'Those Who Refuse To Learn From History, Who Reject History, Are Doomed To Repeat It'...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...OR 'Book Burners, Holocaust Deniers, ... and Confederate Flag / Statue Would-Be Destroyers, Oh My!'

In the wake of the carnage from this past weekend's violence, the call to destroy anything and everything referencing the 'Confederacy' has grown stronger than before this happened ... and those who seek to further divide this nation continue to use this issue to do so.

Here are some thoughts on the 'war' being waged over statues and flags....

1. Racism and hatred do not reside in statues and flags. Racism and hatred reside in the HEARTS and MINDS of individuals who seek to justify their acts of senseless violence, racism, and hatred by blaming a statue, flag, or anything else they claim 'offends them'.

2. A person claiming to be offended by something, like a statue or a flag, is NOT justification for them destroying or eliminating whatever it is they claim offends them.
- In this country Americans have many RIGHTS. The 'Right' NOT to be offended is NOT one of those Constitutional Rights. The 'RIGHT' to riot, loot, burn, destroy property, injure / kill people, and strip others of their ACTUAL Rights because of some perceived offense is NOT one of those ACTUAL Rights.

3. Do those who have hate in their hearts for those they claim have hate in their hearts really believe tearing down statues and burning flags is really going to change the past or change what is in someone else's heart?

4. Monuments honoring confederate soldiers are not 'memorials to slavery'.
- Statues honoring Robert E. Lee, for example, honor one of this nation's greatest generals. Robert E. Lee was the top of his class, a better leader, tactician, and general than others in his class, those like Sherman. The northern army tried to convince Lee to fight for them, but he would not. Lee did not fight for slavery - he fought for his home / home state of Virginia. Idiots, however, neither know that or care because 'Racism' is all they know and care about.

5. If the idiots who want to destroy any and all references to the Confederacy because those who fought in the Civil War represented nothing but SLAVERY (Yes, you idiots - EVERY Confederate soldier was a wealthy plantation owner who was protecting their right to own slaves :rolleyes:), then Americans should be calling for the destruction of the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Memorial, as both were slave owners.

6. (Follow-up to #5)...and it is never-ending...the American flag should immediately be destroyed because it flew over ships that carried slaves, flew over cavalries who slaughtered Native American men / women / children in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', flew over Japanese Internment camps, etc...

7. Americans (and others) have condemned Germany for at one time attempting to re-write the history books and eliminate any reference to the Holocaust...because it was a shameful time in their history....

....but what the idiots who sought / seek to do so do not understand is that 'Those who refuse to remember / learn from the past are doomed to repeat it'! Monuments and references to the Holocaust, to the Japanese internment camps, to the Trail of Tears, to the Civil War are not CELEBRATIONS of those horrific periods in our history but are there to serve as a reminder...a WARNING...to us and future generations of what can happen when we allow hatred and racism and greed, and evil to guide our hand...to remind us to NEVER allow such atrocities to happen again.

8. Are we really going to begin destroying / eliminating everything that might offend someone in this country, putting dire limits on our Constitutional Rights of Free Speech and Expression?

I whole-heartedly condemn the horrific UN-AMERICAN acts of this past weekend, because THIS is not who we are as a country or as Americans...but we are also not about giving in to the opposite side of that 'hate coin', not about 'Political Correctness' not about stripping Constitutional Rights, not about attempting to eliminate references to our past we do not like....that might offend someone.



We should be outraged...and we SHOULD remember...the lives of those taken from us by a horrific terrorist attack...so we will remain vigilant and never allow this to happen again.

More than anything, however, I wish Americans would remember how we all came together immediately after that attack...and reject the voices and influence of HATE that now seek to divide this nation and destroy her from within.

Councilman formally calls for Baltimore's Confederate monuments to be destroyed
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Those who don't learn from History are probably failing Math and English as well.
...OR 'Book Burners, Holocaust Deniers, ... and Confederate Flag / Statue Would-Be Destroyers, Oh My!'

In the wake of the carnage from this past weekend's violence, the call to destroy anything and everything referencing the 'Confederacy' has grown stronger than before this happened ... and those who seek to further divide this nation continue to use this issue to do so.

Here are some thoughts on the 'war' being waged over statues and flags....

1. Racism and hatred do not reside in statues and flags. Racism and hatred reside in the HEARTS and MINDS of individuals who seek to justify their acts of senseless violence, racism, and hatred by blaming a statue, flag, or anything else they claim 'offends them'.

2. A person claiming to be offended by something, like a statue or a flag, is NOT justification for them destroying or eliminating whatever it is they claim offends them.
- In this country Americans have many RIGHTS. The 'Right' NOT to be offended is NOT one of those Constitutional Rights. The 'RIGHT' to riot, loot, burn, destroy property, injure / kill people, and strip others of their ACTUAL Rights because of some perceived offense is NOT one of those ACTUAL Rights.

3. Do those who have hate in their hearts for those they claim have hate in their hearts really believe tearing down statues and burning flags is really going to change the past or change what is in someone else's heart?

4. Monuments honoring confederate soldiers are not 'memorials to slavery'.
- Statues honoring Robert E. Lee, for example, honor one of this nation's greatest generals. Robert E. Lee was the top of his class, a better leader, tactician, and general than others in his class, those like Sherman. The northern army tried to convince Lee to fight for them, but he would not. Lee did not fight for slavery - he fought for his home / home state of Virginia. Idiots, however, neither know that or care because 'Racism' is all they know and care about.

5. If the idiots who want to destroy any and all references to the Confederacy because those who fought in the Civil War represented nothing but SLAVERY (Yes, you idiots - EVERY Confederate soldier was a wealthy plantation owner who was protecting their right to own slaves :rolleyes:), then Americans should be calling for the destruction of the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Memorial, as both were slave owners.

6. (Follow-up to #5)...and it is never-ending...the American flag should immediately be destroyed because it flew over ships that carried slaves, flew over cavalries who slaughtered Native American men / women / children in the name of 'Manifest Destiny', flew over Japanese Internment camps, etc...

7. Americans (and others) have condemned Germany for at one time attempting to re-write the history books and eliminate any reference to the Holocaust...because it was a shameful time in their history....

....but what the idiots who sought / seek to do so do not understand is that 'Those who refuse to remember / learn from the past are doomed to repeat it'! Monuments and references to the Holocaust, to the Japanese internment camps, to the Trail of Tears, to the Civil War are not CELEBRATIONS of those horrific periods in our history but are there to serve as a reminder...a WARNING...to us and future generations of what can happen when we allow hatred and racism and greed, and evil to guide our hand...to remind us to NEVER allow such atrocities to happen again.

8. Are we really going to begin destroying / eliminating everything that might offend someone in this country, putting dire limits on our Constitutional Rights of Free Speech and Expression?

I whole-heartedly condemn the horrific UN-AMERICAN acts of this past weekend, because THIS is not who we are as a country or as Americans...but we are also not about giving in to the opposite side of that 'hate coin', not about 'Political Correctness' not about stripping Constitutional Rights, not about attempting to eliminate references to our past we do not like....that might offend someone.



We should be outraged...and we SHOULD remember...the lives of those taken from us by a horrific terrorist attack...so we will remain vigilant and never allow this to happen again.

More than anything, however, I wish Americans would remember how we all came together immediately after that attack...and reject the voices and influence of HATE that now seek to divide this nation and destroy her from within.

Councilman formally calls for Baltimore's Confederate monuments to be destroyed

Lee was not one of THIS nation's greatest generals. He was a general in the army of another country, remember?

1. Racism and hatred do not reside in statues and flags. Racism and hatred reside in the HEARTS and MINDS of individuals who seek to justify their acts of senseless violence, racism, and hatred by blaming a statue, flag, or anything else they claim 'offends them'.

So a mass protest by white supremacists and neo-Nazis over the proposed removal of a statute has nothing to do with racism and hatred?

lol, seriously?
Racism and hatred do not reside in statues and flags. Racism and hatred reside in the HEARTS and MINDS of individuals who seek to justify their acts of senseless violence, racism, and hatred by blaming a statue, flag, or anything else they claim 'offends them'.
So a mass protest by white supremacists and neo-Nazis over the proposed removal of a statute has nothing to do with racism and hatred?

You answered your own question, snowflake.

Because some white racist supremacist stages a protest for the preservation of a confederate statue because of HIS INTERPRETATION of what the statue means does not make the statue racist...and if you read my comment above - and have someone to explain if for you - you MIGHT understand that the racism here is IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS of the protestors, NOT in the statues themselves.

(Reading comprehension is NOT your strong-point...)
The Confederate States of America were not another nation, separate from the United States of America?
We were a nation divided, not two separate nations.

South Carolina was the 1st state to declare it had left the union...does that mean South Carolina was actually at that moment a separate nation?

Yeah, just as much as if I declared I and my property had just left the Union today and was my own separate nation!

And just like South Carolina, it would not be very long until the 'powers that be' used my head for a mop and my arse for a broom, helping me realize at no time was I actually my own separate nation.

The true history of the civil war, as it relates to the current topic, is that the South seceded to preserve white supremacy.
oh yea. that's why i put you on ignore.
You can't fix stupid....as he constantly reminds us.
looking at ignore a bit today and a couple of his posts made me go "why did i do that" and then this post came in to remind me.

this place is much nicer when you're not giving the idiots the time of day to encourage their idiocy.
The Confederate States of America were not another nation, separate from the United States of America?
We were a nation divided, not two separate nations.

South Carolina was the 1st state to declare it had left the union...does that mean South Carolina was actually at that moment a separate nation?

Yeah, just as much as if I declared I and my property had just left the Union today and was my own separate nation!

And just like South Carolina, it would not be very long until the 'powers that be' used my head for a mop and my arse for a broom, helping me realize at no time was I actually my own separate nation.


So you're arguing that the CSA could not have been a sovereign nation because secession was illegal?
The true history of the civil war, as it relates to the current topic, is that the South seceded to preserve white supremacy.
oh yea. that's why i put you on ignore.
You can't fix stupid....as he constantly reminds us.
looking at ignore a bit today and a couple of his posts made me go "why did i do that" and then this post came in to remind me.

this place is much nicer when you're not giving the idiots the time of day to encourage their idiocy.

The fears of the South over losing their white supremacy is a well documented FACT of the history of secession and the Civil War.
The fears of the South over losing their white supremacy is a well documented FACT of the history of secession and the Civil War.
Then you should have no problem posting links / evidence to back up your claim then.....

Morons like NYC actually believe that the South 'fought to keep their white supremacy' because owning blacks was what it was all about, owning slaves to wait on them hand and foot, to sever them Mint Juleps on the porch....

He has no clue of the economic significance, that slaves to work the plantation was the backbone of growing, harvesting, and providing the resources the North 's manufacturing depended on.

He has no clue that there were also WHITE slaves / indentured servants...

That not everyone who fought for the Confederacy owned slaves or even wanted to own slaves.
The fears of the South over losing their white supremacy is a well documented FACT of the history of secession and the Civil War.
Then you should have no problem posting links / evidence to back up your claim then.....

For starters you should read 'A History of the Southern Confederacy' by Clement Eaton, and for your 'links' you can research his footnotes. He covers the motivations for secession in gruesome detail.
View attachment 143574

Morons like NYC actually believe that the South 'fought to keep their white supremacy' because owning blacks was what it was all about, owning slaves to wait on them hand and foot, to sever them Mint Juleps on the porch....

He has no clue of the economic significance, that slaves to work the plantation was the backbone of growing, harvesting, and providing the resources the North 's manufacturing depended on.

He has no clue that there were also WHITE slaves / indentured servants...

That not everyone who fought for the Confederacy owned slaves or even wanted to own slaves.

Non slave owners and the poorer working class of the South were disproportionately opposed to secession.

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