Thoughts on Great Society football.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
(Note: this could go in sports but it fits here as well.)

How do you like the “Great Society”? In order for the Great Society to work, it must be made to work. This is why the National Football League allowed itself to be commandeered by the socialist forces of Black Lives Matter. A huge audience is a huge audience and millions of eyes on an event are a ready-made soapbox on steroids. Whether or not the people agree with the Great Society is irrelevant to the power brokers. We have seen this throughout history going as far back as we can go. A plan is a plan, and the planners have no patience for those not on board with the plan.

If you are still watching football on Sundays and following a team you are as much of a prostitute of the plan as the knuckleheads that twiddled their thumbs and witnessed the corruption of our national presidential election process betraying the trust of honest voters for evermore. I confess I sometimes still watch, and I feel the same shame I would feel if I cheated on my wife. I know instinctively it is wrong and just because I am bored there is no excuse for me to lend my attention to people that deserve to be bankrupted.

Do Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, and Troy Aikman understand the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory? They are millionaires and they likely do not care. The same goes for all those beer companies and pickup truck manufacturers that advertise in front of those eyes. It is all about the money as usual.

It would be easy to generate anger against Colin Kaepernick, the face of BLM on the field. But he is just a tool that found a gig to replace a washed-up career. He was a mobile quarterback that could not stand in the pocket and complete passes. Unlike Fran Tarkington, the greatest mobile quarterback in football lore that could complete passes, Kaepernick now kneels for money. We know Kaepernick could not hold Tarkington’s jock strap on the best day of his life. Enough said on that.

Are you still watching Great Society football that is just as phony as the piped-in crowd noise on your TV speakers? I am trying really hard not to watch it. American football is a wonderful game, but it too has been destroyed by politics. It may be time to drop it like a bad habit.
I kind of pity the poor saps who are deeply emotionally invested in the current position of an oblong spheroid in a grass field hundreds of miles away. I have better things to do with my weekends.
I kind of pity the poor saps who are deeply emotionally invested in the current position of an oblong spheroid in a grass field hundreds of miles away. I have better things to do with my weekends.

I can see being interested in the outcome of the game. To me, if the Raiders are playing or if it's a really good match up in Tennis or EPL soccer, it's worth my time to look in on it while doing other things or watch the game the whole way through and see how the Raiders decide to lose at the very end of the game.

However, that's interesting enough. I don't have to invent political subtexts to complain about. "I think the Falcons secondary was a bit Kafkaesque in their treatment of Derek Carr this past Sunday". I should start a thread about it.

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