Thousands of ISIS fighters surrender in Syria


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
So much for their commitment to fight to the death and earn their spot in paradise and all those virgins - I guess getting their butts kicked changed their ideology / minds at the last minute.

Sad - in the BS storm of politics, especially due to the exposed coup attempt by the Left going on now for 2+ years, the annihilation of ISIS is not being reported and is all but going un-noticed / not mentioned.

End of ISIS in Syria - OOH-RAH!

End of terrorism? Hardly...but this is a welcome, hard-fought victory!

Thousands of ISIS troops surrender amid attack on final stronghold in Syria - CNN

This is, indeed, good news, for the vast majority of Westerners, who are not sympathetic to Militant Islam.

It would appear that our long-standing Syrian engagement policy is finally nearing a successful conclusion.

A policy - with variations - that spans three Presidencies.

To our own people (boots on the ground), to our participating allies, and our indigenous militia-partners...

Well done.
So much for their commitment to fight to the death and earn their spot in paradise and all those virgins - I guess getting their butts kicked changed their ideology / minds at the last minute.

Sad - in the BS storm of politics, especially due to the exposed coup attempt by the Left going on now for 2+ years, the annihilation of ISIS is not being reported and is all but going un-noticed / not mentioned.

End of ISIS in Syria - OOH-RAH!

End of terrorism? Hardly...but this is a welcome, hard-fought victory!

Thousands of ISIS troops surrender amid attack on final stronghold in Syria - CNN

No doubt the Democrat Party will mourn this for weeks, and the MSM will completely ignore it.
Okay, so they surrender.
To whom?
What happens to them?
Where will they go?
Who's going to be responsible for them?

Don't be too premature about celebrating. They are still Muslims dedicated to the tenets of their cult.
Not much of a victory for Americans to celebrate. .... :rolleyes-41:

The brutal dictator Assad was left in power.

Iran is now the de facto owner of Syria.

Russia kept its navy base is Syria and now a dominate power in the area.
i swear this group really should have paid more attention to 70s campy TV. at least then they'd know ISIS was a chic in skimpy outfits trying to convince zepher winds to make her fly.
Okay, so they surrender.
To whom?
What happens to them?
Where will they go?
Who's going to be responsible for them?

Don't be too premature about celebrating. They are still Muslims dedicated to the tenets of their cult.
---------------------------- exactly , they never should be allowed to leave the Battlefield ALIVE .
Okay, so they surrender.
To whom?
What happens to them?
Where will they go?
Who's going to be responsible for them?

Don't be too premature about celebrating. They are still Muslims dedicated to the tenets of their cult.

You make a good point - the ISIS Fighters will be detained...but for how long?

We already know from holding terrorists in Gitmo that their own countries do not want them back - no one does...and some bleeding -heart liberal will quickly begin moaning about how horrible it is to indefinitely detain terrorists who killed men, women, and children in the name of Allah in an attempt to either convert, enslave, or murder the entire world. They will demand they be released...or some politician will release them in an attempt to keep a campaign promise.

Eventually they will - as we also discovered with recaptured terrorists released from GITMO - return to the Jihadi battle fields.
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Not much of a victory for Americans to celebrate. .... :rolleyes-41:

The brutal dictator Assad was left in power.

Iran is now the de facto owner of Syria.

Russia kept its navy base is Syria and now a dominate power in the area.

You do realize that Russia, Turkey, and Iran are allies now.

And that this Alliance now puts the Ezekiel 38-39 Prophecy in play for when they come down against Israel and are utterly destroyed.

You realize that they are now on The Clock, right? So is Damascus which will be so utterly destroyed that no one will inhabit it after the prophecy is completed as spoken of in The Book of Isaiah, chapter 17.

Bible Gateway passage: Ezekiel 38-39 - King James Version

Bible Gateway passage: Isaiah 17 - New International Version
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