Three Dog Fight


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I think that is what you are looking at in New Hampshire. Its going to be the end of the trail for Bush and a few others. On the GOP side it will be Trump, Cruz and Rubio in some order but the others are going home.The Bush Dynasty will end in New Hampshire along with Christie and Kasish. There is simply not going to be room for more then three going into South Carolina.

On the DNC side its Bernie's backyard and Hillary is 20 points PLUS behind. If she comes in anywhere close to 20 behind her "driving force" is GONE. She IS going to lose but if its by say 10 she can walk into South Carolina but if its 20? that is bad news all around.

I think New Hampshire will punish Cruz for Iowa setting the stage for a Trump/Rubio/Cruz finish. And if Hillary runs a dirty ad in New Hampshire?
It WILL hurt so she needs to clean up her act there and quick.

If Hillary goes into South Carolina MORE then 20 down? Bloomberg will announce and finish her. Could be dirty politics, could be MORE emails or it could be charges. But more then 20 she is toast. I going to "borrow" something from Damaged Eagle here.....

santorum packed it in today

but the idea that all but 3 drop after 2 states?

that's ignorant

anyone that finished in the top 5 should keep going until spring.
bush will stay to the bitter end, he's the inside man, so they will make him keep running
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santorum packed it in today

but the idea that all but 3 drop after 2 states?

that's ignorant

anyone that finished in the top 5 should keep going until spring.
bush will stay to the bitter end, he's the inside man, so they will make him keep running
That leaves a total of five in the race and that is the historic average. Bush calls it and takes a Senate shot in the off year.
santorum packed it in today

but the idea that all but 3 drop after 2 states?

that's ignorant

anyone that finished in the top 5 should keep going until spring.
bush will stay to the bitter end, he's the inside man, so they will make him keep running
That leaves a total of five in the race and that is the historic average. Bush calls it and takes a Senate shot in the off year.
Bush will be there, at the end.

Trump hates losing and if he doesn't win will fold like a popped windbag
Bloomberg gets nowhere near the contest. Clinton wins SC, puts Bernie away on 3/1.
the fix is in for clinton

no one wins 6 coins tosses in a row, no one

Yeah, I think other candidtes should drop out now.
dems are running 3 last I heard, so everyone but bern should drop out as they have no chance of beating the system
No O'Malley quit yesterday.
samtorum is done as well, just saw it on FB
Bloomberg gets nowhere near the contest. Clinton wins SC, puts Bernie away on 3/1.
the fix is in for clinton

no one wins 6 coins tosses in a row, no one

Yeah, I think other candidtes should drop out now.
dems are running 3 last I heard, so everyone but bern should drop out as they have no chance of beating the system
No O'Malley quit yesterday.
samtorum is done as well, just saw it on FB
Its going to be three. Bush can drop and pick up a Senate seat and be ready again in four.
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Bloomberg gets nowhere near the contest. Clinton wins SC, puts Bernie away on 3/1.
the fix is in for clinton

no one wins 6 coins tosses in a row, no one

Yeah, I think other candidtes should drop out now.
dems are running 3 last I heard, so everyone but bern should drop out as they have no chance of beating the system

O'Malley's gone. Edit: Oh; already said.

I think that is what you are looking at in New Hampshire. Its going to be the end of the trail for Bush and a few others. On the GOP side it will be Trump, Cruz and Rubio in some order but the others are going home.The Bush Dynasty will end in New Hampshire along with Christie and Kasish. There is simply not going to be room for more then three going into South Carolina.

On the DNC side its Bernie's backyard and Hillary is 20 points PLUS behind. If she comes in anywhere close to 20 behind her "driving force" is GONE. She IS going to lose but if its by say 10 she can walk into South Carolina but if its 20? that is bad news all around.

I think New Hampshire will punish Cruz for Iowa setting the stage for a Trump/Rubio/Cruz finish. And if Hillary runs a dirty ad in New Hampshire?
It WILL hurt so she needs to clean up her act there and quick.

If Hillary goes into South Carolina MORE then 20 down? Bloomberg will announce and finish her. Could be dirty politics, could be MORE emails or it could be charges. But more then 20 she is toast. I going to "borrow" something from Damaged Eagle here.....


You're forgetting it's too late for new comers for the multi-state Mar 1 primary, 14 states including TX, not likely anyone could get the nomination of either party without being in those.

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