a president that understands that business is the engine of the economy. I can't imagine why pro-business comments or policies bothers you so. International trade isn't free trade if it's lopsided. US business can't negotiate against export tariffs or duties.

You're the one out of control emotionally, not me.

ROFLWTIME! you think government interventionism equates to "pro-business" policies, congratulations Mr. Castro you win the gold medal for the Special Olympics of Economic Illiteracy. :eusa_clap:

What an asshole. I'm not an anarchist.
Yeah I know you're not an anarchist which is why I never accused you of being one, you've demonstrated that you're not capable of the objectivity and perception required to understand the nuance of anarchism.

Capitalism can only with with defined rules and you can't respond with anything but more insults.
LOL, speaking of out of control emotionally, would you like a napkin to wipe all that foam off your mouth?

... now you may continue on your journey to the corner so you can pout and stamp your feet unabated by intrusion from reality.
Every day there are a handful of threads demanding that the people who voted denounce their vote for Trump. The internet is awash in articles as well. Sore losers come up with insane and unconstitutional plans to remove Trump and insert Hillary as President..

I am not familiar with this idea that folks want to insert Hillary as President. Do you have a link for this?


3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020

Military coup has been suggested more than once.


I don't see anything about inserting Hillary

1. Wait for 2020 - umm DUH? that's not even controversial
2. Impeachment - that would put Pence, not Hillary in the office.
3. Vice president and high officers declare president unfit for duty, where again Pence steps into office.

So who are these "sore losers" you are talking about?

Those calling for Trump to be groundlessly impeached have not thought it through as to the logical conclusion of what will happen.

All they know is: "We hate Trump because! Impeach him!"
Yeah I know you're not an anarchist which is why I never accused you of being one, you've demonstrated that you're not capable of the objectivity and perception required to understand the nuance of anarchism.

LOL, speaking of out of control emotionally, would you like a napkin to wipe all that foam off your mouth?

... now you may continue on your journey to the corner so you can pout and stamp your feet unabated by intrusion from reality.
You keep babbling something about no government involvement. That's called anarchy. Capitalism can't function without a stable marketplace, otherwise we're in a Mad Max movie. There's nothing about free trade that says it can't have fair international terms.

The asshole child here is you. Projection is the fodder of losers.

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