Throwing around some ideas for Politicians to consider


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
We obviously do not want to remove jobs by removing business owners who came here illegally and at the same time we want to make sure we are gathering taxes from these businessmen and their employees who might be doing business under the table to avoid deportation.
Consider allowing illegal immigrant business owners who have existed at least a certain amount of years with a certain amount of employees (5 years 5 employees minimum?) to register and become citizens, however they can be fined a small amount and have a spread out yearly tax recoup for taxes owed if any. That collected owed tax and fine used for portions towards border patrol, drones, and wall. It will be a small amount collected in comparison to full costs, so this is not a solution to Mexico paying for the wall, but it's one of many ways to help finance the expenses. Let's face it, we are gonna look the other way with the settled business owners anyway, so we might as well make them registered and tax paying citizens and get them to contribute in restitutions to make repentance.
We obviously do not want to remove jobs by removing business owners who came here illegally and at the same time we want to make sure we are gathering taxes from these businessmen and their employees who might be doing business under the table to avoid deportation.
Consider allowing illegal immigrant business owners who have existed at least a certain amount of years with a certain amount of employees (5 years 5 employees minimum?) to register and become citizens, however they can be fined a small amount and have a spread out yearly tax recoup for taxes owed if any. That collected owed tax and fine used for portions towards border patrol, drones, and wall. It will be a small amount collected in comparison to full costs, so this is not a solution to Mexico paying for the wall, but it's one of many ways to help finance the expenses. Let's face it, we are gonna look the other way with the settled business owners anyway, so we might as well make them registered and tax paying citizens and get them to contribute in restitutions to make repentance.
If they are here and not legal they need to be deported. This is a law, of equal protection under the law. If you don't enforce the law equally then the law is void and should not be enforced. Progressive want a two tiered law for the poor vs the rich. This is what it is.
Yes that's the Law, but we won't be enforcing deporting every single one of the illegals from any and all countries, we will and are picking our battles starting with criminal elements.
Contributers are the most likely candidates to make legit and it inspires that drive to contribute and create businesses and jobs in order to qualify.

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