Those fiscally responsible Democrats...

HAMADA, Japan — The Hamada Marine Bridge soars majestically over this small fishing harbor, so much larger than the squid boats anchored below that it seems out of place.

And it is not just the bridge. Two decades of generous public works spending have showered this city of 61,000 mostly graying residents with a highway, a four-lane bypass, a university, a prison, a children's art museum, the Sun Village Hamada sports center, a bright red welcome center, a ski resort and an aquarium featuring three ring-blowing beluga whales.

Nor is this remote port in western Japan unusual. Japan's rural areas have been paved over and filled in with roads, dams and other big infrastructure projects, the legacy of trillions of dollars spent to lift the economy from a severe downturn caused by the bursting of a real estate bubble in the late 1980s. During those nearly two decades, Japan accumulated the largest public debt in the developed world - totaling 180 percent of its $5.5 trillion economy - while failing to generate a convincing recovery.

Come now, you cannot spend your way out of a recession want to know why? the reason is simple, you have to have the money in order to do so. First, the US has little industrial base left and is a service based , import reliant economy. When your in debt, you have to BORROW money to spend it, the falacy is that these construction jobs are temporary jobs and do not create a long term tax structure that pays back the money borrowed in order to pay for them. John F. Kenndy knew this, Reagan knew this and yes even Bill Clinton knew this.
Most taxes are wealth redistribution to some extent.


"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Lady Thatcher.

Why would I care what Thatcher said?

Why would you care? You wouldn't. The statement shows up the shallowness of your wrong beliefs. But you won't correct them.

Why should you care? Because she is right and it is a good indication your beliefs are erroneous in the extreme.
Most of the deficit problems are built in problems caused by Republicans. Bush's tax cuts and the resultant loss of revenue, the Iraq war, the unfunded Medicare part D, not to mention interest on the debt accumulated mostly by Reagan and the Bushes.

I know, reality sucks.

It's a great game the Republicans have going. When a Republican is president, they run up the debt on their pet interests, and then each time a Democrat gets into the whitehouse the Republicans start hysterical handwringing about the deficit and the debt and put it on the Democrat to fix it. This of course, if successful, kills the Democrats chances of doing anything with Democratic interests.

Maybe the way for Democrats to break that cycle IS to say fuck it! we're going address our concerns, it's our turn, and when a Republican gets back into the whitehouse WE'LL be the ones crying fiscal responsibility and force the GOP to put its borrow and spend agenda for its own interests on hold.
Most of the deficit problems are built in problems caused by Republicans. Bush's tax cuts and the resultant loss of revenue, the Iraq war, the unfunded Medicare part D, not to mention interest on the debt accumulated mostly by Reagan and the Bushes.

I know, reality sucks.

It's a great game the Republicans have going. When a Republican is president, they run up the debt on their pet interests, and then each time a Democrat gets into the whitehouse the Republicans start hysterical handwringing about the deficit and the debt and put it on the Democrat to fix it. This of course, if successful, kills the Democrats chances of doing anything with Democratic interests.

Maybe the way for Democrats to break that cycle IS to say fuck it! we're going address our concerns, it's our turn, and when a Republican gets back into the whitehouse WE'LL be the ones crying fiscal responsibility and force the GOP to put its borrow and spend agenda for its own interests on hold.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol:

Obama's one year DEFICIT is equal to almost any 2 of Reagan's total budget!!



And we're going to lose our AAA Credit rating becuase of Obama and Pelosi


Um, that's not funny.

Yeah the Dems are too restrained, that's gotta be it :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

:lol::lol::cuckoo::lol::cuckoo::lol::cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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5th post
In fact, it is that simple.

People stoped for one reason or another buying things.

The truth is cash infusions from ANYWHERE help move us to a recovery from a recession.

You are right, it is simple. People stopped spending/buying things because they were losing their jobs. Increasing taxes on a business only causes that business to make cuts (employee layoffs). Less employees equals less tax revenue going into the govt. The govt does not earn can only take money. If there are less people paying into the system, there is less money period. In order for the govt to spend more, they need to take more. Unfortunately, with unemployment in double digits, the money is not there for the govt to take.
Obama continues to ignore these facts and push for more entitlement programs, ie "Free" healthcare, sweetheart deals for the unions and etc.
The last budget produced by congressional Republicans was in 2007. That year, the deficit was approximately $160 billion. I was disgusted with that., there is simply no reason to spend more than you take in year after year after year. NONE. But it is getting far worse thanks to the Democrat Congress.

The next year 2008, under the Pelosi-Reid Democratic Congress, the deficit shot up to $458 billion. The next year, in 2009, it was a mind-boggling $1.4 trillion.

In this new budget, of course, The Democrats and Obama propose to spend $1.6 trillion more than we have! The Democrats are on pace to triple the national debt by 2020. Nice work assholes!!


No amount of fairy dust, unicorn rides, and "Hopeychangey" feelings can hide these facts. These aren't just abstract numbers on a graph. This is grotesque government spending - and the tax increases that inevitably accompany such spending –will only kill jobs. That is precisely what we don't need right now.

November cannot come soon enough......

Bush left out the cost of both wars in his budgets and congress accepted it. Obama presented an "honest" budget and suddenly Republicans are screaming for his head.

Do Republicans prefer being lied to? Seems like it.
Most taxes are wealth redistribution to some extent.


"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." Lady Thatcher.

Why would I care what Thatcher said?
That is evidence that you refuse to acknowledge historical fact. Socialism has failed every time it has been tried...and the liberals want to try it again. This fact of life seems beyond your comprehension. You are part of the problem here.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. The poor bastards do not know that they are STUPID!

Most of the deficit problems are built in problems caused by Republicans. Bush's tax cuts and the resultant loss of revenue, the Iraq war, the unfunded Medicare part D, not to mention interest on the debt accumulated mostly by Reagan and the Bushes.

I know, reality sucks.

It's a great game the Republicans have going. When a Republican is president, they run up the debt on their pet interests, and then each time a Democrat gets into the whitehouse the Republicans start hysterical handwringing about the deficit and the debt and put it on the Democrat to fix it. This of course, if successful, kills the Democrats chances of doing anything with Democratic interests.

Maybe the way for Democrats to break that cycle IS to say fuck it! we're going address our concerns, it's our turn, and when a Republican gets back into the whitehouse WE'LL be the ones crying fiscal responsibility and force the GOP to put its borrow and spend agenda for its own interests on hold.

Deficit problems are caused by spending foolishly. Spending (foolishly or not) is controlled by Congress (when Presidential vetoes are not implemented). Congress has been controlled by mentally deranged Democrats ever since Nancy Pelosi took the seat of Speaker. The direct cause of our current deficit growth and drive toward heavier taxation (an economy growth killer) is the unfortunate reality that the Alpha Bitch Pelosi and the Alpha Prick Reid are in control of Congress.
Deficit problems are caused by spending foolishly. Spending (foolishly or not) is controlled by Congress (when Presidential vetoes are not implemented). Congress has been controlled by mentally deranged Democrats ever since Nancy Pelosi took the seat of Speaker. The direct cause of our current deficit growth and drive toward heavier taxation (an economy growth killer) is the unfortunate reality that the Alpha Bitch Pelosi and the Alpha Prick Reid are in control of Congress.

The Hastert-Frist Congress wasn't so innocent either.

Six years ago, "it was standard practice not to pay for things," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

The Washington Monthly
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The poor bastards do not know that they are STUPID!

Then tell the blacks and the women to thank the crazies they can vote.

Pelosi and Reid don't control congress.

The people who keep voting them in do.

If America is collapsing, it's because of the American people, who still have the ability to change it yet do nothing.
☭proletarian☭;2007794 said:
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The poor bastards do not know that they are STUPID!

Then tell the blacks and the women to thank the crazies they can vote.

Pelosi and Reid don't control congress.

The people who keep voting them in do.

If America is collapsing, it's because of the American people, who still have the ability to change it yet do nothing.

Today's Liberals have about as much in common with the liberals of yesteryear as todays Greens have in common with Collards or Mustards.
Then they're not liberals. Calling themselves such doesn't make them so any more than Lucifer is the Lord because he declares himself to be so.

Instead of spitting on the name of the ideals and ideology that this nation was founded upon, why don't you call those people out on their lies and stand up for true liberalism?
Because when I call them "communists" everyone jumps up and down and tells me I dont know what a communist is.
Arguing about labels is about as much a waste of time as anything. I'd prefer to bash their ideas and show them for the failures they have proven to be.
Because when I call them "communists" everyone jumps up and down and tells me I dont know what a communist is.

Because they're not and you don't.

Arguing about labels is about as much a waste of time as anything. I'd prefer to bash their ideas and show them for the failures they have proven to be.

But you don't. You attack liberals because of what statists Keynesians due.
No amount of fairy dust, unicorn rides, and "Hopeychangey" feelings can hide these facts. These aren't just abstract numbers on a graph. This is grotesque government spending - and the tax increases that inevitably accompany such spending –will only kill jobs. That is precisely what we don't need right now.

Utter nonsense.

Taxes don't kill jobs. Taxes fund spending and spending is what we need to end the Conservative Recession.

Minor problem. That spending COMES OUT OF YOUR POCKET IDIOT.
The last budget produced by congressional Republicans was in 2007. That year, the deficit was approximately $160 billion. I was disgusted with that., there is simply no reason to spend more than you take in year after year after year. NONE. But it is getting far worse thanks to the Democrat Congress.

The next year 2008, under the Pelosi-Reid Democratic Congress, the deficit shot up to $458 billion. The next year, in 2009, it was a mind-boggling $1.4 trillion.

In this new budget, of course, The Democrats and Obama propose to spend $1.6 trillion more than we have! The Democrats are on pace to triple the national debt by 2020. Nice work assholes!!


No amount of fairy dust, unicorn rides, and "Hopeychangey" feelings can hide these facts. These aren't just abstract numbers on a graph. This is grotesque government spending - and the tax increases that inevitably accompany such spending –will only kill jobs. That is precisely what we don't need right now.

November cannot come soon enough......

Bush left out the cost of both wars in his budgets and congress accepted it. Obama presented an "honest" budget and suddenly Republicans are screaming for his head.

Do Republicans prefer being lied to? Seems like it.
Congress controls spending, not the Executive. The budget numbers on my chart are ACTUAL, not projected.
The last budget produced by congressional Republicans was in 2007. That year, the deficit was approximately $160 billion. I was disgusted with that., there is simply no reason to spend more than you take in year after year after year. NONE. But it is getting far worse thanks to the Democrat Congress.

The next year 2008, under the Pelosi-Reid Democratic Congress, the deficit shot up to $458 billion. The next year, in 2009, it was a mind-boggling $1.4 trillion.

In this new budget, of course, The Democrats and Obama propose to spend $1.6 trillion more than we have! The Democrats are on pace to triple the national debt by 2020. Nice work assholes!!


No amount of fairy dust, unicorn rides, and "Hopeychangey" feelings can hide these facts. These aren't just abstract numbers on a graph. This is grotesque government spending - and the tax increases that inevitably accompany such spending –will only kill jobs. That is precisely what we don't need right now.

November cannot come soon enough......

Bush left out the cost of both wars in his budgets and congress accepted it. Obama presented an "honest" budget and suddenly Republicans are screaming for his head.

Do Republicans prefer being lied to? Seems like it.
Congress controls spending, not the Executive. The budget numbers on my chart are ACTUAL, not projected.

You've the actual budget numbers for 2020? :eusa_eh:
☭proletarian☭;2010786 said:
Bush left out the cost of both wars in his budgets and congress accepted it. Obama presented an "honest" budget and suddenly Republicans are screaming for his head.

Do Republicans prefer being lied to? Seems like it.
Congress controls spending, not the Executive. The budget numbers on my chart are ACTUAL, not projected.

You've the actual budget numbers for 2020? :eusa_eh:

The blue numbers are actual along with 2008 and 2009. The rest of the Orange numbers are projected budgets - they represent the new MINIMUM level of spending that tax and spend democrat Congress is proposing. History has shown that the US Government never spends less than the budget......
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